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School Phone: 352.466.


Micanopy Area Cooperative School

October 7, 2011

We had a great time at the Coon Hollow filed trip. A big thanks to all our volunteers who chaperoned! We got to go on a hayride and feed horses and cows. We went in groups through the corn maze, nobody got lost! We made a scarecrow and now have a new classroom mascot. The children took a vote and decided to name the scarecrow Scary Perry! We learned about pumpkins and found out that pumpkins are the largest fruits. We then got to take turns scooping seeds out of a pumpkin. In class we have talked about emergencies and when it is appropriate to call 9-1-1. We reviewed the escape route in case we have a fire drill at school. Firemen from the Micanopy Fire Department visited the class on Friday and taught us more fire safety. Ms. Bethany will take over substitute teaching duties next week while Mrs. Willis is on maternity leave.

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What we did this week:

We had a great week in Kindergarten. These are a few things we did this week in school: We practiced the letters P, C, and T for handwriting In math, we learned about positions such as: above, below, inside, beside, and next to. We reviewed rhyming words. Please have your children tell you what makes word rhyme. Reading books and poems that rhyme are great to familiarize them with rhyming words. We reviewed the /s/ sound and introduced the hard /c/ sound. Ask your child to tell you words that start with these sounds.

*Please make sure your children are reading, or being read to, every night. Make note of the books read on the October book list. We will give small prizes to reward those children who read and complete their book list. *Please review your childs Reading Racers every night. We are making excellent progress with our letters and sounds! *Please remind your children to use pencil for writing so they can correct mistakes if necessary. Everybody has been turning in homework, keep up the good work!

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