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Lesson 1 Arithmetic Sequence

An arithmetic sequence is a sequence where every term after the first is obtained by adding a
constant called the common difference.
A sequence is a set of real numbers that is formed according to a certain logical order.

Lesson 2 Geometric and Other Sequence

A geometric sequence is a sequence where each term after the first is obtained by multiplying
the preceding term by a nonzero constant called the common ratio.
Arithmetic Means terms m 1, m2, ..., mk between two numbers a and b
such that a1, m1, m2, ..., mk , b is an arithmetic sequence.
Common Difference a constant added to each term of an arithmetic
sequence to obtain the next term of the sequence.
Common Ratio a constant multiplied to each term of a geometric sequence to obtain the next
term of the sequence.
Fibonacci Sequence a sequence where its first two terms are either both 1, or 0 and 1; and
each term, thereafter, is obtained by adding the two preceding terms.
Finite Sequence a function whose domain is the finite set {1, 2, 3, ..., n}
Geometric Means terms m 1, m2, ..., mk between two numbers a and b
such that a1, m1, m2, ..., mk , b is a geometric sequence.
Harmonic Sequence a sequence such that the reciprocals of the terms form an arithmetic
Infinite Sequence a function whose domain is the infinite set {1, 2, 3, } Sequence (of real
numbers) a function whose domain is the finite set {1, 2, 3, , n} or the infinite set {1, 2, 3, }
Term - any number in a sequence
Degree of a Polynomial - the highest degree of a term in a polynomial
Factor Theorem - the polynomial P(x) has x r as a factor if and only if
P(r) = 0
Mathematical Model - a mathematical representation of some phenomena in real world.
Polynomial - an algebraic expression of the form anxn + a n 1 x n 1 + an 2x n 2 + + a1x + a0,
where an 0, and a0, a1, a2, , an are real numbers.
Rational Root Theorem - Let a n 1x n 1 + an 2x n 2 + + a1x + a0 = 0 be a polynomial equation of
degree n. If , in lowest terms, is a rational
root of the equation, then p is a factor of a0 and q is a factor of an.
Remainder Theorem - If the polynomial P(x) is divided by (x r), the
remainder R is a constant and is equal to P(r).
Synthetic Division - a short method of dividing polynomial expressions using only the
coefficient of the terms.
Lesson 1 Division of Polynomials

Lesson 2 The Remainder Theorem and Factor Theorem

Lesson 3 Polynomial Equations

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