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Brandon Kelly Kyle Rockwell


Cnidaria vs Porifera
as the Cnidaria has radial symmetry the Porifera has Asymmetrical
THe specialized cells are the cnidocytes, which is the stinging cell, in the
cnidocytes there are nematocyst
Digestion takes place in the Gastrovascular cavity.
Cnidaria vs Annelida
In the Cnidaria there were some specialized cells, in the Annelida There were
organs instead. The Cnidaria had a nerve net, while the Annelida had a brain
and nerve cords.
The Cnidaria circulated by diffusion, and the Annelida Circulated with a
closed circulatory system.

Cnidaria Have specialized cells called statocytes+cnidocytes,

epidermal/cells+cells lining
G.V.C. that help digest food. Radial symmetry, central G.V.C. + hydrostatic.
Anelida has developed organs to preform body function like like intestines
etc. ,aortic arches for cire, nerves and central ganglia for response , muscles.
Annelida vs Mollusca
The squid have more specialized sensory organs than the mollusca, and
some complex organs as well. The squid also can change its pigments to
blend in with its surroundings.
It also has cephalization and a central nervous system.
Mollusca vs Annelida
The Grasshopper has a segmented body with specialized appendages for
each segment, including antenna, jumping legs, claws, wings, and walking legs.
The three segments of the grasshopper are the head, the thorax, and the abdomen.

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