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Nowadays youth especially Malays are lack in term of leadership and entrepreneur skills. This is

because making a business is not easy just an ABC. We are facing a lot of problems and

challenges in making business. Therefore, IIUM was make a compulsory courses which are

every students must take a leadership class to guide them become a successful leader. One of the

important projects in Leadership class is doing the fund raising project or charity works.

Our group has decided to do fund raising project since every members have agreed to do

that. This is because every member wants to improve their entrepreneurship skills. Then, in the

first meeting, we have chosen the name of the company and what we want to sell in this project.

Our members decided to sell Kerepek Sambal Goreng Jawa and Kerepek Ubi Pedas. We also

have divided the job equally to each of the members so that, everybody got their roles and



The main objective of this project is to develop as well as polish the skills of entrepreneur in

each individual of UIAM students and become the good leaders.


Every company has their own strengths. From my perspectives, the strengths that we have are

we have sells a variety of crisp such as kerepek ubi kari and kerepek jawa. So that, customers

have a choice to buy different taste of crisp. We choose this business because there are no other

businesses that we have found that are selling the same thing.

To ensure that our customers do not turn away to our competitors, we sell the products

for a cheaper price which are reasonable and affordable for a student to buy it. Besides that, we

also sell the products directly to customer which is hand-by-hand. Our product is also halal.

Therefore, customers can be confident in buying this crisp.

In addition, this project will create bonds that will build my business loyalty with the

community and it will also create a positive interaction. Besides that, our company members

bond also become closer when doing this business.


Even though this project business have many strengths that give a positive impacts to our skills

but it also have a few weaknesses to overcome in order to be successful. This is because stock of

crisp that we have cannot stay for a long period. Due to this problem, we cannot buy crisp in a

large quantity. This is to ensure the quality of crisp is always fresh.

Besides that, we also do not have enough time to sell it. This is because every member

have busy with their classes and assignments. To ensure that we can achieve the business target,

we have divided equally the packets to each member. So that, each member can sell it at any

time even they are busy with their work.


There have many ways to improve this leadership project. From my opinion, the value of unity

and responsibility should be inculcated within our members. This is to avoid misunderstanding

between each of members in order to make the project become successful. If all members are

clear with the job and their responsibility, then we can become a stronger team and have a good

mutual understanding.

Other than that, we also must give a good cooperation when doing the project and

members also should be punctual when attending the meeting. We also must manage and use the

time properly, so every single thing that we have plan become smooth. By improve these steps;

I’m sure that all the objectives of attending leadership skills become achieved by all members.


It is undeniable that every work has different challenges especially business that involved the

gamble between profit and loss. The main challenge that we are faced is the challenge to

compete with the others. Having a lot of competitions is our main problem because there are

some students who are taking accounting subject and selling the same products as ours. Those

students are our competitors as our customer might go and buy their products. Because of that,

we must have a good strategy to make the customers buy our products.

Another challenge that we are faced is to find the suitable time to make the meeting. This

is because each member has a difference schedule and it always clash with another members that

are free at that time. Thus, we have made a group page at facebook and whatsapp to overcome

this problem. So that, anything that we have discussed at the meeting, we can post at the group

page. This is to make another member know what we have done to discuss it.


In conclusions, to ensuring the lesson and moral value to be inculcate within each of us, by

establishing a business can be considered as a platform in achieving an effective skills which

necessary to influence others as well as managing a team towards a common goal. Thus, by

doing this project, it is a platform for us to utilize all the skills especially entrepreneur skills to be

implement with our team’s vision, mission and objectives.

In addition, the experience that has been gained from this kind of activities is something

which precious even there are obstacles in performing our part as a business. It is undeniable,

field of business is full of challenges, but thank to Allah S.W.T with the permission and bless

from Him we manage to fulfill our objective in performing this amanah. “Experience is the best

teacher”, every moments, time and energy that our group spends, is something which is valuable

for the future time.

From this project, I have learnt something which is we have experiencing stress and

burden which every businessman felt when dealing with the capital and material that has been

expend. Besides that, it also inculcate the spirit of never giving up even the pressure is getting

higher and heavy, thus it develops the sense of responsibilities in every each of individual.

Overall, by doing this project, I think the Leadership and Management course that I have

registered for this semester was achieved their objectives.

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