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Objective 41

Summarize the development of language formation.

Language starts to form hen the baby is in the fetus stage of development. They
learn the language patterns of their mothers. Once the babies are born, they
learn new language by using their sense of hearing and sight to take in
information. Babies use their mouth, tongues, and ears to mimic the sights and
sounds that the people around them create. The first ways babies communicate
with others is through crying. As the babies grow up, they tend to make more
verbal sounds within consonants. Many studies show that roughly by the age 4
months, children are able to pick out sounds and read lips.
This TED talk shows the language learning is babies. Babies are geniuses
when it comes to learning language. The more critical time period for sounds
and language development is anytime before the age of 7. After the age of 7, the
language ability begins to decrease and continues as the years go on.
This website describes how language develops in early childhood.

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