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Name of Illness Causative Agent Incubation Period Prodromal Transmission Rashes Fever Pathongomonic

Period Sign/s

Chicken Pox Varicella Zoster Virus 14-16 days 1-2 days Airborne with Maculo-papulo-vesicular Moderate to Vesicular rashes
-highly contagious disease Droplets Rash High Grade
that attacks from lymph nodes Fever
At scalp, face and trunk appearance)
and then in skin and neurons
Then later on turn to
form crusting

Contagious until crusting


Roseola Infantum Human Herpes Simplex 5-15 days 1-10 days Direct Contact Maculo-Paular Rash (soft High grade fever Pink Rash starting
Virus 6 with pinkish discoloration) from the trunk the
(Exanthema Subitum/Sixth (38-40C)
respiratory spreads centrifugally
Disease) - starts at trunk and then
secretions (appears before to neck, face, and
spreads centrifugally to
fever) extremities
neck, face, and
extremities Most contagious
before rash
(appears after fever)

Fifth Disease Parvovirus B19 7-10 days 1-5 days Airborne Bright red Rash at cheeks Mild Fever Slapped cheek Rash
via droplet (slapped cheeks), then
(Erythema Infectiosum)
spreads to trunk arms
-can be
Moderately contagious, but mild and legs
illness that affects to young
from mother to -may reappear if exposed
children and infants
fetus to sunlight, hot or cold
temp, and trauma to skin

-Appeared after flu-like


German Measles Arbo Virus 14-23 days 7 days Airborne via Rash appear pink or light Mild fever Forscheimer Spots
droplet red (2-3mm in dm) begin
(Rubeola) (Togaviridae) (37C) spots are a fleeting
at hair line to feet
Direct contact enanthem seen as
with (cephalo-caudal small, red spots
respiratory progression) (petechiae) on the
secretions soft palate
Measles Morbillivirus 10-14 days 1 day Enanthem Airborne via * Enanthem Rash on High fever Koplik Spots
(Paramyxoviridae) virus enters the 1- 2 days Droplet when Mucus membrane -appears on the small red irregularly
body Exanthem cough or *Maculo-papular Rash- start of shaped spots with
- high contagious disease
sneeze red blotchy spreading on prodromal bluish white centers
Affects the respiratory system cephalo caudal period that an be seen
and immune system progression (exanthem) inside the mouth

Stimson’s Line

Bilateral red line on

the lower

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Coxsackie Virus 3-6 days 3-5 days Direct Contact Veiscular Sores at Mouth Mild Fever Painful sores/ulcers
with Oral in the mouth and a
-a contagious viral diseases that Non polio virus from Non-itchy rash at foot The first sign
secretions or non-itchy rash,
characterized by rashes from and hands
Enteroviridae droplets ranging from red
hands, foot, and mouth
spots or small
blisters on the hands
and feet

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Flavivirus Uncertain 7 days Vector Peticheal Rash High Grade Herman Sign
Usually 6-7 days Transmission Fever
- fatal disease attacking the a small red or purple spot appears as a
circulatory system (mosquito bite) caused by bleeding into maculopapular
the skin.a small red or erythematous rash
purple spot caused by with islands of
bleeding into the skin. normal skin sparing
or scarlatiniform

Plasma Leakage

Anaphylaxis Any foreign body that May depend on May depend on None Hives None Hives
causes sudden trigger of the time of the time of
-a life threatening illness caused Raised red, itchy areas of (Urticaria)
the immune system to exposure exposure
by sudden burst of immune the skin
flood chemicals to the Signs of
response from exposure of an Seconds, minutes, But sometimes
body Raised itchy bumps, single/multiple
offending allergen hours sudden in
Food, Pollen, liquid either red or skin-colored Organ System
substance, medicines, Seconds, Dysfunction
bites and stings “Blanching” (when
minutes, hours
pressed, the center of a
red hive turns white)
Other Symptoms Complications Disgnostic Management Prevention Health Education

Body Malaise Secondary Bacterial Blood Tests Supportive Treatment: Varicella Vaccine Never scratch the pruritic rash
Pruritus Infection Medical History Hydration, Antipyretics, may use Calamine Lotion
Headache Boost immunization
Pneumonia Physical Examination Loose clothing
Hepatitis May take a bath (no rubbing of
Loss of appetite skin)

Irritability Febrile Seizures Medical History Supportive treatment: No known vaccine has Cover mouth and nose
Enchphalopathy Physical Examination developed for Roseola
Swelling of eyelids Hydration, Antipyretics, Safety precautions in going to
boost immune system crowded areas

Disinfection of items

FLu-like symptoms Blood disorders and Medical History Supportive Treatment No known vaccine has Avoid getting near to pregnant
immune Deficiencies developed for Fith Disease women
Red Shot Eyes Physical Examination
Dangerous to
(resolves in 5-7 days) NO TO ASPIRIN
Sore throat pregnant women Blood Test (if with
hx of blood

Conjuctivitis Acute Rubella Medical History Supportive Therapy MMR Vaccine Avoid getting near to pregnant
Syndrome (Pregnant women
Lymphadenopathy Physical Examination
Malaise Blood Tests: CBC,
Runny/Stuffy nose

Cough Pnuemonia Serology: CBC, Supportive Treatment: Measles Vaccine Disinfection of soiled articles
Coryza (stuffy nose) Measles Antibodies Vitamin A- Immuno
Diarrhea Hydration, Antipyretics, Avoid foods such as chicken ,
Conjunctivitis present modulator- boost antibody
Brain boost immune system, pain eggs, or others that are
-appears 5 days after inc. period response and decrease risks
Bacterial Super reliever repugnant or stench easily.
of complications
infection (6 weeks Antibiotics if bacterial super
immune system infection occurs
No specific Anti-Viral

Sore throat Meningitis (Rare) Medical History Supportive Therapy No known vaccine developed Avoid touching anyone to avoid
Encephalitis (Rare) Physical Exam for the Disease transmission
Poor apetite Topical Oral Anesthetic
Body malaise Loss
Pain relievers Wash utensils and toilet bowls
Runny Nose

May separate utensils and other

items contacted with the
secretions, may clean the items
every week

May take cold foods

Avoid spicy, salty, and acidic

Headache Dengue Torniquet Test Supportive Therapy: 4S of Dengue Provide complete bed rest
Hemorrhagic Shock Boost Immune System Encourage increase fluid intake
Stomachache Blood Test (CBC, UA, Hydration, Antipyretics, Pain
Syndrome Apply Mosquito Repellent Never give ASPIRIN
Platelet Count) reliever
Arthritic pain Avoid dark foods that may
Dengue N1 Kit
Blood Transfusion (if disguise as blood when excreted
Bleeding tendencies Dengue Dot Test
necessary) Limit stimulation

Rapid weak pulse Anaphylactic Shock Blood Tests Epinephrine Avoidance of identified Take the epinephrine injection
-increase Antibodies offending allergen when needed
Nausea and vomiting Multiple Organ Antihistamines
and Cell mediators Put away any offending allergen
Pale skin Trendelenburg Position that might cause attack
Difficulty breathing Inform individual on your
signs of circulatory collapse allergic history
Medical identification Bracelet
Falling BP

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