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Submitted by:

Angelo Marce

Submitted to:

Ms. Jovi Bernale

It was almost 1 week , since this crisis started called Novel Corona Virus Disease been
and it became a pandemic means that the world been experiencing. So the government decided
to have a community quarantine so it is quite boring at home. But then this quarantine is the
best thing and way to do,to save lives because this corona virus is very serious diesease that
kills more people. So each and every morning I make some exercise at home, and to fight this
virus. I tried to have a proper exercise like jogging around the house back and forth, strech my
shoulders, squats, and some bendings. And those are my proper exercise and to see myself
and save it, I set up my phone at the tableand start doing those exercise that I've mentioned
earlier. And I educate my dorm mates to do those exercise for us to be healthy, and we ensure
that we have a social distancing. And I think this exercise is what everybody needs at this
Quarantine Drugs. I start first at rotation of my shoulders ,head, knees, ankles, and then
followed by the hard exercise like push-up, sit-ups, sideways, and then i've gave each exercise
atleast 10counts on each exercise each and every proper exercise. In doing this proper exercise
, I know that I can help my self and my body specially my immune system to be fit, healthy at
the same time. Those exercise that I've mentionis good to our bones and because our body is
being exercise it can give us more energy that we need to fight this Virus that is very alarming to
world and it helps as well to burn our fats, and it gives also a goodmood.

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