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Carbohidraţii sunt clasificaţi astfel

1. Simple Carbohydrates
Simple carbohydrates have a 'simple' molecular structure and are made of 1 or 2 sugar molecules. Simple carbs can
be digested very quickly due to their simple structures, and tend to elevate the blood sugar quickly.

On consumption, these sugars are directly absorbed into the blood in the form of glucose. Glucose provides instant
energy as it reaches the different parts of the body via blood. Although these carbs provide quick energy, they need to
be consumed in moderation to prevent rapid swings in blood sugar.

They increase the storage of fats which, if not burned or used up, can lead to obesity and other health issues.
Refined sugar, dairy sugar, fruits, refined flour, etc. are all sources of simple sugars. They are also present in natural
foods like fruits, vegetables, milk, and other dairy products. In addition to these, honey, molasses brown sugar, soft
drinks, sweets, snack bars, corn syrup, maple syrup, biscuits, cakes, chocolate, etc., are also rich sources of simple

2. Complex carbohydrates are of two types:

Starch is a form of carbohydrate that is made up of long, complex chains of simple sugars. Starch must be broken
down through digestion before your body can use it as a glucose source. Some starches actually have a higher
glycemic index than some sugars. In this sense, they are not 'complex' for very long at all.

Since most starchy foods are rapidly broken down into sugar, people who are sensitive to sugar should avoid most
starchy foods. Examples of starchy complex carbohydrates are corn, bread, cereal, rice, beans, pasta, wheat, grains,
potatoes, etc.

aditivii alimentari E1420, E1421, E1422 si E1440. Toate sunt forme artificiale de amidon, toate dăunătoare, niciuna
benefica pentru organism.

Dietary Fiber
These are indigestible foods that cannot be broken down into sugars. They are low on calories, and help to carry out
the digestion process smoothly. They also help regulate blood glucose levels, as well as lower cholesterol levels, and
promote regular digestion and excretion of waste. Whole grains and many fruits and vegetables, including dark leafy
greens and orange-colored fruits and vegetables, are rich in fiber.

Fibra este o forma de carbohidrat pe care organismul nostru nu o poate digera si, ca atare, un bun factor ce poate
ajuta la pierderea in greutate.

Fibrele alimentare sunt o categorie de carbohidrati care provine din plante si sunt clasificate ca solubile sau insolubile.

o Fibrele insolubile ajuta la prevenirea constipatiei si la mentinerea unui tract digestiv sanatos.

o Fibrele solubile te fac sa te simti plin mai repede, ceea ce ajuta sa controlezi cat de mult mananci si,
prin urmare, cat cantaresti. Un beneficiu suplimentar al fibrelor solubile este ca pot ajuta la scaderea
nivelului de LDL sau "colesterol rau", prin interferarea cu modul in care organismul absoarbe colesterolul
din alimente.
Carbohydrates are the most easily available and the largest set of compounds found on Earth. Based on their
chemical composition, there are four major classes of carbohydrates

Monosaccharides. These are the basic compounds with a cyclic structure consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and
oxygen in the ratio of 1:2:1. 'Mono' refers to single and saccharides means sugar. Glucose, fructose, galactose,
arabinose, and xylose are common types of monosaccharides.

Chemical Properties.

 They contain one carbonyl group and one or more hydroxyl group.
 Monosaccharides are aliphatic aldehydes or ketones
 They commonly contain either five carbons (pentose) or six carbons (hexose).

Physical Properties: Soluble in water, Crystalline, Sweet-tasting

Disaccharides. Disaccharides contain two sugar molecules. Ideally, they come under oligosaccharides (since
oligosaccharides contain two to ten sugar molecules). However, due to their comparatively simple chemical structure,
disaccharides are classified as a different class of carbohydrates. Common disaccharides are sucrose, lactose, maltose,
trehalose, and cellobiose.

Chemical Properties

 They are further classified into reducing and non-reducing disaccharides. In reducing disaccharides, the
monosaccharide has a free hemiacetal unit.
 A disaccharide is formed when two monosaccharides bond together (by glycosidic bond) by a condensation
reaction and release one molecule of water.
 However, in non-reducing disaccharides, the components bond through an acetal linkage between their
anomeric centers and do not have a free hemiacetal unit.

Physical Properties: Sweet-tasting, Crystalline, Water-soluble, Sticky

These are carbohydrates with more than two basic types of sugar molecules, usually between three and ten basic units.
Their main role in the body is to store glucose. Raffinose and stachyose are the main types of oligosaccharides which
consist of repetitive chains of fructose, galactose, and glucose.

Chemical Properties
 They are covalently bonded with glycosidic bonds due to condensation reaction or dehydration synthesis.
 Oligosaccharides are carbohydrate polymers with a low molecular weight.
 Many oligosaccharides bond with proteins and lipids on the outer cell surface for cellular recognition of
extracellular signal molecules.
Physical Properties: Crystalline, Water-soluble

Chemical Properties

 Common homopolysaccharides include starch, cellulose, and glycogen.

 They are further divided into homopolysaccharides and heteropolysaccharides
 Polysaccharides have a high molecular weight.
 Homopolysaccharides contain the same monosaccharides, whereas heteropolysaccharides contain more
than one type of monosaccharides.
 Pectin, hemicellulose, and gums are common heteropolysaccharides.
Physical Properties: Not sweet, Not water-soluble, Not crystalline, Form colloidal suspensionsm instead of solutions

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