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Finite Sequence – limited or finite number of terms, sequence

with last term.

Infinite Sequence – unlimited numbers of terms, sequence
without last term.
Sequence – A set of numbers written in a specific order a1, a2,
a3, a4, a5, a6,….an. The number a1 is called the 1st term, a2 is the
2nd term, and in general, an is the nth term.
Arithmetic Sequence – sequence in which the difference
between consecutive terms is constant. Each succeeding term
is obtained by adding a fixed number.
Common difference – fixed number which is denoted as d.
Formula of Arithmetic Sequence
an = a1 + (n – 1) d
an = 2n – 1
a1 – first term
n – term position
an – nth term
d – common difference
Formula in finding common difference
d = difference of two consecutive terms
an = a1 + (n - 1) d
Arithmetic Mean – terms between any consecutive terms of an
arithmetic sequence (first and last terms)
Formula of Arithmetic Means
an = a1 + (n – 1) d
Arithmetic Series – sum of arithmetic sequence, sum of all the
terms in a sequence
Sum of Arithmetic Series
Sn = n/2 [2a1 + (n – 1) d]

Geometric Sequence / Geometric Progression – set of terms

in which each term after the first is obtained by multiplying the
previous term by a fixed number called Common Ratio which
is commonly presented by r.
Common Ratio – may be an integer or fraction, negative or
positive. Can be found by dividing any term by the term that
precedes it
Formula of Geometric Sequence
An = a1 ( r )n-1
where :
an = nth term
a1 = first term
r = common ratio
n = term position
Formula of Finding Common Ratio
r = quotient of any term by the term that precedes it
Geometric Means – first and last term
Formula of Sum of Geometric Sequence
Sn = a1 (1-r²)
Solving Problems Involving Sequence
See – What kind of sequence is involve in the problem?
Plan – What if the appropriate formula to be used and the
needed values.
Do – Perform the indicated operation and simplify.
Look Back – The answer should satisfy all the given
information in the problem.

Harmonic Sequence – a sequence such that the reciprocals of

the terms form an arithmetic sequence.
Fibonacci Sequence – s sequence where its first two terms
are with 1 or 0 and 1 and each term there after is obtained by
adding the two preceding terms.

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