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Nabhasa Yogas


makes friends with the mean and intoxicated persons, does the work of a messenger, has aversion towards others and his own lineage, and is devoid of intelligence. Danda has many meanings, but the most significant one for purposes of this yoga is a rod, particularly as a symbol of judicial authority and punishment. Natives with this yoga are largely reaping the results of their previous karmas, as well as being forced to let go of all attachments. There is usually an element of loss and disappointment in their lives and they have some insecurities that are founded upon the possibility of loss. The most important point about Danda Yoga is that it indicates the completion and resolution of karmas on some level, and that the karmas done in this life are largely done to support and improve their future lives more so than the present one. Natives with this yoga usually find themselves at the end of life with just as much as they were born with, themselves, or they may find that their accomplishments really made no lasting difference, or if they did, there is an element of disappointment. Nauka boat Yoga: All planets in all 7 houses commencing from the lagna. One born in Nauka Yoga is famous, mean and wicked, wretched, miserly, dirty, strong, and stingy, though he has many gains. Living on the surface of the water, one also derives their livelihood from water, being sometimes happy and other times miserable. One is also devoid of sensual pleasures, afflicted, volatile, greedy, and uses stolen wealth. Nauka simply means a boat or ship. Natives with this yoga are more emotionally centered, introverted and sensitive people, living on the surface of the water. Their actions are largely emotionally centered, derives their livelihood from water There is a tendency to see others as an extension of themselves from which to benefit and gain from. They generally expect too much from others and too much happiness from their desires, as a result they do not find happiness.

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