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FEBRUARY 2, 2024
PRE-READING Phase- 12:45-1:25
I. Preliminary Activities
Hello, class! How are you today?
Are you excited about today’s
activities for the Catch-Up Friday?
c. Checking of
e. Drill: (The teacher will read first, then the pupils
repeat. After that the students will read without the
teacher’s help.)
1. Receive 6. Believe
2. Achieve 7. Siege
3. Receipt 8. Weird
4. Freight 9. Sheik
5. Seize 10. Leisure
1. Will you receive a gift this Valentine’s Day?
2. If you study hard, you will achieve your dreams.
3. Always ask for a receipt when you buy something from the sellers.
4. There was a bill indicating that the freight had been paid.
5. Army rebels wanted to seize an air force base.
6. I believe each student has the talent to share.
7. The medicine was used to promote sleep and relieve pain.
8. Our neighbor looks weird! He always wears colorful clothes and talks to
himself while walking.
9. The Sheik in Saudi Arabia ordered the release of innocent prisoners.
10. Reading should be considered one of the leisure activities.
DURING READING Phase - 1:25-2:05
II. Lesson Proper.
A. Reading Proper: Learners will be asked to read silently
their preferred reading materials (Dyadic, to help those
who have no books to read)
B. Reading of the story, “Tickets to Heaven.”
1. The teacher reads, and the students repeat;
2. A selected student reads
3. A group of students reads
4. Everybody reads the story properly (Choral
There once was a sick child named
John. He had a rare and serious illness,
and all the doctors confirmed that he
would not live long, though they couldn't
say exactly how long it would be.
John spent long days in the hospital, saddened
by not knowing what would happen until one day a
clown who was passing by saw how sad John was
and came over to say:

-"How come you're standing there like that?

Haven't they told you about Heaven for sick
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
-"Well, it's the best place you could ever
imagine, much better than heaven for parents or
anyone else. They say it's like that to
compensate children for being sick. But to enter
it there is one condition.“

-"What is it?“ asked John, concerned.

-"You cannot die without having filled the bag."

-"The bag?"

-"Yes, yes. The bag. A large grey bag like this,"

said the clown as he pulled one out from under his jacket and
gave it to John.

-"You were lucky I had one on me. You have to fill it with
notes so you can buy your ticket."
-"Notes? It's no use then. I haven't any money."

-"No, not ordinary notes, my boy. Special notes: notes

for good deeds, pieces of paper on which you write every
good thing you do. At night an angel comes and checks all
this paperwork, and exchanges the good ones for tickets to

-" Really?"
-" Of course! But be sure to hurry up
and fill your bag. You've been sick a long
time and we don't know if you have enough
time left to fill the bag. This is a unique
opportunity and you cannot die before
completing it; that would be a terrible
The clown was in a hurry, and when he left the room
John was pensive, staring at the bag. What his new
friend had told him seemed wonderful, and he had
nothing to lose by trying. That same day, when John's
mother arrived to see him, he gave her the best of
smiles, and made an effort to be more cheerful than
usual, since he knew this made her happy. Then, when
he was alone, he wrote on a piece of paper:
-"Mum smiled today."

And he put the piece of paper in the bag.

The next morning, as soon as he woke up, John ran to see

the bag. And there it was! A real ticket to heaven! The ticket
looked so magical and wonderful that it filled John with
excitement, and he spent the rest of that day doing everything
he knew to cheer up the doctors and nurses, and he was
company to the children who felt most lonely.
He even told jokes to his little brother and took
some books to study a little. And for every one of
those things he put a piece of paper in his bag.

And so it continued, every day John woke up

with the excitement of counting his new tickets to
heaven and working on getting a lot more.
He did as much as he could because he realized
it was no good just to accumulate tickets in the bag
in any way he could: every night the angel
arranged them in the tidiest way, taking up the
least space. And John was forced to continue doing
good work at top speed, with the hope of filling the
bag before getting too sick ...
And although he spent many days on
this, he never filled the bag. John had
become the most beloved child at the
hospital, and he had done so most
cheerfully and helpfully,… and this ended
up completely healing him.
Nobody knew how it happened: some said that his
joy and his attitude must have cured him, others were
convinced that the hospital staff loved him so much
that they spent extra hours to try to find a cure and
provide the best care, and some told how a couple of
elderly millionaires who John had cheered up a lot
during their illness had paid for him to have
expensive experimental treatment.
The fact is that all these were true because,
as the clown had seen so many times, you only
have to put a bit of heaven in your old grey bag
each night to transform what seems like a
dying existence into the very best days of your
life, however long they should last.
C. Enrichment Activities.
1. Answering the Comprehension questions.
1) Did you like the story, class?
2) What is the title of the story?
3) Who are the main characters?
4) What did the clown tell the boy?
5) Do you agree with him?
6) If you were the boy, would you believe the clown?
7) Do you agree that it is the boy’s attitude of hope and
joy that cured him?
8) Do you believe that there are tickets to heaven?
Expound your answer.
2. After dividing the class into small groups, each of them
will choose an activity below:
a) Role-play the part of the story that they like
b) Write a letter to the boy showing your
admiration for his attitude.
c) Create a jingle rap about the story that they
3. Presentation of Group Outputs.
4. Write a reflection about the lessons gained and emotions
felt throughout the reading journey.
5. Reflection Sharing of some students.
D. Synthesis.
What is the importance of the
Catch-Up Friday Implementation?
Do you find it exciting and helpful
for your success in the future?

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