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Age:. Gender: a) Male b) Female

1). Do you think that employee retention helps the development of organization?
a) Never b) Sometimes ) Most of the times d) !ll the times
". Does your ompany pay more attention to inentives and perks offered to you?
a) #es b) No
$. #ou are enouraged to partiipate in training to improve your skills and .
a) #es b) No
4. Do you get the reognition that you deserve for your performane?
a) #es b) No
&. 'hat is your opinion regarding the (ork load?
a) )ery high b) *igh ) !verage d) +o( e) )ery lo(
,. 'ould you like to plan your further areer in this organization?
a) #es b) No
-. *ave you ever suggested.(ill you suggest your friends.relatives to /oin this organization?
a) #es b) No
8. Do you think that the implementation of three 01s 2reognition3 re(ard3 respet) (ill inrease
employee retention?
a) Never b) sometimes ) most of the times d) all the time
Indicate the extent to which each of the following stateents !o" ag#ee in !o"#
o#gani$ation "sing the fi%e &oint scale '! a#(ing a tic( a#( )*+
4. Does your management ome for(ard to support (hen you are faing (ith ritial situation
a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree ) Neutral d) !gree d) Strongly !gree
10. 'ork5life balane is supported by this organization.
a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree ) Neutral d) !gree d) Strongly !gree
11. #our training program is al(ays linked (ith your areer development.gro(th.
a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree ) Neutral d) !gree d) Strongly !gree
12. 6rganization treating you in a respetful (ay.
a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree ) Neutral d) !gree d) Strongly !gree
1$. 7here are no barriers of ommuniation (hile you are ommuniating (ith your superior
a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree ) Neutral d) !gree d) Strongly !gree
14. Do you agree that you are re(arded periodially for your performane?
a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree ) Neutral d) !gree d) Strongly !gree
1&. Do you agree that employee retention is plays a vital role in the result of produtivity?
a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree ) Neutral d) !gree d) Strongly !gree
Indicate the extent to which each of the following stateents !o" satisf! in
!o"# o#gani$ation "sing the fi%e &oint scale '! a#(ing a tic( a#( )*+
against that col"n,
15. 'hat do you feel about the (orking environment?
a) *ighly Dissatisfied b) Dissatisfied ) Neutral) d) Satisfied d) *ighly Satisfied
1,. 'hat is your opinion about the ompany rules and regulation?
a) *ighly Dissatisfied b) Dissatisfied ) Neutral) d) Satisfied d) *ighly Satisfied
17. 8nterpersonal relationships are enouraging in this organization.
a) *ighly Dissatisfied b) Dissatisfied ) Neutral) d) Satisfied d) *ighly Satisfied
18. 7he /ob you are performing is satisfatory9?
a) *ighly Dissatisfied b) Dissatisfied ) Neutral) d) Satisfied d) *ighly Satisfied
20. *o( is your relationship bet(een your superiors?
a) *ighly Dissatisfied b) Dissatisfied ) Neutral) d) Satisfied d) *ighly Satisfied
"1. :;press your level of satisfation regarding the (elfare measures provided by
the %ompany.
a) *ighly Dissatisfied b) Dissatisfied ) Neutral) d) Satisfied d) *ighly Satisfied
"". 7ell your opinion about ma/or reasons for employees leaving 2#ou an name more than one)
23. (hat inspires you 9999. Most in your organization?2#ou an name more than one)
24. *ave you (orked in any other organization previous to this ompany?
= > #es = > No
8f yes3 for (hat reason you shifted to this ompany?
"&. 7he a(ards . re(ards you reeived in this organization?
",. Any Suggestions? <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
*****Thank you*****

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