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Your friend is organizing a birthday party this
weekend. You are going to buy a gift for her
birthday celebration . There are THREE options
for you to choose:
- A book
- A mobile phone
- A pair of shoes
What is the best option for you? Explain the
option you have chosen.
• có 1 phút để chuẩn bị
• đưa ra lý do / minh chứng để bảo vệ cho lựa
chọn tốt nhất
• giải thích/ tìm lý do tại sao bạn lại không chọn
2 lựa chọn còn lại
Your friend is organizing a birthday party this
weekend. You are going to buy a gift for her
birthday celebration . There are THREE options
for you to choose:
- A book
- A mobile phone
- A pair of shoes
What is the best option for you? Explain the
option you have chosen.
- Cách trình bày:

+ Giới thiệu: Giới thiệu tình huống và phương án

lựa chọn (diễn đạt lại các từ trong tình huống để
thể hiện khả năng sử dụng ngôn ngữ)

• Ex: My friend is organizing a birthday party

this weekend. I am going to buy a gift for her
birthday. There are THREE options for me to
choose: a book, a mobile phone and a pair of
- Cách trình bày:

• Your friend is organizing a birthday party this

weekend. You are going to buy a gift for her
birthday celebration . There are THREE options
for you to choose:
• Ex: My friend is organizing a birthday party
this weekend. I am going to buy a gift for her
birthday. There are THREE options for me to
choose: a book, a mobile phone and a pair of
Your friend my friend
You- I
for you u for me
The best option for you is…………for me
My situation is……
• Lặp lại đề thi: đọc từ đầu đến lựa chọn thứ ba.
My situation is………………
- Cách trình bày:

+ Phát triển ý:
Trình bày 2 lợi ích của phương án lựa chọn, đưa
ra lý do giải thích tại sao mình chọn và so sánh
với 2 phương án còn lại
Ex: I think, a book is the best choice because ……
A book as a gift
-My friend loves reading
-Good to share knowledge with her
-Knowledge will make her life better
-A book can be a memorable gift for her
- Cách trình bày:

+ Phát triển ý:
Firstly,…→ Thus,… → For example,…
Secondly,… →Furthermore,…→For instance, …
- Cách trình bày:

+ Phát triển ý:
I would not buy a mobile phone because.../
I would not buy a pair of shoes because...
Firstly,…→ Thus,… → For example,…
Secondly,… →Furthermore,…→For instance, …
- I would not buy a pair of shoes because:
 Shoes can bring bad luck (Chinese belief)
 I do not know her styles/shoes size
-Why not a mobile phone?
- Expensive which I can’t afford
- My friend already has a new mobile phone
which she bought recently.
- Cách trình bày:

+ Kết luận:
Ex: To sum up, a/b/c is the best choice for me.
- Cách trình bày:
Trình bày mẫu:

My friend is having/organizing a birthday party
this weekend. I am going to buy a gift for her
birthday celebration. There are THREE options
for me to choose: a book, a mobile phone and a
pair of shoes.
- Cách trình bày:

I think, buying a book is the best choice for me
because of the two following reasons: Firstly,
books play an important role in our life because
books give us knowledge. Therefore, giving a
book will help my friend open a new world.
Secondly, my friend is a book worm so I think
she would love the book I buy for her.
- Cách trình bày:

I would not choose the other two options, a

mobile phone and a pair of shoes. You know, I
am a student living on a budget and a mobile
phone as a gift is quite expensive for me. I would
go for something less expensive. In addition, I
don’t think I would buy a pair of shoes because I
do not know what size and styles would fit my
- Cách trình bày:

-To sum up, if I were in the situation, I would buy
a book for my friend on her birthday for the
reasons I mentioned above.
-To sum up, a book is the best gift.
Thực hành

If you won the lottery of 1 million USD, what

would you do with the money? There are THREE
options for you to choose:
- Start a business
- Deposit the money in the bank
- Buy a new house
What is the best choice? Explain the option you
have chosen.
Thực hành

Decide on 1 option and state the reasons:

Option A
- Reason 1
- Reason 2
State the reason for not choosing the other 2 options:
Option B
- Reason 1
- Reasons 2
Option C
- Reason 1
- Reasons 2

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