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16 Respiration

Process of breaking down of food to produce energy

C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy

External respiration 外呼吸 (breathing)
Involves extend respiratory system to take in
oxygen and release carbon dioxide
Internal respiration 内呼吸 (Cellular respiration)
A process of oxidation 氧化 of organic
molecules to release energy in living cells.
The respiratory system
Respiratory system
is a group of
different organs
such as lungs,
trachea which work
together to perform
a specific function
like inhaling oxygen
and exhaling carbon
The structure of the human respiratory system

Nasal cavity 鼻腔
• Divided by septum 隔膜 .
• Lined with ciliated epithelium
纤毛上皮 .
• Blood vessels below epithelium
warms the air.

Nostrils 鼻孔
• Projecting nasal
hairs filter out dust
and debris 碎屑 .
The structure of the human respiratory system
Epiglottis 会厌软骨 Larynx 喉
• Open at all times except • Has vocal cords 声
when swallowing.

Pharynx 咽
• Both air and food passage.
• Warms, moistens and filter air.
• Guarded by epiglottis (elastic flap 有弹性皮瓣 at
entrance of trachea 气管 ).
The structure of the human respiratory system

Trachea 气管
• Cylindrical tube 圆柱管 with rings of cartilage 软骨 to
provide support.
• Layer of cilia 纤毛 and mucus-secreting cells.
• Traps debris and sweeps it upwards and towards the mouth.
• Divides into two bronchi 支气管 (plural).
The structure of the human respiratory system

Lung 肺
• Rich in blood supply, site of gaseous
exchange 气体交换 .
• Left lung has two lobes 二叶 .
• Right lung is bigger, with three lobes 三叶 .
The structure of the human respiratory system

Pleural membrane 胸膜 Bronchus 支气管 (singular)

• Encloses each lung. • Divides into smaller
tubes called bronchioles
小支气管 .
The structure of the human respiratory system

Diaphragm 横膈膜
• Muscular tissue attached to thoracic cavity 胸腔 .
• Separated thoracic cavity from abdominal cavity
腹腔 .
• Thoracic cavity changes volume to assist in
The structure of the human respiratory system
Alveoli 肺泡
• Air sacs 囊 with thin wall with a
moist surface.
• A network of blood capillaries
covers the alveoli.

Bronchiole 小支气管
• Connects directly to alveoli.
• Widens 加宽 and narrows 缩
小 during breathing.
Inhalation and exhalation processes
Inhalation processes 吸气过程
External intercostal muscles 外肋间肌 Contract

Internal intercostal muscles 内肋间肌 Relax

Movement of ribs 肋骨 Upward and outward

Diaphragm 横膈膜 Contract and flattens

Volume of thoracic cavity 胸腔体积 Increase

Air pressure of thoracic cavity Decreases

Movement of air Air is rushed 冲 into lungs

Exhalation processes 呼气过程
External intercostal muscles 外肋间肌 Relax

Internal intercostal muscles 内肋间肌 Contract

Movement of ribs 肋骨 Downward and inward

Diaphragm 横膈膜 Relaxes and returns to dome-shapes 圆顶形

Volume of thoracic cavity 胸腔体积 Decreases

Air pressure of thoracic cavity Increase

Movement of air Air is forced out of lungs

Lung model
Composition of inhaled and exhaled air
Inhaled air Exhaled air

Slightly lower (79.01%) Nitrogen 氮气 Slightly higher (79.61%)

Higher (20.96%) Oxygen Lower (16.5%)

Lower (0.03%) Carbon dioxide Higher (3.5%)

Usually lower Water vapour Usually higher

Abundant 丰富 and Particulate matters Scarce 稀缺

(dust, microorganisms)
varies 多样

Usually lower Temperature Usually higher (body temperature)

Transport of oxygen on the human body
Transport of oxygen on the human body
1. The air inhaled into the alveolus has higher
concentration of oxygen compare to the
concentration of oxygen in the blood. Therefore,
oxygen will diffuse 扩散 into the blood.
2. Haemoglobin 血红蛋白 + oxygen  oxyhaemoglobin
Transport of oxygen on the human body

3. Blood with
oxyhaemoglobin is
transported from
the lung to the heart
and pumped to the
other parts of the
Transport of oxygen on the human body
4. When the blood reaches the area around the
body cells that has a low concentration of
oxygen, the oxyhaemoglobin will release oxygen
molecules and change back into haemoglobin.
5. Oxyhaemoglobin  haemoglobin + oxygen
Transport of oxygen on the human body
Process of cellular respiration will occur.
6. Glucose + oxygen  carbon dioxide + water + energy
Transport of oxygen on the human body
Carbon dioxide released by the cells diffuses
into the blood capillaries and is transported to
the alveolus to be removed during exhalation.
Adaptations of alveoli and blood capillaries
for exchange of gases
Adaptation Mode of action
Network of blood capillaries. For transport of gases to and from alveoli.
Large surface area. (70m2) Allows for increased rate of diffusion 扩散率 .
Adaptations of alveoli and blood capillaries
for exchange of gases

Adaptation Mode of action

Moist 潮湿 surface of Allows gases to dissolve before diffusion occurs.
Concentration gradient Increased rate of diffusion.
浓度梯度 .
Adaptations of alveoli and blood capillaries
for exchange of gases
Adaptation Mode of action
Distance between alveoli and blood Short distance increases rate of
capillaries. diffusion.
Wall of alveoli and blood capillaries. One-cell thick: faster diffusion.
Tobacco 烟草 smoke content
Tobacco smoke content
Heat and dryness
Irritation 刺激 of
the lungs can lead
to laryngitis 喉炎
(loss of voice).
Tobacco smoke content
3, 4 – benzo – (α) – pyrene
A carcinogenic 致癌 chemical that can cause cancer.
Tobacco smoke content
Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳
• Competes with oxygen to bind with
haemoglobin and form carboxyhaemoglobin.
• Reduces supply of oxygen to the cell.
Tobacco smoke content
Nicotine 尼古丁
• Stimulates the production of
cancer cells.
• Constricts 收缩 blood vessels.
Tobacco smoke content
Nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮
Can dissolve in mucus to form
acidic medium which erodes 侵
蚀 lung tissue.
Diseases caused by cigarette smoke
Lung cancer 肺癌

Healthy lungs Lungs damaged by

Diseases caused by cigarette smoke
Bronchitis 支气管炎
Destruction of wall
Diseases caused by cigarette smoke
Emphysema 气肿

Alveolus of a healthy person Surface area greatly reduced

Diseases caused by cigarette smoke
Pneumonia 肺炎

Fluid in air sac

Diseases caused by cigarette smoke
Asthma 哮喘
Way to maintain a healthy respiratory system

No smoking
Way to maintain a healthy respiratory system

Exercise regularly
Way to maintain a healthy respiratory system

Avoid placed with dirty air

(Example: dusty or smoke-filled areas)
Way to maintain a healthy respiratory system

Drink plenty of water

Respiratory structure of insects
Respiratory structure of insects
Tracheal system 气管系统 : A complex
network of tubes that delivers oxygen-
containing air to every cell of the body.
Respiratory structure of insects
1. Spiracle 气孔
• Allow the intake of air into trachea
• Has tiny hair to filter the air
• Has valve 气阀 fá to control the opening and
closure of the spiracle
Respiratory structure of insects
2. Trachea 气管
• Reinforced 加强型
with rings of chitin
几丁质 to prevent
trachea from
collapsing 崩溃 .
Respiratory structure of insects
3. Tracheole 微小气管
• Has moist surface
• Large number of
tracheole 气管
• Tip of tracheoles
have thin walls
Respiratory structure of insects
4. Air sacs 气囊
• To speed up the movement of gases to and
from the body cells during vigorous 猛烈
body movement.
Respiratory structure of insects
Inhalation Exhalation
Abdominal muscles 腹肌 relax Abdominal muscles contract
↓ ↓
Pressure in trachea increase
Valves 气阀 fá of spiracles open ↓
↓ Carbon dioxide is forced out
Pressure in trachea decrease through spiracles

Oxygen is forced into the body
through spiracles
Respiratory structure of fish
Respiratory structure of fish
• Many gill filaments 鳃丝 and lamellae 瓣 to
increase surface area for gases exchange.

Respiratory structure of fish
Gill raker
鳃耙 Gill arch

Gill filaments
Respiratory structure of fish
• Thin epithelial wall of gill filaments to allow
gases to diffuse rapidly.
• Moist surface to allow gases to dissolve easily.
Respiratory structure of fish
• Rich with network of blood capillaries to allow
efficient exchange of gases.
Counter current
exchange 逆流交换
Respiratory structure of fish
Inhalation (Water flows into mouth)
Mouth opens

The base of oral cavity is lower

Volume in mouth increase

Pressure in mouth decrease

Operculum 鳃盖 closes

Water is drawn 吸入 into the mouth
Respiratory structure of fish
Exhalation (Water flows through gills)
Mouth closes

The base of oral cavity is raised
↓ Gill arches
Volume in mouth decrease

Pressure in mouth increase

Operculum opens

Gaseous exchange occurs at gills

Water flow out through operculum
Respiratory structure of frog (Amphibians)
Respiratory structure of frog
Nostril 鼻 Glottis 声门


Mouth Lungs

cavity 下颚
Respiratory structure of frog

• Thin and highly permeable 高渗透性 .
• Rich network of blood capillaries.
• Is kept moist by the secretion of mucus by glands found
on the surface of the body.
Respiratory structure of frog
Inspiration 吸气
Nostrils open, mouth and glottis 声门 is close

The floor of the bucco-pharyngeal cavity 下颚 is lowered

Cavity is enlarged

The pressure in the cavity decreases

Air enter the cavity through the nostrils

Glottis open and nostril close

The floor of the bucco-pharyngeal cavity is raised

Air is forced into the lung through the glottis

Gases exchange take place in the lung
Respiratory structure of frog
Expiration 呼气
The floor of the bucco-pharyngeal cavity 下颚 is lowered

Lungs contract

Pressure in lungs increase

Glottis opens

Air is expelled out from lungs into bucco-pharyngeal cavity

Glottis close and nostril open

Floor of bucco-pharyngeal cavity is raised

Air is forced out through nostrils

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