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DNA Structure and Replication

Make a table like this - Use the entire page

Main Idea Notes Sketch (labelled)

1. What is DNA?

2. What is the structure of DNA?

3. What parts make up DNA?

4. What are the base pairing rules

for DNA?

5. How does DNA replicate? 1

(describe the three main steps and 2
include enzymes) 3
Note-taking tips
1. Do NOT just copy all the words - write bulleted points, use symbols
(like =), and rephrase in your own words in a way that makes sense to
2. Try to spell correctly - especially important terms (ex: nucleotide)
3. If you don’t understand or know what a word means, stop and look it
up (to the Google!)
4. For sketches, draw something simple and label important parts.
Use the images on the slide for ideas.
5. Take your time and write neatly - these are for you to review and study!
1. What is DNA? (Review!)
● DNA is located in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.
● What is DNA’s function?
- To control the making of proteins
- To carry and pass on genetic info
2. What is the structure of DNA?
● DNA’s shape is called a DOUBLE HELIX

= two complementary strands twisted

together in a ladder-like shape
● DNA is made of chemical building blocks

● To form strands of DNA, nucleotides are

linked into chains.
3. What parts make up DNA?
● Each nucleotide has three parts:
1. A sugar (deoxyribose)
2. A phosphate group
3. A nitrogen base

● DNA has four different nitrogen bases:

4. What are the base pairing rules for DNA?
● Adenine
pairs with

● Guanine
pairs with
5. How does DNA Replicate?

Step 1: DNA
unwinds and unzips
with the help of
DNA helicase (an
5. How does DNA Replicate?

Step 2: With the help

of DNA polymerase,
loose nucleotides float
in and match up with
the complementary
bases on original
5. How does DNA Replicate?

Step 3: DNA is
then stitched back
together with DNA
Submission - Notes Summary
In the textbox in Canvas, answer at least two of the following questions.

1. What do you find the most interesting about DNA?

2. If you could choose between being an enzyme: either DNA
ligase, DNA polymerase or DNA helicase, which would you be?
3. How might this information that you have learned about DNA be
important in your life?
Notes Check:
❏Did you summarize in your own words?
❏Did you draw a sketch and label important parts?
❏Do you have all rows / columns completed?
❏Did you complete the summary Canvas?
❏Is everything neat and easy to read?

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