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T h e r e I s N o S h o r t c u t To S a f e t y
T h e r e I s N o S h o r t c u t To S a f e t y


We all take the occasional shortcut in life. Whether driving a

certain route to work to shorten our commute or crossing
the street between intersections instead of using the
crosswalk - we are always looking for a faster way to do
things. However, taking shortcuts at work can increase risk
exposure and undermine job safety policies set forth by the

Employees are statistically six times more likely to

experience an accident or injury as a result of unsafe
behaviors, such as taking shortcuts, than unsafe working
conditions. One large insurance firm even reported that 92%
of their reported injury and workers’ compensation claims
occurred because workers were not performing their tasks
T h e r e I s N o S h o r t c u t To S a f e t y

Employees take shortcuts for a variety of reasons, including:

• Organizational deadlines
• Meeting a quota/prioritizing production
• Running behind schedule
• Getting non-functioning equipment up and running
• Changes in the organization or job roles
• A ‘time is money’ attitude
• Job insecurity
• The drive to work quickly
• They are unaware of the safety hazards associated with a task
• They are experienced at their job and have become complacent in following safety procedures
• They actively decide to ignore safety rules
• I always do like this attitude
• It will never happen to me attitude
T h e r e I s N o S h o r t c u t To S a f e t y

Some common types of safety shortcuts that occur in many workplaces:

• Not implementing all necessary safeguards. Almost every work task has several safeguards that are to be
implemented prior to work beginning. Each safeguard that is implemented is one more way to protect yourself
and others from injury.
• Not wearing the necessary PPE. PPE is the last line of defense for workers. You never know when you may need
• Rushing during tasks or not taking the necessary time to do certain tasks. Many things can be missed when
rushing during a work task. This can lead to incidents occurring.
T h e r e I s N o S h o r t c u t To S a f e t y

What employer can do to improve the condition:

• Encourage open communication with employees about safety behaviors

• Provide regular training to workers
• Emphasize the organization’s values of workplace safety and prioritize safety over speed
• Point out job hazards so that employees are aware of their present dangers
• Enforce safety checklists so that employees do not skip steps during task completion
• Discipline employees who purposefully break rules and take shortcuts
• Remind experienced employees to maintain their diligence in following safety procedures and not become
• Empower employees to be accountable for their personal safety and that of their coworkers
• Make sure that all necessary PPE and other safety equipment are readily available

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