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4th Meeting

• A clause is a group of words containing at least one subject and one verb.
A clause could be dependent and independent.
• Independent clause is a clause that can stand alone while dependent clause
• My mother was cooking the rice when she came to our home.
Independent Dependent
• There are seven different types of clauses:
1) Subject + Verb( she slept)
2) Subject + Verb + Adverbial ( she went to school)
3) Subject + Verb + Complement ( she is a student)
4) Subject + Verb + Object ( she bought a book)
5) Subject + Verb + Object + Object ( she made me a cake)
6) Subject + Verb + Object + Complement ( we made her a leader)
7) Subject + Verb + Object + Adverbial ( she put the keys on the table)
• Based on the pattern before, the
clauses can be classified into three
types. There are Intransitive,
Transitive and Copular.
(i) Intransitive
• Intransitive clauses are clauses containing a subject and a verb as the main
- She slept
- She slept well
S V Adv
(ii) Transitive
• Transitive clauses are clauses containing a subject, a verb, the object, and other elements. Transitive clauses can be divided
into three types. There are:
• A. Monotransitive
Monotrasitive clauses are clauses containing a subject, a verb and only one object.
Subject + Verb + Object ( she bought a book)
• B. Ditransitive
Ditransitive clauses are clauses containing a subject, a verb and two object. The objects called indirect object and direct object.
Subject + Verb + Object + Object( she made me a cake)
• C. Complex transitive
Complex transitive clauses are clauses containing a subject, a verb, an object and object complement or other elements.
Subject + Verb + Object + Complement ( we made her a leader)
Subject + Verb + Object + Adverbial ( she put the keys on the table)
(iii) Copular
• Copular clauses are clauses containing a subject, a verb, and a subject complement or an
adverbial. They have no object but they are not intransitive clauses.
Subject + Verb + Complement ( she is a student)
• Differences between intransitive and copular.
Intransitive Copular
a. She runs fast. A. She is a student
b. She rans B. *She is

Source: Sujatna, E. T. (2014). Undestanding English Syntax. Bandung: Unpad Press.

Decide whether the verbs in bold are
transitive or intransitive
1. She was crying all day long. Intransitive
2. We showed her the photo album. Transitive
3. The doctor advised me to exercise regularly. Transitive
4. It was raining at that time. Intransitive
5. She laughed at the joke. Intransitive
6. She gave a cookie to the child. Transitive
7. They slept in the street. Intransitive
8. I ate the cherries. Transitive
9. My father doesn't drink coffee. Transitive  .
10. He always keeps his money in a wallet. Transitive

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