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Mrs. Esbenshade esbenshadejl@lancastermennonite.

Bible: This week we discussed how to help our neighbors. We used the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus. We drew pictures of how to help others and also talked about how God loves everyone in the world so everyone is our neighbor. Bible Memory: Matthew 5:9 Due: September 21 Math: *Number names and counting *Tally marks *Calendars *Investigating equally likely outcomes **PLEASE FIND INFO ABOUT ONLINE MATH GAMES ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS NEWSLETTER. Language Arts: Comprehension: colors, basic verbs Phonics Skill: vowels, b, c, ch, d,f, g, h Sight words: yo (I) Writing: We read a story about actions and then wrote My name is ____. I ____. filling in the last word with one of the action verbs we learned. They then drew a picture of themselves doing that action. Show-and-Tell: Remember its on Fridays!

September 7, 2012
De la Seora E.: Were settling into our routines and getting more used to Spanish. We had a good week together. The class is really bonding well and playing so nicely together at recess. For homework, please work together on the Math homework. Also, please spend time reading in English. Your job is to help your child improve in that. Thanks for your hard work! Upcoming Events: Sept. 14 Scholastic Orders due Sept. 20 Picture Day Oct. 1 No school Reminders *Check your childs schedule book each night. Every day we do a new Math lesson there is a homework page. Please tear it out of the book and send just the page back to school in the folder. *Please send in an old sock or rag for their white boards. *This will be the last hard copy newsletter. Please look for an email each week for the newsletter.

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