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Procedures For Class:

Entering the Classroom

Find your seat BEFORE the bell rings.
At the beginning of every class day, you should check the white board for a warm-up drill. You are responsible for

Beginning Class

beginning and completing all warm-up drills. Please note on your warm-up drill any absences that have occurred.. If you are opening the door when the bell rings - If you are walking in when the bell rings - If your personal belongings are at your seat and you are NOT (unless you have my permission) YOU ARE TARDY! AND you need to sign the TARDY LOG. Otherwise you must have a teacher/administrator signed student pass. Please Note---if you are more than 15 minutes late you will be asked to report to the attendance office, because attendance has already been submitted. Submit all of home and class work in your classs folder. Please make sure you have properly added the correct heading: assignment title, your name, your class, and date. All typed papers must be submitted in 12 pt Times New Roman font, double spaced, and with original margins and include the correct heading as stated above.
PLEASE NOTE: I prefer typed papers over handwritten work.


Submitting Papers

Typed Papers

Written Papers

All handwritten assignments must be legible. If not, then 10-20 points will be deducted from the assignment grade. All handwritten work should be done in: pencil, blue ink, or black ink and include the correct heading as stated above. PLEASE NOTE: I prefer typed papers over handwritten work.


PLEASE go to the restroom during the passing periods either before or after class! BUT--If you must use the restroom during class, quietly excuse yourself (one at a time) and return as quickly as possible. Class will begin with announcements about whats going on in class for the day/week---assignment due dates, etc. It is your responsibility to keep up with these dates. There is a no-tolerance policy for cheating. You will receive a zero for that assignment if you are involved in cheating. It is your responsibility to ask about make-up work due to an absence(s). All absences are to be made up according to the CHS Student Handbook. You will receive a zero for any assignment(s) not completed and submitted. Bottled water (with a lid or cap) is permissible in the classroom. No Food is permitted. You must have a teacher pass to go to the school nurse. If you have been to the nurses office and are joining the class late or returning to class you must have with a pass from the nurse. Misbehaving for a Substitute Teacher is not appropriate. Any student who misbehaves for a substitute teacher will write a 5-page essay on R-E-S-P-E-C-T!!!! Remain in your seat until the bell rings. You may not line-up at the door to get a jump start on the passing period. Leaving class without permission=REFERRAL!!! This class can be easy! Show me a CONCERTED EFFORT and you will pass this class! If you dont you probably wont..!!!


Cheating Absences

Food & Beverages in the Classroom

Going to/Coming from the Nurse

Misbehavior with a Substitute Teacher

Leaving Class How to Pass this Class & Earn Credit for Your Effort

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