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I. Objective:
 Add and subtract whole numbers and decimals.

II. Learning Content:

Adding and subtracting whole numbers and decimals.

References: BEC-PELC II C.2

Enfolding Mathematics VI
Materials: laptop, powerpoint

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Drill:
a. ___ +36= 81 b. 24 + 59 = ___ c. 58 + ____ = 90 d. ____ – 32 = 55

2. Review:
a. Group the class in pairs.
b. Teacher flashes numbers in the powerpoint slides.
Ex. 12.45 + 10.09 = 12.54
c. Player 1 for each group will give the estimated answer mentally.
d. Player 2 checks the answer by solving it using pencil and paper.
e. The group with the most number of correct answer wins.

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Present the following: 85.03 + 105 + 16.005 - 28.79 = N
Ask: What is the fastest way of solving the problem? Why?

2. Presentation:
1. Presentation:
Present the lesson thru the following:
a. Strategy 1 — Matching Game Mechanics:
a. Divide the class into 2 groups.
b. First group will be given problem cards.
c. Second group will be holding the answer card.
d. The pupils raise the card they are holding when the teacher gives the "go" signal.
e. Pupils should toy to find their partner by pairing the problem card with the correct answer card.
f. The first pair to match correctly wins. Ex. Problem Card
Tina bought a pair of shoes for P495.50, a coat for P527.20 and a pocketbook for P94.75.
How much change did she receive from her P2000?
g. Have the pair read and solve the problem on the board to check if their cards match.

3. Fixing Skills:
Solve the following
1. 16 + 15.56 = 2. 92.2 – 27.58 3. 37.21 – 19 = 4. 32.587 + 19.63
4. Generalization:
How do you find the estimated sums and differences of whole numbers and decimals?

5. Application:
Write in column the compute.
1. 36 + 18.9 – 15.6 = N
2. 89 – 29.341 + 14 = N
3. 62.5 + 3.96 + 9.3 = N

IV. Evaluation:
Solve the problems.
1. Add 82.839 to the difference of 189 and 158.84.
2. The sum of 15.16, 97 and 68.3 is _______
3. Add the difference of 25 and 16.82 to the sum of 43 and 18.28.

V. Assignment:
1. 89 – 84.63 + 74.13 = N
2. 105.89 – 49 + 29.834 = N
3. What is the answer when 215 is added to 15.398?
4. What is the answer when 612 is added to the difference of 65 and 47.892?

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