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Groups 14,15,16, and 17

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1. Use in solar panels and computer chips 1. Themrmoelectric power in space satellites
a. Silicon a. Polonium
2. In dermatological application as keratolytic
2. Provides inert atmosphere in ampoules; no a. Sulfur (Scabicide)
oxygen i. Usually obtained from volcanoes
a. Nitrogen 3. Coating of metals surface to prevent
3. Antiknock agent in petrol, in plumbing a. Tin
a. Lead 4. Basic building unit of our genetic material
Antiknock agent- is a gasoline additive used a. Carbon
to reduce engine knocking and increase 5. Involved in the building of our genetic
the fuels octane rating by raising the material
temperature and pressure at which auto- a. Phosphorus
ignition occurs. 6. Dental prophylactic
a. Fluorine
7. Treating schistosomiasis
a. Antimony
Antimony potassium
Tetraethyl lead or TEL Antimony sodium tartrates
4. With hydrogen, in diluted form, used as Sodium tartrates
gastric acidifier - Saline cathartic
a. Chlorine 8. Essential for proper thyroid functioning;
- With hydrogen in diluted form antiseptic property
- Difficulty in stomach a. Iodine/Iodide
5. Central depressant action Ex. Povidone iodine (Betadine)
a. Bromine/Bromide Solubilizing Agent:
- Sodium bromidesedative Sodium iodide
6. Therapeutic gas Potassium iodide
a. Oxygen 9. Researchers think it may be used in treating
7. Maintenance of immune defense cancer
mechanism a. Astatine
a. Selenium 10. Added to copper to improve machinability
8. Historical medicinal use for syphilis a. Tellurium
a. Arsenic
Arsphenamine/Salvarsan (compound)
9. Compounds used in relief of GI disorders
a. Bismuth
Part 2 a. Stannous Fluoride
b. Tin (II) fluoride
1. An inhalatory general anesthetic, known as c. SnF2
the laughing gas p. 23 10. An antifoaming agent
a. Nitrous Oxide (N2O) a. Simethicone (C6H18O3Si)
2. Respiratory stimulant in CO - Carbon Anti-flatulent
monoxide (Toxic in our hemoglobin- 11. Solvent for gold
transports oxygen) poisoning p.25,21 a. Selenic Acid (H2SeO4)
In Sufficient air: -colorless
C + O2 CO2 12. Use of aromatic spirit of ammonia p.23
In Limited air: a. Reflex stimulant
2C + O2 2CO b. Smelling salts
a. Oxygen (O2) - antidote (NH3 & NH4CO3)
b. Carbon dioxide Oil & Alcohol
- +5% CO2 13. Solvents for platinum and gold p.23
3. Most electronegative element; ability to a. Aqua Regia (Royal water)
interact with majority of elements i. Nitric Acid HNO3 (1 part)
a. Fluorine ii. Hydochloric Acid - HCl (3 parts)
i. Fast to interact with other element
except for platinum, gold, silver, and 14. Known as Salt former p.26
mercury a. Halogens
Francium most electropositive element b. Group 17/VII A elements
4. Antidote for cyanide poisoning, vasodilator
p. 24 Group 14- Carbon Family
a. Sodium Nitrite (NaNO2) Carbon- nonmetal
5. Softest mineral known Silicon- metalloid
a. Talc (Mg3(OH)2Si4O10) Group 15 Pnictogens
i. Used as dusting agent Oxidation state (-3)
ii. Filtering agent Nitrogen and Phosphorus-
6. A lung condition resembling chronic nonmetals
tuberculosis, that develops after long Group 16- Chalcogens
exposure to silica particles Oxidation state (-2)
a. Silicosis Oxygen and Sulfur- non-metals
7. Group 14 element that shows nonmetallic
character and catenation property 15. Known as Bakers ammonia or Hartshorn p.
a. Carbon 15
Catenation is the binding of an element to a. Ammonium carbonate
itself through covalent bonds to form chain i. (NH4)2 CO3
of ring molecules. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 ii. Used as leavening agent
8. A cumulative poison, absorbed readily in
the intestinal tract and broken skin, and is
deposited in the bones
a. Lead
9. Compound of tin applied topically as dental
prophylactic p. 22

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