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Tagline for 1st image:

<p><span class="allura-font">G</span>overnors <span

class="allura-font">L</span>and at <span class="allurafont">T</span>wo <span class="allura-font">R</span>ivers,
<br />
<span class="secline"><span class="allura-font">A</span><span
class="allura-font"> P</span>rivate<span class="allurafont">G</span>olf & <span class="allura-font">W</span>aterfront
<span class="allura-font">C</span>ommunity</span></p>
Tagline for 2nd image:
<p><span class="allura-font">O</span>utstanding <span
class="allura-font">G</span>eorgian <span class="allurafont">G</span>olf <span class="allura-font">F</span>ront <span
class="allura-font">H</span>ome <br /> <span class="smallfont">3096 Nathaniels Green</span></p>
Slide 1 has two lines but each line is the same while Slide 2 has
also two lines but the second line is smaller.
You must enclose the whole tagline in a <p></p> tag.
Every first letter of each word can be enclosed in a <span
class="allura-font"></span> tag followed by its next letters
without space ( e.g. <span class="allurafont">G</span>overnors ).
You can also not include the <span class="allurafont"></span> tag in some words if you dont want to.
<span class="secline"></span> tag is used when you want a
second line with the same style as the first line like in Slide 1.
Notice where the </span> is placed, this tag should enclose the
whole second line. Remember to put <br /> first before this tag.
Just like the latter tag, <span class="small-font"></span>
tag is used when you want the next words to be in second line.

However, the words enclosed to this tag are smaller like in Slider
2. Remember also to put <br /> first before this tag.

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