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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of understanding entered on 22nd day of June, 2012 between M/s.

SRM Learning Tree Pvt. Ltd., (under the brand name of FuturEdge , a !om"an# in$or"orated under the !om"anies %$t,&'() ,having its !or"orate *ffi$e at +ew +o. 2,, -.+.!hett# Road, T.+agar, !hennai . )// /&0 re"resented b# its !E* 111, aged about 11 #ears herein after referred to as SRMLT (FIRST PART !" whi$h e2"ression sha33 in$3ude its su$$essors, 3ega3 heirs and assigns on the one "art. AND Anna#a$a%a& 'o$$e(e of En(%nee&%n( )%*ua*ed a* Muda%yu& +%$$a(e, Po$u& Ta$u,, T-%&u.anna#a$a% D%)*/ re"resented b# its '-a%&#an, D&/0/R/A&u#u(a# hereinafter referred to as SE'OND PART ! whi$h e2"ression sha33 in$3ude its su$$essors, 3ega3 heirs and assigns on the other "art. 45ERE%S SRMLT is in the business of im"arting training to enab3e graduating students in !o33eges to a$6uire em"3o#abi3it# s7i33s $a33ed Fu*u&Ed(e!/ 45ERE%S SRMLT is desirous of $ondu$ting the Fu*u&Ed(e! "rogram unde& *-e na#e of 'a#1u) &e2&u%*#en* 1&o(a##e 3'RP3 as "er detai3s of the S$hedu3e % of this agreement.

45ERE%S SE'OND PART has a$$orded wi33ingness to "rovide the ne$essar# $3ass rooms and their $om"uter 3abs in the $o33ege for SRMLT with fu33 infrastru$ture re6uired to $ondu$t of training "rogamme !RP. 45ERE%S it is agreed between the "arties on the fo33owing terms and $onditions of the Memorandum of 8nderstanding. +*4 T59S MEM*R%+:8M 49T+ESSET5 &. SRMLT (F9RST P%RT; being edu$ation $entre whi$h $ondu$ts $ourses as "er s$hedu3e % tit3ed !RP and ho3ds test/e2amination, whi$h sha33 be its e2$3usive rights and is o"erated as "er the terms and $onditions of this agreement using the Trade Mar7, Trade +ame, :esigns, Te$hni$a3 7now<how "rovided here under with the s"e$ified infrastru$ture and other e6ui"ments as mentioned in the agreement. 2. SE'OND PART sha33 "rovide ne$essar# infrastru$ture su$h as $3ass rooms, $om"uter 3abs, tab3es, $hairs for smooth $ondu$t of training $3asses b# SRMLT. =. SRMLT sha33 not be he3d res"onsib3e for an# damage or theft $aused to the infrastru$ture and an# other assets of the Anna#a$a%a& 'o$$e(e of En(%nee&%n( b# the students or an# other e2terna3 fa$tors during the tenure of its o"eration. ,. SE'OND PART Sha33 "rovide $om"3ete 3ist of &=0 students to SRMLT to whom training has to be im"arted in for !RP. (. SRMLT sha33 de$ide on the number of fa$u3t#/su""orting staff re6uired for smooth $ondu$t of $3asses and a""oint a$$ording3#. SRMLT has the right to transfer its staff and a""oint new staff whenever re6uired. ). SRMLT sha33 $ondu$t $3asses on the $ourses as s"e$ifi$a33# mentioned in our "ro"osa3 and agreed hereto and in$or"orated in S$hedu3e % tit3ed !RP. 0. SE'OND PART to enro33 the number of students $onsidering the avai3abi3it# of number of $om"uters and a33ot one $om"uter e2$3usive3# for ea$h student for "ra$ti$a3 3ab sessions. >. SRMLT(FIRST PART " sha33 "rovide $ourse materia3s to ea$h student enro33ed. '. SRMLT(FIRST PART " sha33 "rovide the s$hedu3e of $3asses at the beginning of ea$h semester to the !o33ege and the !o33ege wou3d fi33 in their suitab3e dates for $ondu$ting the $3asses. The dates are to be "rovided in su$h terms that the $3asses are to be $om"3eted in the res"e$tive semester itse3f. %n# $an$e33ation or "ost"onement of $3asses due to une2"e$ted reason shou3d be intimated to SRMLT a3ong with the a3ternate dates for $ondu$ting su$h $an$e33ed/"ost"oned $3asses. &/. SRMLT(FIRST PART " sha33 $ondu$t "eriodi$a3 assessments to the enro33ed students either on3ine or off3ine in ea$h semester, to monitor the deve3o"ment of students. The resu3ts wi33 be shared with the !o33ege %uthorities and the res"e$tive students. &&. SRMLT(FIRST PART " sha33 issue $ertifi$ate on su$$essfu3 $om"3etion of the $ourse. &2. SRMLT(FIRST PART " sha33 maintain ne$essar# re$ords of the students for $ondu$t of $ourses. &=. SE'OND PART Sha33 "rovide $ongenia3 wor7ing atmos"here. &,. SE'OND PART sha33 not use SRMLT staff for its wor7 other than the "ur"ose agreed herewith in this agreement. &(. SE'OND PART sha33 su""3# ne$essar# stationer# and other "eri"hera3s to the students undergoing training $ourse. &). SE'OND PART sha33 a""oint a $oordinator to $oordinate with SRMLT for smooth $ondu$t of the $ourse and render ne$essar# assistan$e. &0. SE'OND PART sha33 not enter into agreement with an# other institutions during the tenure of SRMLT agreement for the "ur"oses agreed hereto. &>. SRMLT (FIRST PART sha33 not entertain an# transfer / $hange of $ourse b# the students. &'. SRMLT(FIRST PART " Sha33 "rovide suitab3e te$hno3og# to monitor the $3asses $ondu$ted b# SRMLT in the PERFORMAN'E DAS4 5OARD. This "rovision sha33 enab3e the !o33ege authorities to view the attendan$e and the assessment s$ores of the students in the "rogram. 2/. SRMLT(FIRST PART " sha33 $ondu$t P3a$ement Programs to enab3e the students to find their ?obs in the 9ndustr#. SRMLT sha33 bring in the re$ruiting team from re3ated 9ndustr# to find their suitab3e $andidates from the $o33ege . The $om"an#@s re6uirement in terms of the a$ademi$

6ua3ifi$ation and S7i33 sets for the students sha33 be $ir$u3ated in advan$e to the $o33ege to enab3e the suitab3e students to "re"are for the 9nterview "ro$ess. SRMLT sha33 not be 3iab3e for su$h students who have not se$ured the a$ademi$ resu3ts as re6uired b# the re$ruiting $om"anies. 2&. The de$ision of re$ruitment sha33 be the so3e dis$retion of the re$ruiting $om"an# and SRMLT sha33 in no wa# inf3uen$e the "ro$ess of re$ruitment. 22. SRMLT (FIRST PART sha33 "rovide = o""ortunities for "3a$ement to the students who are made "art of this "rogram b# the $o33ege under the fo33owing $onditionsA %. The students shou3d have "assed the SRMLT@s fina3 assessment of ea$h semester with 0/B unti3 the "3a$ement "rogram. C. The students wi33 be se3e$ted for the P3a$ement Program based on the a$ademi$ re6uirements of the $om"anies "arti$i"ating in the "rogram. !. The students shou3d have had >/B attendan$e in ea$h semester of the SRMLT $3asses $ondu$ted in the $o33ege. :. The students shou3d have "aid a33 the fees for the SRMLT "rogram and the $o33ege shou3d have remitted to SRMLT for the said student. E. student shou3d have se$ured minimum )/B in a$ademi$s with ni3 arrears 2=. Cased on the $riteria mentioned in "aragra"h 22 with its sub $3auses (% to E , students sha33 be short3isted who be$ome e3igib3e for "3a$ement o""ortunities. 5owever, there sha33 be no s"e$ifi$ ?ob "rofi3e to whi$h the# wi33 be "3a$ed. 9f in $ase, a student who has been given offer 3etter does not ta7e the same, then it wi33 be re$7oned as a "art of "3a$ement o""urtunit# and no se"arate initiative sha33 be ta7en b# SRMLT to enab3e them to find their em"3o#ment. 26/ T-e 1&o1o)ed 2o##en2e#en* of *-e 1&o(&a# )-a$$ 7e f&o# 8 *- Se1*e#7e& 2012/ 2(. SRMLT sha33 underta7e to $om"3ete the $ourses within the time 3imit. 2). SE!*+: P%RT; nominates as a sing3e "oint of $onta$t for this "rogram and his $onta$t detai3s as fo33owsA Mobi3eA SE!*+: P%RT; sha33 intimate to SRMLT (F9RST P%RT; for an# $hanges as sing3e "oint of $onta$t we33 in advan$e. . F%nan2%a$ *e&#)9 a. SE'OND PART Sha33 be res"onsib3e for $o33e$tion of $ourse fees from the students on enro3ment. : R) 6000;3 (Ru"ees Four Thousand *n3# "er student "er annum. b. SE'OND PART )ha33 "a# the above fee as "er S$hedu3e CD SE'OND PART sha33 ensure that a33 dues are sett3ed before %))ue of 2ourse $om"3etion $ertifi$ates to students b# SRMLT.. $. SE'OND PART S-a$$ #a,e a33 "a#ments b# :emand :raft in favour of E SRM LEARNING TREE P+T LTD, 1aya7$e at !hennai.

+a$%d%*y and &ene<a$ of *-%) a(&ee#en*= a. This agreement is va3id for a "eriod of *ne yea&) from the date of this agreement. The $ondu$t of $ourse and other terms sha33 be modified in writing if ne$essar# a$$ording to the re6uirements of the Em"3o#abi3it#.. b. This agreement sha33 be renewed on the e2"ir# of *ne #ears term and as "er the terms and $onditions as deemed fit at that time. $. SRMLT (F9RST P%RT; sha33 a""roa$h to SE!*+: P%RT; for renewa3 of this agreement two months in advan$e before the e2"ir# of this agreement. d. SE'OND PART sha33 have the right to renew or re?e$t the renewa3 "ro"osa3 of SRMLT.

%rbitrationA 9n the event of deviation of an# terms and $onditions agreed hereto b# either "arties to this agreement or an# ......... wi33 be referred to the %rbitrator who wi33 be a""ointed with the mutua3 $onsent of both the "arties. 9f the dis"ute is not reso3vab3e, then the matter $an be referred to the $ourt of 3aw having ?urisdi$tion in !hennai/Canga3ore $it# on3#. Non3d%)2$o)u&e Pa&* of *-e a(&ee#en*= &. C*T5 the Parties agree that !onfidentia3 9nformation re3ated to (& business "3ans, methods, and "ra$ti$esD (2 "ersonne3, sta7eho3ders (= inventions, "ro$esses, methods, "rodu$ts, "atent a""3i$ations, and other "ro"rietar# rightsD or (, s"e$ifi$ations, drawings, s7et$hes, mode3s, sam"3es, too3s, te$hni$a3 information wi33 not be dis$3osed to an# other "art#/"arties/$om"etitors. C*T5 the "arties wi33 not interfere to its $3ient/$3ients ea$h other, su""3iers, end<users or wi33 not e2$hange an# information regarding to $ourse $ontent, $3ients detai3s, and re$ruiters@ detai3s as 3ong as the agreement wi33 remain va3id and a3so after that. 9f an# of these gets vio3ated, then it wi33 be $onsidered as a Fbrea$h of agreement@ and wi33 be treated as "er 3aw.


Ju&%)d%2*%on9 This agreement sha33 be $onstrued and enfor$ed a$$ording to the 3aws of 9ndia. %n# dis"ute arising out of or in $onne$tion with this agreement is to be brought in a $ourt having ?urisdi$tion in !hennai/Canga3ore $it# on3#. 9+ 49T+ESS 45ERE*F, the "arties hereto have $aused this agreement to be du3# e2e$uted on the da# and #ear first herein above written. %greed G %$$e"ted +ameA :esignationA !E* !hairman +ameA D&/0/R/A&u#u(-a# :esignationA


Au*-o&%>e S%(na*o&y !o33ege Sea3A

?%*ne))= 1/

S2-edu$e A 'RP P&o(&a##e Fo& Anna#a$a%a& 'o$$e(e of En(%nee&%n( Semester wise S$hedu3e of !ourses Se#e)*e&

D%)2%1$%ne) %n Unde& G&adua*e 'ou&)e) 'SE @ IT

Pro?e$t re3ated Te$hni$a3 S7i33s 999 G 9nterview Pre"aration Pro?e$t Statement G -uidan$e

Pro?e$t re3ated Te$hni$a3 S7i33s 999 G 9nterview Pre"aration Pro?e$t Statement G -uidan$e

Pro?e$t re3ated Te$hni$a3 S7i33s 999 G 9nterview Pre"aration Pro?e$t Statement G -uidan$e

Pro?e$t re3ated Te$hni$a3 S7i33s 999 G 9nterview Pre"aration Pro?e$t Statement G -uidan$e


S2-edu$e 35 Fees Stru$ture for %nnama3aiar !o33ege of Engineering The tota3 number of studentsA &=0 Tota3 Fees "a#ab3eA Rs. ,////< "er student "er #ear
9nsta33men t & 2 = , Per$entage of Fees :ate of Pa#ment /=.'.2/&2 Remar7s First "a#ment a3ong with the Mo8 signing Se$ond "a#ment during the "rogram Third "a#ment before the "3a$ement a$tivit# Fourth Pa#ment before the "3a$ement a$tivit#

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