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Created by Iryna Kovalchuk

We gather fruits and vegetables

This We gather fruits and vegetables packet has been created for children aged 2-4
years. It will enhance logical reasoning and attention of a child and will help to recognize a
fruit or a vegetable and its color.

The set includes:

 2 boards of baskets (4 items);
 2 board of colorful pictures of fruits and vegetables (24 items).
Please print the boards, laminate it and cut of all the elements.

How to play?
During the game a child will put a vegetable or a fruit to a certain basket. The task is
to place items according to its color. For example, a red vegetable or a fruit should be putted
to the basket with a red center, a yellow one to the basket with a yellow center. Please pay
attention that many vegetables and fruits are with leaves or stalks, during the play you should
suggest only fruit or vegetable color.

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