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• Article 1

• “The role of supervisory behavior, job satisfaction and organizational commitment on employee turnover” (Mathieu et al., 2015)
• Purpose of the Article
• The main aim of the mentioned article is to discuss the importance of a supervisor for the prosperity, work satisfaction, and organizational
commitment of an employee. The article also presents what type of supervision and leadership style influences employees to perform their
job diligently and with content. It also demonstrates examples of employees working in various organizations who are satisfied with their job
and perform exceedingly because of their manager's behavior and leadership style.
• Use in my Assignment
• In my PA 2 assignment this week, I am going to discuss about the importance of a good leader for the prosperity of any organization. I will also
explain what type of leadership qualities and styles the leader should possess in order for his employees to be happy with their job and
perform well. The mentioned article also talks about the importance of good leadership in work. It also explains what type of supervision and
leadership style influences employees to perform their job diligently and with content. Hence, I am going to refer to the mentioned article
while doing my assignment and also use the examples cited in the article to make my assignment more robust.
• Article 2
• “The role of the supervisor in career and organizational commitment” (Kidd & Smewing, 2001)
• Purpose of the Article
• The main aim of the mentioned article is to explain the relationship between a manager and their employee's work and organizational
commitment. It talks about how in any organization, administrators are increasingly needed to assist and encourage workers in their learning
and professional advancement. It also suggests individuals who perceived their managers as granting them the confidence and the power to
do the task were further committed to their company, as were those whose managers were involved in frequent feedback and goal-setting.
• Use in my Assignment
• For our PA 2 assignment, we have to observe a case in Conifer Corp. and discuss some of the things wrong within the organization. One of the
things that were lacking in the organization was the lack of proper supervision, because of which employees were not working diligently, and
there seemed to be a lack of commitment among them. In my assignment, I will also suggest how Conifer Corp. can handle this conflict by
taking the help of the mentioned article. The article discusses the relationship between a leader and their employee's work and organizational
commitment. I will refer to the article to support my argument and make my assignment more informative.
• Article 3

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