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2nd Grade Lesson Plan 2.

1. Goal: To practice so, mi, la; practice ta and ti ti; prep quarter rest

2. Objectives: SWBAT
 ID beat vs. rhythm
 ID/read/perform ta and ti ti in songs and patterns
 ID solfege notes and place on the music staff
 ID a song by its rhythm

3. Materials: Rhythm Cards; whiteboards/markers

4. Procedure

1. Hello’s (slsm)

2. Rhythm Card activity

 Play song and echo ta and ti ti cards

3. Bell Horses
 Students echo phrases with T. with steady beat
 Echo with hand signs
 Ask students to see if they can notice something different about
the rhythm (there’s a silent spot in the song)
 Have students ID how many silent spots are in the whole song (2)
 Sing song with “silent” hands
 Teach and play game!

4. On a Log
 Students sing song with rhythm tappers
 Echo with hand signs for first half of song
 At the board, T. explains/reviews rhythm stems
o “Above the magic line is letter P, below the magic line is
letter d”
 Pass out whiteboards/markers
 Students will copy the first phrase from the board
 T. will go through next phrase and have students help!
 Clean up materials

5. Goodbyes

5. Informal/Formal Assessment: Informal assessment of rhythm stem drawing on staff

6. Homework: None

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