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Tornado / Storm Procedure for S Hall Dean Ray Stucky Middle School

1. Teachers in S Hall will direct students to locations as they enter the FEMA shelter. 2. First three classes (+ or -) will be directed into S1 and S4 as students enter through North and South doors. 3. Next three classes (+ or -) will be directed into S2 and S3. 4. Remainder of student body and staff will fill in S Hall from center until all are inside and North and South doors are closed and secured.

Please note the following: Bathrooms, S5 and Science storage rooms will be filled as last resort Both C and D pods, along with Northern classes (A19-A22) will enter through North entry (C pod); all classes South of C and D pods will enter through South entry (B pod) After filling S classrooms, staff can direct students to fill up hallway along East wall and continue in rows until everyone is inside and FEMA doors can shut. Mr. Gruning will close door to South window along East wall, and Mrs. Koontz will close door to North window along East wall. Mr. Hartsell will sweep North part of building and be final one inside and close North doors; Ms. Gallatin will sweep South part of building and be final one inside and close South doors. Ms. Sinclair will help with sweeping building and be one of the final people to enter as well.

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