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Poster Analysis and Evaluation!

1a) what rules have I learnt and used on my poster successfully?

03/03/14 By Zainab

Overall Ive learnt how to keep my poster design simple and how not to have too much gradient backgrounds and taken this on and used in my poster. In details of my poster I included to: not write too much unnecessary sentences and to instead keep it short and catchy with some meaning and big so youre able to see it, I Ive also used good amount picture and given it a frame and pinned it to make a good affect. 1b) what new things do I know how to do? Im now able to make my photos have a good affect by either framing it or making the background of the picture transparent so it looks better than just copying and pasting pictures. I have also learnt how to keep my posters interesting by not writing too much words , and also keeping everything in line and not all jumbled all over the place.

1c) Using images of earlier draft comment on how your poster has improved over time? This image is showing you how Ive improved: keeping my texts short and simple, keeping good eye Flow, making my images related. 2) Apart from the 8 rules, what else makes? a good poster? Making sure the colours you use match. Keeping pictures related to title.

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