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Bryans in Rwanda
Serving at Kigali International Community School

Two more years

Many ask us exactly how long
were going to stay in Rwanda.
The truth is that we dont know!
Douglas signed a contract to
teach at KICS for two more
school years, so thats our
current timeline. Its exciting to
be with the school through the
expansions they have planned.
This year Douglas will continue
to teach third grade and Ill
stay home with Elias and do
some tutoring several hours a

So , wh at about Elias?
Elias interests at 11.5 months:
kittens, climbing the stairs, bird
watching, magnetic poetry,
American Sign Language, laser
tag, wildlife conservation,
combing his hair, chasing ants,
balls, hosting a bi-weekly
podcast (This Rwandan life),
and eating all that he can.
He cruises around and stands
for a few seconds. No steps
yet. Also, his first tooth is just
starting to pop through!
We have fun together walking
with friends, going to playgroups,
and attending Toddler Praise.
He turns one on October 15!

Summer over already?

A busy end-of-the-year led right into a wonderfully rich
summer. We were delighted to see loved ones and introduce
them to Elias in June and July. It was special that they got to
see him learn how to wave, clap, and crawl.

Thanks for keeping up with us and sorry its been so long.

Love, Douglas, Kerry, and Elias
For more info or to donate:

Thanks for praying with us!

Please join us in prayer.
*Praise God that KICS has been around for 10 years! We
celebrated with several 10th Anniversary events.
*Pray for KICS as we grow and strive to meet the needs of
our students. We want kids to know Jesus!
*Pray for Rwanda and surrounding countries, that there
would be peace.
*Pray as we figure out how to spend our time this school
year, including Bible study and finding community.



Endings and Beginnings

Field Day with Third Grade
A warm, dry day was just what we needed for the
elementary kids at KICS to have a successful
field day. Students enjoyed rotating through
activities and in the end, finishing with class
competitions of tug-of-war. All in all, it was a
great afternoon of fun.

A Different School
Every year I am given a new set of 3rd graders
who are, for the most part, ready to tackle
another school year. This year more students
have joined the lower primary campus as KICS
has added a second kindergarten, second first
grade, and brought back the pre-school or PreKites program. KICS has expanded in hopes of
serving more people in the community and
fulfilling our vision to impact the world for Christ.

Happy 10th Birthday, KICS!

Douglas and I were asked to co-chair the
committee for the 10th anniversary of KICS. This
included four events over three days: a student
celebration during school, a worship night looking
back on Gods faithfulness, a community festival
for KICS families and the neighborhood, and a
vision dinner to fundraise for the future of our
school. Were grateful that all the events were
successful and God provided so many amazing
people to be on the committee and to help fulfill
our needs.
During this time of celebration, students, families,
and teachers, took time to write what they were
thankful for or what impacted them over the past
10 years on rocks. These will be put together,
and a wall will be made as a remembrance for
what God has done in the last decade at KICS.

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