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Background of the Study

In this modern world of technology the price of the products becomes a challenge to
every users particularly the scarcity of resources in order to address the demands
of consumers. Nowadays problems to supply the needs of Marker�s ink will be in
demand especially in the modernized and young industrialized countries throughout
the world. Even the government encourage young scientist to discover things that
can be useful and answer to the needs of social changes. . (Nildo Olivera, 2012)

As we all know Alugbati plant (Basella Rubra Linn) is a very nutritious and
delicious vegetable, full of vitamins and nutrients. But aside from its fascinating
looks, it is also composed of color pigments. These pigments are possible in making
and producing ink and dye. Alugbati plants have many kinds of colors, there are
blue-green, red-violet, yellow-green, violet or simply green. (Stephen Roy Pedroza,
Ink is one of the major and primary things that people should have. Ink is used in
ball pens, marker pens, printers and many more. Everybody needs ink for writing and
coloring purposes. But we are spending so much money just to buy and avail it.

Ink is also a coloring material. But the dye sell in the market is so expensive so
this project intends to lessen our expenses in buying dye and ink. Its products are
safe, environment-friendly and it's cheap and available anywhere as long as you
have this Alugbati plants.
Ink is a liquid pigmented substances used for writing and printing or even
for drawing purpose. For which of is used; All ink, however contain 2 or more
rudimentary components a pigmented or dye called a colorant and vehicle, a liquid
form into which the colorant is dispersed for. Many Inks differ from the paint
only in the purpose which they are used. Ink is one of the most important
components of marker without Ink, marker is useless. (Nildo Olivera, 2012)

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to produce markers� ink out of Alugbati fruit extract.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following question:
a) What are the colors can be extracted from the Alugbati to prove it as ink?
b) What are the properties of Alugbati can we found and made it in any color?
c.) Is Alugbati fruit extract has a potential as an alternative for markers� ink?

Significance of the study

This study is trying to encourage the ink Industry to use this natural source of
ink so that they could lessen their expenses in buying chemicals and those toxic
and harmful elements.
This research project trying to help ordinary people to plant in their gardens and
backyard. It aims to determine how important on giving value on simple vegetable.
The Basella Rubra Linn's fruit juice can be used as ink. It is a fruit seem to
have been earlier used for ink purposes. We can use it in Marker's Ink. Natural
colored ink from Basella Rubra Linn is most environmental friendly from commercial

Scope and Delimitation

This study is to extent the use of Alugbati Fruit Extract as a source of making ink
and its great feature of ink. The Alugbati Fruit is primary thing to be used in
making ink.
Ho: Alugbati fruit extract has no potential as an alternative markers� ink.

Definition of Key Terms

Alugbati - grows well in tropical lowlands at. It also grows in temperate regions.
Alugbati thrives in many soils, but sandy loam appears to be most suitable. The
leaves are somewhat fleshy, ovate or heart-shaped, 5-12 centimeters (cm) in length,
tapering to appointed tip and heart shape at the base. The spikes are axillary,
solitary and 5-29 cm in length. The flowers are pink and about 4 millimeters (mm)
long. the alugbati has a fleshy fruit that can produce a juice that can produce

Vinegar� Vinegar enhances the color and acts as a preservative.Salt- salt is a

70% Ethyl Alcohol- rubbing alcohol hastens drying time after use.
Ink�is use to draw a text or design.

Research Paradigm

Review of Related Literature

According to Sara Ipatenco, State that Alugbati is a common vegetable in the

Philippines, and it's also known as Malabar spinach, though it isn't spinach at
all. The vegetable has heart-shaped leaves that grow along a vivid red stem. The
alugbati plant bears fruit that ranges in color from dark green to red. Alugbati,
though it's not spinach, can be used as a substitute for spinach in salads and
other recipes. If you opt to expand your palate and give alugbati a try, you'll get
a wealth of nutrients, as well as a few health benefits.
Conclude by Cagayandeoro about year 2013,illutrates the stems are green or
purplish. The leaves are somewhatfleshy, ovate or heart-shaped, 5-12 centimetres
(cm) in length, stalked, tapering to apointed tip and heart shape at the base. The
spikes are axillary, solitary and 5-29 cm inlength. The flowers are pink and about
4 millimetres (mm) long. .
Noted by Cagayandeoro about year 2013, emphasizes that the Alugbati is commonly
grown for its young shoots which make an excellent Succulent, slightly mucilaginous
vegetable, used as a pot herb in stews or soup; consumed boiled, fried in oil or
sometimes as a green salad. Its fruits seem to have been earlier used for dyeing
purposes in China. The red fruit juice can be used as ink, cosmetic and for
coloring foods. The young leaves can be used as laxative, the pulpedleaves to
poultice sores, red fruit juice as eye drops to treat conjunctivitis and the
rootsasrubefacient. The red forms are commonly planted as ornamentals and are,
evenbecoming popular in Europe as pot plant.

State by Natural Care about 2007,reveals that it�s good for health and works as a
soft laxative. The roots are quite effective in removing redness of the skin. It
has been used in dressing to cover up the swelled area to minimize the puffiness.
In case of burn and scald, apply the mixture of leaf pulp and butter on wound. It
produces a cooling effect. Liquid of the plant is effective for acne eruptions and
also eases inflammation. For child and pregnant lady, the decoction of the leaves
make a better laxative.
Proposed by Dr. Aligui about year 2007, explains that the Alugbati is an
excellent source of anti-oxidant good source of vitamin A, B, and C, calcium, and
iron. Also a good source of rough age.
Remarks by Marvin about year 2011, suggests that the Alugbati is a good
source of essential nutrients. Excellent source of calcium, iron, Vitamin A,
Vitamin C, Vitamin B and iron.
Explains by �prescription for nutritional", year 2012, it suggests that you can
make a remedy to treat headaches by mixing the liquid from the leaves of the
alugbati plant with the stalks of this plant. Further, you canuse the fruit of this
plant to create a natural makeup for the lips and cheeks. Moreover, alugbati is a
vegetable source of calcium, iron and vitamins A, B, and C.
Indicates by "Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine: The Definitive Home Reference Guide
to 550 Key Herbs with All Their Uses as Remedies for Common Ailments, about year
2012, it emphasizes that the alugbati is an easily digestible spinach that can act
as a mild laxative. Additionally, you can apply a pulp made from the leaves of this
plant to boils, ulcers and abscesses to help suppress the discharge of puss.
Moreover, the leaf juices, thoroughly rubbed and mixed with butter, can create a
soothing and cooling application to treat burns and scalds.
According to Kimberly Collado about year 2015, propose that Ink can widely used
over the years to color a surface to produce an image text or design. Ink is used
for drawing or writing with a pen, brush or a quill. The two most used black
writing inks I n history are carbon inks and iron gall inks.
Review of Related Study

According to Glorex_Einstein about year 2008, suggests that Alugbati stems as a

skin moisturizer. To produce an effective product to the population of the people
who has skin problems.
Written by Ferdinand Mortel, shows that the alugbati seed can be extracted as
Organic Stain for Hematologic Blood Smear. The blood cells can be stained by the
extracted dye coming from fruit of Basella rubra.
Stated by Kathrina about year 2009,proposes the Feasibility of Alugbati (Basella
Rubra Linn) Fruit Extract as biological Stain. The alugbati stain is feasible and
it is comparable to the commercial stain in terms of clearness but its permanence
did not last longer.
Based on Maricar Daling about year 2009, it illustrates the feasibility of Alugbati
seed as Food coloring. As based on the results the alugbati seed can be made into a
food coloring and can be a potential source of food coloring production.
Established by Nildo Olivera about year 2012, it states that Colored Ink for
Computer Printer out of Malabar nightshade extract. Alugbati berries can be
extracted to produce colored ink for computer printer.

Bensurto about year 2008, suggested that alugbati seed can be extract as fabric
dye and it can be potential source of fabric dye. The dye can produced from
Alugbati berries.
According to Riezen about year 2011, proposeMalabar Night Shade or Alugbati for
Abscess and Furuncle (Naknak at Pigsa).Alugbati is also best in healing Abscess and
Based on All About Alugbati about year 2014, it unvocates that Alugbati can heal
Diabetes. The studies that show that as an antioxidant, action of B. rubra in
alugbati showed potential ability to reduce blood sugar levels. The positive
results however only applies to rats and has not been confirmed or validated if the
same effect happens to diabetic humans.

Research Methodology
A. Collection of Materials
- The Collection of Materials such as Alugbati Fruit, Mortar & Pestle, Empty Ink
Alcohol, Salt, it was purchased at Tiza St. Brgy. Poblacion Narra, Palawan.

Figure 1. Mortar and Pestle Figure 2 .Alugbati Figure 3. Salt

Figure 4.Vinegar Figure 5. 70% Solution Ethyl Alcohol

B. Preparation of Materials
- The Collection of Materials such as Alugbati Fruit, Mortar & Pestle, Empty
Ink Bottle, Alcohol, Salt, it was purchased at Tiza St. Brgy. Poblacion Narra,

Figure6. Materials

C. Testing of Samples
- The Materials were tested at Narra National High School Research

Figure 7.Alugbati in Plastic Figure 8. Alugbati in Mortar and Pestle

Figure 9. Crashed Alugbati Figure

10.Squeezing Alugbati

Figure11. Adding Salt in Alugbati fruit Extract Figure 12. Adding Vinegar in
Alugbati Fruit

Figure13. Adding Alcohol in Alugbati Figure 14 Mixing the

Fruit Extract Fruit Extract

Figure15. Transferring

Data Collection
After the Testing of Samples, The collections of result were collected at the Narra
National High School Research Laboratory.

Figure16. Product

Schematic Diagram

Result and Discussion
Alugbati Fruit Extract Pure Alugbati Fruit extract The pure Alugbati Fruit
Extract having a bad smell and dried up on the second day of extracting.
Alugbati Fruit Extract Alugbati mixed with Salt, Vinegar, 70% Ethyl Alcohol,
The Alugbati mixed with Salt, Vinegar, and 70% Ethyl Alcohol is smelly in the
first place but later on it smell�s good and the color went out.
Commercialize Ink Mixed with Hazardous Chemicals There are some substances
that are poisonous and dangerous to our health.
Table 1.Results
This table shows the result about how effective the Pure Alugbati Fruit Extract;
Alugbati Fruit Extract mixed with Salt, Vinegar, and 70% Ethyl Alcohol; and lastly
the Commercialized Ink that mixed with hazardous chemicals.
The Pure Alugbati Fruit Extract is effective in the first place but when Alugbati
lasted only for 2 days the result are having a bad smell and dried up, while the
Alugbati Fruit Extract mixed with Salt, Vinegar, and 70% Ethyl Alcohol is smelly in
the first place but later on the smells got better than before and the color of it
went out, and while the commercialized ink that mixed with hazardous chemicals is
not good in our health.
Summary and Conclusion

This Study aims to determine the effectiveness of Alugbati fruit extract to prove
that it can be used to make it as ink substitute.
Specifically it seeks to answer the following question:
1. The colors can be extracted to Alugbati fruits are Violet , Magenta and
2. The Properties of Alugbati we can found is the Fruits that produce juice to
make ink.
3. We can smash the Alugbati Fruit to extract

Therefore we conclude in focusing in the production of ink out of the
Alugbati Fruit Juice has a great feature as an ink. And this plant is cultivated
here in Philippines. Experimentation with Alugbati Fruit Extract with other
substances, and so with the various process based on the ink making in the ink
industry. In correspond to the collected data and based on the experiments, it was
concluded that Alugbati Fruit is feasible and it is comparable to the commercial
ink in terms of clearness. After which testing, treatments, and comparison and
contrasting were done, we can conclude that our research is successful. Through
this research, most likely the discovery of the seed and its potential as ink is a
good product for the community.

1. The community will be informed and trained on how to make marker inks from
Alugbati fruits and it will serve as an income-based livelihood.
2. Using such type of marker ink which is not hazardous to the environment helps
the whole community to use and produce this kind of product.
3. This research could help the community look for alternative source of ink for
markers. And it may also help them to challenge and developed new products for ink.
4. The result of this study will also help to enrich their capabilities in
developing local available resources for colored ink.
5. It is also environment-friendly because the materials used are very natural.
6. Further study about alugbati as ink


Figure 1. Mortar and Pestle Figure 2.Alugbati

Figure 3.Salt Figure 4. Vinegar

Figure 5. 70% Solution Ethyl Alcohol Figure 6. Materials

Figure7.Alugbati in Plastic Figure 8. Alugbati in Mortar

and Pestle
Figure 9.Crashed Alugbati Figure 10.
Squeezing the Alugbati

Figure11. Adding Salt l in Figure 12. Adding Vinegar

in Alugbati Extract
Alugbati Extract

Figure13. Adding Alcohol in Alugbati Figure 14. Mixing the

fruit Extract

Figure15 Transferring Figure 16. Product

Literature Cited/Bibliography

Review of Related Literature

Review of Related Studies

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