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Ability, skill =

- journalistic skills =
Access =
- access to information, to the internet =

Accreditation =
- accreditation of correspondents =
Account =
- 1 news account, account of an event =

- 2 bank account =
Accountability, responsability =
Accountable =
Accurate, accuracy =
- Accuracy of information / names =
Accuse =
- unfounded accusations =
Achieve, to achieve =
- achievement =
Acronym = )
Action =
- plan of action =
Adapt =
- to adapt a text =
Administration =
- government (US) =
- administration matters =
Advantage =
- technological advantage =

Advisor =
- marketing advisor =
Affair =
- current affairs =
- political affairs =
- foreigns affairs =
- day to day affairs =
Age =
- the age of the readers =
- information age =
Agency =
- press agency =
- news agency =
- advertising agency =
Agenda =
- political agenda =

= - agenda setting
= Agreement
= - to reach an agreement
= - business agreement
= - international agreement
= Allege
= - to allege
= - allegedly
= - a journalist allegation
= Allusion
)) = Alter
)) = - to change
= - to temper with
= Amateur
- the amateur type of journalism (in contrast to
) ) = )professional
= Ambiguous
= - ambiguity
= Amplification
= - to amplify
= - amplifier
= Analysis
= - analysis of strength and weaknesses

= - to analyze
= - financial analysis
= - analyst
= Column
= - columnist
= Comment
= Communication

= Complaint
= Correction
= - corrections policy
= Concept
= Confidential
) = Off the record, on the record
= Content
= - editorial content
= Context
= Contribution
= - non/staff contributors
= Copy
= - advertising copy
= - hard copy

= - free copy
= - to copy
= Correspondent
= - war correspondent
= - regional correspondent
= - foreign correspondent
= Cover
= - to cover
= Coverage
= - election coverage
= - neutral coverage
= Credible
= - credibility of stories
= Cut
= - to cut needless repetition
= Daily
= - daily newspaper
= Data
= - necessary data
= Decide
= - to decide
= - decision
= Demand
= - the demand for information
= Demonstration
= - protest
= - action
= Deputy editor
= Description
= - job description
= Design
= - newspaper design
) = )Desk editor (desk journalism
= Dispatch
= Distort
= - distortion
= Document
= - falsify documents
= Duty
= E-commerce
= Editing
= - editing rules
= Edition
= - first edition
= - latest edition
= Editorial

Education =
- Voter education =
E-mail =
Employer =
- employee =
Equality =
Equipment =
Error =
- to apolgize for an error =
Ethics =
- the difference between ethics and morals =

Example =
Exhibition =
Fax =
Fact =
- fact-based reporting =
- factual mistake =
Feature =
Feuilleton =
Fiction =
- non-fiction (books, films etc) =
Figures =
Financial news = Business news =
Flag =
- newspapers flag =
Focus =
- to focus on (childrens) problems =) )
Foreign =
- foreign news =
- foreign editor =
Format =
- the format of a television program =

Freedom =
- freedom of assembly =
- freedom of association =
- freedom of the media, press =
- freedom of opinion =
- freedom of religion =
- freedom of speech =
Genre =
- journalistic genre =
Goal (aim, objective) =
Graphic =
- graphic layaout =

Guideline =
- guidelines for writing stories =
Hardware (software) = )
Human =
- human interest story =
Idea =
- dominant ideas =
- ignored ideas =
- story ideas =
Ideology =
- ideological =
Ignorant =
- ignorant to facts =
Image =
- the public image of a company =
Independent =
- independent from government =
- independent political parties =
Industry =
- newspaper industry =
- media industry =
Information =
- to share information =
- to clean information =
Initiative =
- to show more initiative =
- personal initiative =
Input =
- the input of reporters =
- the input in a desk story =
- desk story =
- story desk =
Issue =
- political issue =
- women's issue =
- one issue group =
- the latest issue of a magazine =
Items =, ,
- news item =
Journalism =
- objective journalism =
- an ethical journalist =
Integrity =
Know-how =
- professional know-how =
- to share know-how =

Legal =
- illegal ways of getting information =

Libel law =
Library =
- public library =
- bookshop or library =
- library = bookshelves =
Literate, illiterate =
- computer-literate =
Literature =
- (art)
- (books, magazines, for example the literature about
the war against Iran)

Literary =
- literary magazines, literary style =
Magazine =
- quality magazine =
Market =
- the market share of a television station =

Material =
- conflicting material =
Media =
- media tycoon (owner of big media company such as Murdoch
or Maxwell) =
Misunderstanding =
Mistake =
- common mistakes of journalists =
Motivate =
Motive =
Motivation =
Mouthpiece =
- Newspaper X is the mouthpiece of that political party =

Name =
- the name of the game =
Negative, positive =
Network =
- media network =
- personal network =

- networking =
News =
News agency =

Agency news =
Hot news =
Latest news =
Local news (towns, cities) =
Regional news =
Soft news =
Newsletter =
Newspaper =
Affordable newspaper (cheap) =
Anti-government newspaper =
Censor a newspaper =
Discredit a newspaper =
Free advertising newspaper =
General circulation newspaper =
Government-friendly newspaper =
Honest newspaper =
Independent newspaper =
Newspaper audience =
Newspaper circulation =
Newspaper delivery =
Newspaper design =
Newspaper edition (for example a morning and evening
edition of the same newspaper with slightly different front
page) = )
Newspaper market =
Newspaper owner/proprietor =
Newspaper readership =
Newspaper's standards =
Party newspaper =
Quality newspaper =
Newsroom =
Newsroom department =
Newsroom management =
Newsroom planning =
Newsworthiness =
Non-fiction =
Non-staff =
Non-staff author =
Non-staff journalist =
Non-staff writer =
Norm =
Laws and norms =
Legal norms =
Norms of conduct =
Productivity norms (for example, a journalist in an
American weekly is told that he must write "six columns"

per week minimum) = )

Note =
Notebook =
Objection =
Objective, aim, purpose = ) )
Objective (adjective) =
Measurable objective =
Objective criteria =
Objective journalism =
Realistic objective =
Short-term objective =
Objectivity =
Obligation, duty =
Obscene, obscenity, -ties =
Observation =
Offense =
Grave professional offenses =
Office =
Head office =
Office management =
Electronic office =
Operation =
Cost-free cosmetic operation = )
Newsroom operation =
Smooth operation =
Operational =
Operational needs =
Operational costs =
Operational responsibilities =
Opinion =
Balancing opinions =
Freedom of opinion =
Opinion leaders =
Opinion page =
Opinion poll =
Popular opinion =
Public opinion =
Unpopular opinion =
Opportunity =
Equal opportunity (for example equal opportunities for men
and women) =) )
Unique opportunity =
Organization =
Chaotic organization =
Informal organization =

Labor organization =
Newspaper organization =) )
Non-governmental organization (NGO) =
Original =
The original source of the story =
Output (means production, for example number of articles
written or published per month) =)
Outsiders =
Media outsiders (people not working in the media but having
opinions on the media) = )
Social outsiders =
Owner =
Page =
Cost per page =
Editorial pages (the ones without advertising) =
Page deadline =) )
Paperwork =) )
Reduce paperwork =
Partnership =
Pay =
Payday =
Pension =
Performance =
Periodical =))
Personality =
Personality profile =
Personnel =
Personnel director/chief =
Perspective =
Broader perspective =
Long-term perspective =
Philosophy =
Company philosophy =
Editorial philosophy =) )
Share the same philosophy =
Phone =
Phone directory =
Photoarchives =
Photo editor =
Phrase =
Phraseology =
Picture =
Below the picture =
Full-color picture =

Plagiarism =
Place =
Market place =
Workplace =
Plan =
Business plan =
Investment plan =
Marketing plan =
Plan of action =
Planning =
Financial planning =
Newsroom planning =
Planning session =
Point of view =
Policy =
Advertising policy =
Corrections policy =
Editorial policy =) )
Ethics policy =
Policy decision =
Style policy =
Wages and benefits policy =
Political agenda =
Political bias =
Political interests =
Political issues =
Political meddling =
Political opposition =
Political pressure =
Political talent =
Politician = ) )
Top politician =
Politics =
Petty politics =
Social politics =
Portrait =
Action portrait =
Portrait of an individual =
Position =
Higher position =
Potential (capacity) =) )
Editorial potential =
Potential (possible) =) )
Potential advertiser =
Potential conflict =
Potential investor =


Potential journalist =
Potential lawsuit =
Potential source of conflict =
Misuse of power =
Power of journalists' team =
Power struggles =
Power which knowledge gives =
Privileged knowledge is power =
Seventh Power =
Practice =
Implement in practice =
Practices of professional journalism =
Praise =
Give praise =
Prejudice =
Presentation =
Graphic presentation =
Press =
Foreign Press =
Prepress =
Pressure =
Pressure of day-to-day production =

Time pressure =
Prestige =
Price =
Direct price =
Minimum price =
Price per square cm =
Standard price =
Price list =
Principle =
Principle of editorial independence =

Principles of freedom =
Principle of liberty =
Principle of logic =
Principle of professional behavior =
Print =
Print media =
Print run =
Printer =
Printing =
Printing press =
Printing company =
Printing materials =


Printing mistake =
Printing technology =
Printout =
Privilege =
Procedures =
Editing procedures =
Process =
Editing process =
Never-ending process =
Procedure =
Privatization procedures =
Transition procedures =
Product =
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) =
Lucrative product =
Production =
Daily production =
Production costs =
Cost of production =
Production of business cards =
Production timetable =
Productivity =
Better productivity =
Hampering productivity =
Profession =
Professional association =
Professional attitude =
Professional behavior =
Professional conduct =
Professional newsroom management =
Professional qualities =
Professional rules =
Professional rules of journalism =
Professional secrecy =
Profile =
Profit =
Achieve a bigger profit =
Profitability =
Improve profitability =
Program =
Computer program =
Software program =
Television program =
Project =
Special project group =
Promotion =
Promotion of the newspaper =


Promotion of a staff worker =

Proofreader =) )
Protection =
Protection of data =
Proverb =
Public =
General public =
Impress the public =
Public recognition =
Public relations =
Publication =
Date of publication =
Prior to publication =
Publicity =
Publisher =
Publishing =
Publishing date =
Publishing house =
Publishing rights =
Qualifications =
The right qualifications =
Quality =
High quality articles =
Personal qualities =
Professional qualities =
Quantity =
Questionnaire =
Quotation =
Quotation marks =) )
Quote =
Full quote (Mr. Khoury said: "I am not afraid of a new
government") =" : )
Indirect quote (Mr. Khoury said that he was not afraid of a
new government) = )
Supporting quote (Members of Khoury's party said they would
accept a long struggle and that they "were ready to go to
the end") = )
)" "
Radio =
Local radio =
Radio broadcast =
Radio channel =
Radio station =
Rank =


The rank and file (all ordinary members, for example of a

party) =
Rate =
Discount rate =
Inflation rate =
Interest rate =
Unemployment rate =
Readability =
Reader =
Ad-oriented reader =
Average reader =
Conservative reader =
First time reader =
Gain more readers =
Incentive for readers =
News-oriented reader =
Outraged reader =
Potential reader =
Readers' needs =
Typical reader =
Newspaper readership =
Readership studies =
Real estate=
Official record=
Record number=
Track a record=
Recruiting =
Recruiting computer workers =
Recruiting students =
Reference =
Reference list =
Refining =
Refining the editorial line =
Refreshments =
Regulation (for example regulation of the press in election
time) = )
Relationship =
Human relationship =
Relationship between general manager and editor in chief =

Release =
News release =
Press release =
Release of report =
Religion =


Freedom of religion =
Remark =
Critical remark =
Remuneration =
Rent =
Repair =
Repetition =
Needless repetition of words or ideas =

Report =
Annual report =
Business trip report =
Country report =
Reportage =
Reporter =
Economic reporter =
Experienced reporter =
Full-time reporter =
Highly respected reporter =
Reporting =
Factual reporting =
Fact-based reporting =
Reporting techniques =
Representative =
Newspaper's representative =
Sales representative =
Reputation =
Newspaper's reputation =
Professional reputation =
Request =
Research request =
Requirement =
Minimal requirements =
Technological requirements =
Research =
Market research =
Media research =
Research company =
Sociological research =
Telephone research =
Researcher =
Resource =
Available resources =
Selecting resources =
Response =
Email response =
Readers' response =


Responsibility =
Author's responsibility =
Exclusive responsibility =
The manager's responsibility =
Ultimate and complete responsibility =
Restriction =
Economic restrictions for the newspaper =

Political restrictions =
Result =
Financial results =
Long-term result =
Opinion poll results =
Poor results =
Revenue =
Advertising revenue =
Review =
Rewrite =
Rewrite the headline =
Rewrite the story =
Right =
Right of free speech =
Right of participation in the editorial board meeting =

Right of the public to truth/to know the truth =

Right of rewriting =
Right to appoint and dismiss the editor in chief =

Right to criticism =
Right to information =
Right to fair comment =
Right to freedom of speech =
The public's right to know =
Rights and duties =
Right and responsibilities =
Universal Declaration of Human Rights =

Workers' rights and duties =

Role =
Role of communication =
Role of journalism =
Role of the press =
Role model =
Routine =
Day-to-day routine =
Routine work =


Rule =
Break the rules =
Company rules =
Rules of thumb =
Rules of selling information =
Rules on publishing advertisements =
Style rules =
Universally recognized rules =
Safety =
Workplace safety =
Salary =
Basic salary =
Sales =
Retail sales =
Satisfaction =
Job satisfaction =
Work satisfaction =
Scanner =
Schedule =
Deadline schedule =
Secret =
Business secret =
Secret ballot =
Trade secret =
Section =
Advertising section =
Editorial section =
Special section =
Weekend section =
Selectivity =
Editorial selectivity =
Self =
Self-education =
Self-esteem =
Self-interest =
Seminar =
Seminar for journalists =
Training seminar =
Senior =
Senior editor =
Sense =
Common sense =
Sense of humor =
Sense of participation =
Sentence =
Incomplete sentence =
Long sentence =


Server =
Service =
Service to the public =
Service to the readers =
Shareholder =
General meeting of the shareholders =
Silence =
Wall of silence =
Sketch =
Skill =
Analytical skill =
Communication skill =
Requisite skill =
Slander =
Slang =
Journalists slang =
Social =
Social group =
Social reality =
Sociological =
Sociological research =
Software =
Solidarity =
Source =
Quoting sources =
Relevant source =
Specialist =
Spelling =
Spelling preferences =
Spirit =
Team spirit =
Sponsoring =
Staff =
Motivating the staff =
Standard =
Standard of language usage =
State =
Statement =
Mission statement =

Statistics =
Financial statistics =
Status =
Status of the economy =
Statute =
Editorial statutes =
Stockholder = shareholder =


Stakeholder (a group or a person with a stake, an interest

in something; for example the stakeholders of a company are
the shareholders, the managers, the workers, the people
from the neighborhood where the company is located, the
consumers of products of the company etcetera) =

Story =
Credibility of stories =
Keeping the story short =
Story idea =
Stories of real people's achievements =

Strategy =
Long-term strategy =
Street =
Language in the street =
Stringer (freelance correspondent) =
Structure =
Company structure =
Style =
Appealig style =
Casual style =
Stylebook =
Subcontractor =
Subscriber =
Attracting subscribers =
Subscription =
Subsidy =
Suggestion =
Employees' suggestions =
Summary =
Summary of major events =
Superficiality =
Superstition =
Supervision =
Close supervision =
Supervisor =
Supplement =
Special supplement =
Support =
Support of the government/party =
Surname =
Survey =
Market survey =
Readers' survey methods =


= System
= Legal system
= Undemocratic system
= Talent
= Recruiting talent
= Target
= Target group
= Task
= Easy task
= Major task
= Taste
= Good taste
= Poor taste
= Tax
= Tax law
= Team
= Build a team
= Teamwork
= Technique
= Training technique
= Technological
= Technological innovation
= Technology
= Fall in love with technology

= Telecommunications
= Tension
= Creative tension
= Text
= Make the text more fluent
= Theory
= Media theory
= Time
= Invest time
= Overtime
) = Part-time basis
= Time of publication
= Timetable
= Production timetable
= Tone
= Negative tone
= Tone of what was said
= Tool
= Communication tool
= Planning tool
= Training tool


= Top
= Top 100 companies
= Top official
= Top reporter
= Topic
= National topic
= Tour
= Tour of the company
= Tradition
= Best journalistic tradition
= Democratic tradition
= Trainer
= Transmission
= Transmission costs
= Trend
= Economic trend
= Market trend
= Trial period
= Truth
= Dedication to the truth
= Deny the truth
= Respect for the truth
= Truth-bending information
= Type
= Type of interview
= Types of short news
= Unit
= Business unit
= Updating
= Continuous updating
= Usage
= Day-to-day usage
= Language usage
= Value
= Shared values
= Society's values
= Verification
= Veteran
= Radio veteran
= View
= Author's view
= Public view
= Visual
= Visual information
= Vocabulary
= Day-to-day vocabulary
= Voice


= Giving voice to other ideas

) ) = Watchdog
= Watchdog role
= Web
= Web-reader
= Website
= Weekly
= Word
) = Key word
= Word game
= Working
= Working conditions
= Working together
= Workshop
= Workshops organized by a professional association

) ( = Zapping
= Zapping webreader
= Zapping spectators


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