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Toxic gases

no Tanda & Gejala %saturasi Hb

1 Tidak ada 0-10

2 Rasa kencang pd hati, sakit 10-20

kepala ringan, vasodilatasi
3 Sakit kepala, denyut pd pelipis 20-30

4 Sakit kepala hebat, pusing, 30-40

mata kabur, mual, muntah,
5 Lebih hebat, lebih besar tjd 40-50
kolaps sinkop, nadi &
pernafasan cepat
6 Koma dg konvulsi yg 50-60
7 Kerja jantung tertekan maybe 60-70
1. Pencegahan
Sumber Bergerak
a) Merawat mesin kendaraan bermotor agar tetap
b) Melakukan pengujian emisi dan KIR kendaraan
secara berkala.
c) Memasang filter pada knalpot.
Sumber Tidak Bergerak
a) Memasang scruber pada cerobong asap.
b) Merawat mesin industri agar tetap baik dan
lakukan pengujian secara berkala.
c) Menggunakan bahan bakar minyak atau batu
bara dengan kadar CO rendah.
Apabila kadar CO dalam udara ambien telah melebihi baku
mutu ( 10.000 ug/Nm3 udara dengan rata-rata
waktu pengukuran 24 jam ) maka untuk mencegah
dampak kesehatan dilakukan upaya-upaya:
a) Menggunakan alat pelindung diri ( APD ) seperti masker
b) Menutup / menghindari tempat-tempat yang diduga
mengandung CO seperti sumur tua , Goa , dll.

2. Penanggulangan
a) Mengatur pertukaran udara didalam ruang seperti
mengunakan exhaust-fan.
b) Bila terjadi korban keracunan maka lakukan :
· Berikan pengobatan atau pernafasan buatan
· Kirim segera ke rumah sakit atau puskesmas terdekat
Carbon 1.53 CO2 Despite the fact that we breathe out carbon
Dioxide dioxide and that it is present in the atmosphere
to the extent of about 400ppm, its maximum
safe level is 5000ppm (0.5%). It is produced
during combustion and in brewing, distillation
and other fermentation processes, and is one of
the main constituents, with methane, of landfill
gas and sewage treatment digester gas. CO2
presents a significant hazard in the brewing
industry, particularly as the gas is heavier than
air and collects at low levels. There is some
degree of risk in crowded, badly ventilated
places, and this problem is often worsened by
oxygen deficiency. CO2 is also used to increase
plant growth by elevating normal levels in
greenhouses etc.
It is odourless and colourless and difficult to
measure in ppm levels. Infrared absorption is
the usual detection technique adopted.

Chlorine 2.5 Cl2 Chlorine is a pungent smelling,

corrosive, green/yellow gas. The best
known use is in water purification for
domestic supplies and in swimming pools.
It is used to make chlorinated compounds
such as PVC, and for bleaching paper and
fabrics. It is a very heavy gas and is
readily absorbed by most materials.
The behaviour of chlorine makes it a very
difficult gas to detect (so difficult that
even calibration requires special
Use of the Crowcon Environmental
Sampling Unit is an effective way to
detect it in chlorine stores successfully
and this minimises the number of
detectors required.
Chlorine 2,3 ClO2 Chlorine dioxide is a reddish-yellow gas
Dioxide which is one of several known oxides of
chlorine. It can spontaneously and
explosively decompose into chlorine and
oxygen. Chlorine dioxide is used primarily
for bleaching of wood pulp, but is also
used for the bleaching of flour and for the
disinfection for water.
Chlorine dioxide is also used in
conjunction with ozone for disinfection of
water to reduce the formation of
bromates which are regulated
Chlorine dioxide is used in many
industrial water treatment applications as
a biocide including cooling towers,
process water and food processing. If
inhaled, Chlorine dioxide gas causes
irritation in your nose, throat, and lungs.
Manifestasi klinis :
sakit kepala, palpitasi, rasa tertekan di dada,
konvulsi, koma
Dosis letal po 50 mg,
bila kons di udara
200-400 ppm
Tanda mayat : leher merah terang/chery
red ( = keracunan CO ), sianosis pd ujung
jari , kuku
Cyanida tdp di alam bebas pd tumbuh2an
yg mengandung Amygdaline, spt singkong,
biji apel, pear, ubi.

+ H2O 
+Glukose + HCN

Hydrog 1.2 H2S Hydrogen sulphide is well known because of
en its bad egg odour, which can be smelt down to
Sulphid less than 0.1ppm. High concentrations
e (>60ppm) cannot be smelt due to paralysis of
the olfactory glands, and exposure can lead to
instant paralysis. H2S is slightly heavier than
air, and thus fixed detectors are usually
mounted 1 to 1.5 metres from the ground, or
near potential sources of leaks.
H2S is produced during the decay of organic
materials, extracted with oil (when the oil is
said to be sour) and is often found
underground during tunnelling and in sewers.
It is a constituent of biogas and found in large
quantities in sewage treatment works, pumping
stations, press houses, boiler houses, and
virtually anywhere where sewage is being
treated. It has some industrial uses and is
produced as a by-product in others (e.g. fibre
Hidrogen sulfida
Terbebas spontan pd penguraian senyawa belerang
Terbentuk dr pembusukan limbah yg mengendung senyawa
belerang dan bakteri

Gejala intoksikasi
Iritasi sampai kehilangan pancaindera penciuman
TD turun

Gejala laboratories
PMN turun, limfosit naik
Hematuria dan proteinuria
Fungsi sel hati terganggu

Umbah lambung bila PO,
Pernafasan dg O2
Na Nitrit
Phosg 3.48 COCL2 Phosgene is a major industrial
ene chemical used in the production of
plastics, dye and pesticides. It is also
used in the pharmaceutical industry.
Phosgene gas may appear colourless or
as a white to pale yellow cloud. At low
concentrations, it has a pleasant odour
of newly mown hay or green corn, but
its odour may not be noticed by all
people exposed. At high
concentrations, the odour may be
strong and unpleasant.
As with all toxic gases the odour does
not provide adequate warning of
hazardous concentrations.
Phosgene gas is heavier than air, so it
would be more likely found in low-lying
Phosgene gas can damage the skin,
eyes, nose, throat, and lungs.
Phosphine 1.2 PH3 Phosphine is highly toxic, and hence it has anSTEL of only 0.3ppm.
Phosphine gas is used for pest control by fumigation. Phosphine is also used
for in the semiconductor industry.

Silane 1.3 SiH4 Silane at room temperature is a gas, and is pyrophoric which means it
undergoes spontaneous combustion in air, without the need for external
Several industrial and medical applications exist for silanes. For instance,
silanes are used as coupling agents to adhere glass fibres to a polymer matrix,
stabilizing the composite material. Applications include water repellents,
masonry/ concrete sealant and protection, control of graffiti, and applying
polycrystalline silicon layers on silicon wafers when manufacturing
semiconductors, and sealants. Health effects include headache, nausea, and
major skin, eye and respiratory tract irritation.

SulphurDioxid 2.25 SO2 Sulphur Dioxide is colourless and has a characteristic choking smell. It is
e formed when burning sulphur, and materials containing sulphur such as oil
and coal. It is highly acidic, forming sulphuric acid when dissolved in water.
Along with the oxides of nitrogen, it is a cause of acid rain.
SO2 is found in industrial areas and near power stations, and it is a raw
material for many processes. It has a use in the treatment of water to displace
excess chlorine and because of its sterilising properties it is used in food
processing. It is twice as heavy as air and it tends to fall to ground level so a
Crowcon Environmental Sampling Unit sited near the ground ensures rapid
detection in the event of a leak.
Note: Sulphur trioxide S03 is encountered in the exhaust from power
stations. It is not a gas but a solid, which readily sublimes (i.e. it goes from the
solid state to the gas state on heating).

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