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Classroom Management Plan

Class/ Rehearsal
Every student is expected to show up to class and outside rehearsals on time. Students need to
make sure they have all their equipment (instrument, music, pencil) for each class and rehearsal.
Students are expected to be in their seats and ready to play by the time class starts.
Band students are welcome in the band hall before and after school. However, students are
expected not to disturb a class, rehearsal, sectional, or any other event taking place in the band
hall. Each student is expected to show exemplary behavior at all times.

1. Raise your hand to have permission to speak.
2. Have the proper respect for those who have authority.
3. Take your instrument and music home every night to practice.
4. Bring all your equipment (instrument, music, and pencil) to class every day.
5. Have a name tag on your instrument at all times.
6. Leave food, drinks, candy, or gum outside of the band hall.
7. Keep phones or any other electronic device off during rehearsal.
8. Keep your hands on your own instrument.
9. Keep your hands to yourself.
10. Keep valuable items out of band lockers.
11. Cooperate with your fellow band members and share responsibility of being a good student.

If you choose not to abide by the school and band hall rules, one or more of the following
consequences will occur:

Verbal Warning.
Put instrument away. Receive no class participation.
After school detention.
Teacher/Student Conference.
Phone call to parents.


Parent/Teacher Conference.
Referral to principal.

Actions That Will Result In Automatic Dismissal From The Band Program
Use of alcohol or illegal drugs during band activities
Intentional damage or defacement of band property or other students
Fighting during band activities
Lack of respect to Band Directors, Private Lesson Teachers, and Chaperones
Failure or refusal to carry out a request by the Directors and Chaperones

Good Behavior
With good behavior come many opportunities to learn. The time spent working in the classroom
and rehearsing with the band should be efficient. Good behaviors will result in reaching goals the
directors want and the students make.
Students who show good behavior may be considered for leadership roles and be given raffle
tickets throughout the year. Students who are given raffle tickets will have the opportunity to
receive rewards at the end of each grading period. Rewards may include reeds, drumsticks,
instructional videos, and gift cards.

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