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Óbuda University, Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical &

Safety Engineering
Institute of Mechatronics & Vehicle Engineering

Electrical Engineering - 1
3. Lecture
Poly-phase systems, induction

Arranged by: Istvá

István Nagy
Ingrid Langer

Poly-phase systems

Basic Classification

Single phase Two phase systems Three phase systems 4,6,8 phase systems
Rarely used Universally used in The multi-phase
EU in Y, or ∆ system is
Classical Public
connection. electronically
Electrical Network,
produced usually
in EU it is 230[V]eff. Used by 3ph el.
from DC.
motors, household
Used by 1ph el.
appliances. Used by multi-phase
motors, household
el. motors, stepper
appliances. Here are two
Here is only one
phase voltage
(230[V]eff) and
phase current.
Three phase circuits (systems)
The method of producing the three phase – 3 separated, but identical windings on the rotor
of an alternator , each winding being physically displaced from the next one, by 1200. Since
the windings are displaced in space by 1200, and are moving through the same magnetic
field the net result is three single-phase voltages, see figure.

Balanced 3 phase voltage system – the voltages are equal in amplitude

u A = Umax ⋅ sin ωt = 2 ⋅ U ⋅ sin ωt

uB = Umax ⋅ sin(ωt − 120°) = 2 ⋅ U ⋅ sin(ωt − 120°)
uC = Umax ⋅ sin(ωt − 240°) = 2 ⋅ U ⋅ sin(ωt − 240°)

In phasor form:

120° 120°
UA = U ⋅ e − j0° = U U=UA
− j120°
UA = U ⋅ e
R (A) UA = U ⋅ e − j 240°
S (B) Im UC UB
T (C) UB

Benefits of 3ph systems:
•More efficiency
It is existing 3, 4, 5 wire 3phase systems •Lower losses

3phase connections – STAR (WYE, Y) connection

Star connection with 4 wire system
When the neutral point (N) is connected to the load neutral point. Phases A,B, C are joined in neutral
point N.

Line voltages Phase voltages
I. Loop:
U A + UAB − UB = 0U UB U
IA = A
; IB = ; IC = C ;
II. Loop: C

UB + UBC − UC = 0 UBC = UC − UB
III. Loop: U AC = U A − UC
= A ; I B = UABB =; IUCA +=UB C U + UAC − UA = 0
The phase currents C
ZA ZB ZC are equally

I 0 = I A + IB + I C

U A = UB = UC = Uf Uv = 3 ⋅ Uf
UAB = UBC = UAC = Uv I v = If

OE BGK MEI 2012. = U v = 2 ⋅ U f ⋅ cos 30° = 3 ⋅ Uf 4
Delta (mesh,∆) connection

Ballanced if, ZA=ZB=ZC


IA + ICA − IAB = 0
IC = ICA − IBC Phase current
Line current
Iv If

= I AB sin 60 ° Uv = Uf
I v = 2I f
I v = 3 ⋅ If

Power in 3phase systems

Sum of powers of three 1phase systems =
Three times 1phase system power of 3phase system

In case of symmetrical loading

Powers by phase values:

PA = PB = PC = Uf ⋅ I f ⋅ cos ϕ
P = PA + PB + PC Average power
P = 3 ⋅ Uf ⋅ I f ⋅ cos ϕ
Q = QA + QB + QC Reactive power Q A = QB = Q C = Uf ⋅ I f ⋅ sin ϕ
Q = 3 ⋅ Uf ⋅ I f ⋅ sin ϕ
S = P2 + Q2 Apparent power
cos ϕ =
The powers by line values:
U Uv
Y connection: U f = v ; I f = I v P = 3⋅ ⋅ I v ⋅ cos ϕ
3 3
P = 3 ⋅ Uv ⋅ Iv ⋅ cosϕ
Iv Iv
∆ connection: I f = ;Uf = Uv P = 3 ⋅ Uv ⋅ ⋅ cos ϕ
3 3 Q = 3 ⋅ Uv ⋅ Iv ⋅ sinϕ; S = 3 ⋅ Uv ⋅ I v
The magnetic field
When current flows in the wire, around the wire is creating a magnetic field in form of magnetic flux.

I1 Ampère’s empirical law:

l I1 ⋅ I2 where k=2·10-7 Vs/Am
F =k⋅ ⋅l
dF2 =I2dlxB
B Let we recall the Coulomb’s Law, too (only for interest):

d q1 ⋅ q2
F =k⋅

The magnetic field

F =k⋅ ⋅ I2 ⋅ l = B ⋅ I ⋅ l
⎡ Vs ⎤
Influence of magnetic field created by I1 to the I2 Ö Magnetic induction: B ⎢ m2 = T , tesla⎥
⎣ ⎦
If direction of l is not perpendicular (≠90°) to direction of B the e.m.f (F) is decreasing:
r r r
F = B ⋅ I ⋅ l ⋅ sin α That is F = I⋅ l ×B
The induction is represented by induction lines of forces. The tangent of this lines gives the direction of
and the density gives the magnitude (flux)

Magnetic flux:
Amount of induction lines across some area A is the flux.
Φ = ∫ B ⋅ dA , [Vs = Wb, weber]

The induction lines are closed curves, it is no start and end position, it is
mean, that integral of closed area is equal 0.

∫ B ⋅ dA = 0
The excitation’s law

Excitation (electrical): sum of currents, creating magnetic field: Θ = ∑ Ii


The magnetic field strength is the relation between excitation and the distance from
the point of excitation:
dΘ ⎡ A ⎤
H= ,
dl ⎢⎣ m ⎥⎦

Relation between magnetic field strength (H) and magnetic induction

induction (B) in vacuum:

B Vs Vs
H= where µ 0 = 4 π ⋅ 10 −7 ≅ 1,257 ⋅ 10 −6 permeability of vacuum
µ0 Am Am

In real environment (material): B=µ0µrH , where µr – is the relative permeability

The excitation’s Law:

Can be derived from the previous
∫ Hdl = ∑I
i =Θ formulas.

The magnetic field of an endless wire and a coil

The excitation’s law for the endless conductor:

∫ Hdl = I or: I
H∫ dl = I
B = µ⋅ ,
H ⋅ 2π ⋅ r = I 2π ⋅ r
H= ,
2π ⋅ r

The magnetic field of a coil (solenoid)

∫ H dl = ∑ I
H⋅l = N⋅I
H = N ⋅ ,B = µ ⋅
l l
Electromagnetically induction
Any change in the
magnetic environment
of a coil of wire will
cause a voltage (emf)
to be "induced" in the
coil. No matter how
the change is
produced, the voltage
will be generated.
The change could be
produced by changing
the magnetic field
strength, moving a
magnet toward or
away from the coil,
moving the coil into
or out of the
magnetic field,
rotating the coil
relative to the
magnet, etc.

Electromagnetically induction
Lenz’s Law
Lenz's law states that an induced current has a direction such that that its magnetic field
opposes the change in magnetic field that induced the current. current. This means that the current
induced in a conductor will oppose the change in current that is causing the flux to change. Lenz's law
is important in understanding the property of inductive reactance,
reactance, which is one of the properties
measured in eddy current testing. The induced magnetic field inside any loop of wire always acts to to
keep the magnetic flux in the loop constant. In the examples below, below, if the B field is increasing, the
induced field acts in opposition to it. If it is decreasing, the induced field acts in the direction of the
applied field to try to keep it constant.
Electromagnetically induction
Inductive Reactance
The reduction of current flow in a circuit due to induction is called inductive reactance. By taking a
closer look at a coil of wire and applying Lenz's law, it can be seen how inductance reduces the flow of
current in the circuit. In the image below, the direction of the primary current is shown in red, and the
magnetic field generated by the current is shown in blue. The direction of the magnetic field can be
determined by taking your right hand and pointing your thumb in the direction of the current. Your fingers
will then point in the direction of the magnetic field. It can be seen that the magnetic field from one loop of
the wire will cut across the other loops in the coil and this will induce current flow (shown in green) in the
circuit. According to Lenz's law, the induced current must flow in the opposite direction of the primary
current. The induced current working against the primary current results in a reduction of current flow in
the circuit.

Electromagnetically induction
1. Standstill induction

If we placing a conductive wire into the area of (time-

alternating electromagnetic field, then at the terminals of wire
(or coil) some induced voltage can be measured.

ui =
The negative sign: direction of induced voltage (ui) has
opposite direction to the current which was created by.

Induced voltage in coil with N number of turns: dΦ

ui = N
Electromagnetically induction
2. Kinetic induction
If in a static electromagnetic field,
with given induction B, is moving an
conducting wire with l length and v
velocity, then at the ends of the wire
some induced voltage can be

dΦ = B ⋅ dA
dΦ = B ⋅ l ⋅ dx
dΦ = B ⋅ l ⋅ v ⋅ dt

ui = = B⋅l⋅ v

Electromagnetically induction
3. Self inductance
If the time-
time-varying current
exciting a time-
time-varying flux
around the coil, then
then this time-
varying flux, based on standstill
induction will induced a time
varying voltage on the terminals
of coil.

uL = N
If inside of the coil is not present
any ferromagnetic material, then
flux of the coil is (Ψ) proportional
to the current. di
Ψ = N⋅Φ = L ⋅I Then: uL = L

In case of coil with iron core inside: the inductivity of the coil is not
constant, it follows that flux of the coil will not be proportional to the
current, then:
uL =
Electromagnetically induction
4. Mutual inductance
Time –varying current in 1. circuit (I1, N1) produces a time-
time-varying magnetic field Φ1,
that links second circuit, causing a voltage to be induced in the
the second circuit (UL2).
The flux produced by I1, can be divided for two part Φ11 – links only the N1 turns;
turns; Φ21
which links the N2 turns as well as the N1 turns. Φ1 =Φ11+ Φ21

dΦ 21 dΨ21
dΦ11 dΨ11 uL2 = N 2 =
u L1 = N1 = dt dt
dt dt
NΦ 21 = Ψ21 = L21 ⋅ I1

uL 2 = M
uL1 = M 2

Where M is a factor L12 = L21 = M

of mutual inductance

Power Consumer
120-750 kV 10-35 kV Regional 400/230 V
line distributive
Plosses = I2 ⋅R
Transformer Transformer Transformer
station-1 station-2 station-3

The most common functions of transformers:

1. Changing the current and voltage levels in an electrical system
2. Impedance matching
3. Electrical isolation
Structure and operation

dΦ d(Φ max sin ωt)

ui = N ⋅ = N⋅
dt dt
ui = N ⋅ Φ max ⋅ ω ⋅ cos ωt = N ⋅ B max ⋅ A ⋅ ω ⋅ cos ωt
Primer Coil Secondary coil
U1 I1 I2 U2 Z Ui max = N ⋅ B max ⋅ A ⋅ ω
Umax 1 2π
N1 N2
Ui = = ⋅ N ⋅ B max ⋅ A ⋅ ω = ⋅ N ⋅ B max ⋅ A ⋅ f
2 2 2


U i = 4,44 ⋅ N ⋅ Bmax ⋅ A ⋅ f The basic equation of transformer

Voltage and Current theorem

The induced voltages in primary Voltage transformation:
and secondary windings:
Ui1 N1
au = = =a
Ui2 N2
Ui1 = 4,44 ⋅ N1 ⋅ f ⋅ Φmax
Current transformation:
Ui2 = 4,44 ⋅ N2 ⋅ f ⋅ Φmax
I1 U N 1
ai = = i2 = 2 =
N1 I2 U i1 N1 a
=a Turns ratio
Impedance transformation:
Ui1 ⋅ I1 = Ui2 ⋅ I2
aZ = 1 = 1 = i1 ⋅ 2 = a2
Z2 Ui2 Ui2 I1
Equivalent circuit
R1 Xs1 X’s2 R’2
R1, R2 ohmical resistance of primary and
secondary windings
Xs1, X 's2 Primary and secondary leakage

U1 Riron Ui X0 U’2 Riron core losses known also as Iron Loss

Iiron Imagnetizing X0 Magnetizing reactance

Imagnetizing Magnetizing current

I1 I’2 Iiron Currrent losses

1 The values of secondary

X 's 2 = a2 ⋅ X s 2 , R '2 = a2 ⋅ R 2 , U'2 = a ⋅ U2 , I'2 = ⋅ I2 , side, relatively to the
a primary one.

The usual rations of impedances of equivalent circuit:

R 1 ≈ R '2 ; X s1 = (2...5) ⋅ R 1 ; X 0 ≈ 1000 ⋅ R 1 ; R v ≈ 10000 ⋅ R 1 ;

Un-loaded transformer
UR1 Re
R1 Xs1

U1 Riron Ui X0
+Im -Im
U1 primary voltage (exciting voltage)
' '
I = 0 ⇒ U = Ui
2 2 I0 , (I1) no-load, exciting primary current
Has two components:
U1 − Us1 − UR1 − Ui = 0 1. The magnetizing current (lags behind
the current by 900 and produces the flux
Ui = U1 − Us1 − UR1 φ)
2. The core loss component, which is in
phase with U1
P0 ≅ Piron
φ0 no-load phase angle (cos φ0≈0,1)
Ui the induced voltage excited by the
no-loaded flux
Loaded transformer
R1 Xs1 X’s2 R’2 UR1

Us1 U’s2

Ui U’R2
U1 Riron Ui X0 U’2 Z U1 U’2
Iv Imagnetizing I’2

I0 I1

I1 I’2 +Im I0 -Im

I'2 ≠ 0 The secondary current I’2 lags behind the secondary terminal voltage.

I1 = I0 + I'2
Ui = U1 − Us1 − UR1 = U1 − j ⋅ X s1 ⋅ I1 − R 1 ⋅ I1
U'2 = Ui − U's 2 − UR' 2 = Ui − j ⋅ X s 2 ⋅ I'2 − R 1 ⋅ I'2

Short circuited transformer

UR1 Re
R1 Xs1 X’s2 R’2


Ui≈U1z/2 U’2=0
U1z U1z Us2


I1=In +Im -Im

The secondary side of the transformers, excited with the nominal values, can not be short-circuited because
the created current level would be 10-20-40 times exceeded the nominal current (In). To the measuring the
short-circuited transformers, we have to exciting the primary in such a voltage, which is on the secondary
side creates the nominal value (In) exactly.
Öcalculation of the short circuited voltage:

U1z = In ⋅ R2 + X2s
Three phase transformers
Three phase systems are created by Ö three phase transformers

R2 urs2 S2 T2

The primary side, excited with symmetrical 3ph voltage, is creating a 3ph symmetrical voltage on the
secondary side too.
The two sides are connected through a magnetically circuit:

The part of cores with no turns

(windings) are integrated into one,
and the equivalent flux in this part is
equal zero, in this case this part of
the core can be neglected.

Φ1 ( t ) + Φ 2 ( t ) + Φ 3 ( t ) = 0

Variations of three phase transformers

The most frequent connections:
star-star, star-zigzag, star-delta, delta-star
„ STAR connection
signing: Y or y, in case of connected common point to the output (4 wire system)
system) Y0 or y0.
„ Delta-
signing: D or d.
„ Zig-
Zig-zag connection
signing: Z or z; it is a special star connection which are used only at the secondary
secondary part. The
reason of this connection is the decreasing the disadvantages, arising
arising from the asymmetrical

Representing the
phase shifting
between the
voltage-vectors of
primary and the
secondary windings.

Yy6 Yz05 Yd5 Dy05

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