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G. Tahseen Ayeesha
House is a building that provides shelter, comfort, and protection. Different housing
situations vary for individuals and may depend on age, family and geography. It is a self-
contained unit of accommodation used by one or more households as a home.

In general ,it is the layout and development of residential unit in which people can live
in pleasant, peaceful and healthy surroundings with social, Cultural, and Recreational
facilities. It is a social unit planned on neighborhood and community principles.

In the past it was called as Human settlement which was defined as- all places in
which a group of people reside and pursue their life goals.
“Housing, or more generally living spaces, refers to the construction and assigned usage
of buildings collectively, for the purpose of sheltering people — the planning or
provision delivered by an authority, with related meanings”.

“in modern concept it includes the physical structure providing shelter, as well as the
immediate surroundings and the related community services and facilities”

Housing helps to ensure that members of society have a home in which to live,
whether this is a house, or some other kind of dwelling, lodging, or shelter. Many
governments have one or more housing authorities, sometimes also called a housing
ministry, or housing department.
Functions of housing:
 Goals Of Housing…..
 Shelter- climatic conditions and predators
 Family Life : Adequate space for family life and related activities – preparation of
food, meeting, sleeping etc.
 Access to community facilities : such as Health services, shopping area, school etc.
 Family participation in community life : family is a part of larger community.
 Economic Stability :House is a form of investment of personal savings.
 An area of ground on which a town, building, or monument
is constructed is called a site.
 Selection of site:
 be elevated from its surroundings
 have an independent access to a street of adequate width
 be away from breeding places of mosquito and flies
 be away from nuisances such as dust, smoke, smell, excessive noise, and traffic.
 be in pleasant surrounding
 Soil should be dry and safe for founding the structure and should be well drained.
 The sub-soil water should be below 10 feet
 Building plans are the set of drawings which consists of floor plan, site plan,
cross sections, elevations, electrical, plumbing and landscape drawings for the case
of construction at site. Drawings are the medium of passing the views and concepts
of an architect or designer into reality.
Considering the detailing and complexity of a project, different types of drawings are
issued by an architect for the easy understanding and smooth working of construction
process Some the types of drawing are discussed in depth below,
 Site Plan:
 Site plan is comprehensive detailed drawing of the building or apartment
representing whole plan of a building. It show property boundaries and means of
access to the site, and near by structures if they re relevant to the design.
 Its a first design that is made for any project before going into detailing process
Drawing up a site plan is a tool for deciding both the site layout and the size and
orientation of proposed new buildings.
 It acts as a legal agreement for the permission of construction from the governing
body For this, hence; it is required that the site plan is made by a licensed professional
like architect, engineer, landscape architect or land surveyor.
 Floor Plan
 A Plan means, top view of any building or object. Floor plan is the most fundamental
architectural diagram, a view from above showing the arrangement of spaces in
building in the same way as a map but showing the arrangement at a particular level
of building
 Floor plan view is defined as a vertical orthographic projection of an object on to
 horizontal plane cutting through the building. This show the walls down door and
other features such as stairs, fittings & furniture too.
Floor plan
 Elevation:
 An elevation drawing is an orthographic projection drawing that shows one side of the
house. The purpose of an elevation drawing is to show the finished appearance of a
given side of the house and flush vertical height dimensions, Majorly it is divided into 2
• Internal elevation
• External elevation
 Cross Section:
 Geometrically a cross section is a horizontal orthographic projection of a building on to a
vertical plane cutting through the building Cross section is vertical cut section of any
building which shows the details of dimension thickness of any component of a building
Also represents the sill height, floor height and other minute details of a structure
 The section plane where the plan is vertically cut is represented in the 2d floor plan by a
bold dotted straight line.
 Perspective view:
 It's a visual representation of the way we see things in real Life onto a 2D surface.
 The characteristic feature of linear perspective is that objects appear
smaller as their distance from the observer increases, and that they are subject
to foreshortening, meaning that an object's dimensions along the line of sight
appear shorter than its dimensions across the line of sight. All objects will recede
to points in the distance, usually along the horizon line, but also above and below
the horizon line depending on the view used.
One point

Two point

Three point
Types of houses….
 Multi- Storey flats
 Row houses
 One room apartment

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