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Week Four – Lesson Four

Parent information: Kids do: Assessment:

Activity Writer’s Workshop: Watch Mrs. Byra’s Writer’s Take a picture of
One Watch the following writer’s workshop video with Mrs. Byra: Workshop Video. your how-to writing, with labels
Make sure that your how- and spaces. Send it
Remind your student that is important that readers understand exactly what they are reading. to writing has spaces to your teacher via
It can be very confusing when there are not spaces between each word. Without spaces, a between each word. This class dojo or e-
reader cannot tell where one word ends an another begins. Have your student look at his or makes it easier for the mail.
her how to writing and make sure that there are spaces between each word! reader to understand!
Activity Sight Word Practice Have fun practicing your
Two We have 5 new sight words for your child to practice this week. sight words!
- Old, how, just, into, under

Sight Word Hopscotch: Using sidewalk chalk, make a hopscotch board on your sidewalk or
driveway. In each square write one of this week’s sight words and fill in the rest of the squares
with other sight words that we have been practicing. The words can repeat for a longer
hopscotch board! Your child throws a rock onto the hopscotch board and whichever word it
lands on is the word to be read. Then they can jump along the board. Throw the rock to a new
word and keep on going! Repeat until all the words have been read at least once. See the
picture under the Lesson Four tab for an example. 

If you do not have sidewalk chalk, the following link provides a recipe for making your own! 
Sight words can also be written on pieces of paper and placed on the floor or cement. See
this alternative example under the Lesson Four tab on the class website.
Activity Teachers have assigned new books for your child to read in their Epic account. Make sure to Log on to your Epic
Three read 20 minutes a day! You can also use you RAZ Kids account for more books! Each week account. Check your
teachers will provide a new reading fluency or comprehension strategy mailbox – this is where
Guided that you can practice with your child to really strengthen their literacy your teacher has put your
Reading skills. Please have your child read 20 minutes a day. You can help by assigned reading!
listening to them read, reminding them to read or reading to them!
Activity Reading Strategy: Chunky Monkey - Look for chunks you know: word
families, word endings, and other words you already know.

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