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PTO News Midweek Blast


TreeRing Yearbook Email Sent Today - ​PLEASE IGNORE

We are aware that our yearbook company, TreeRing, sent an email today to anyone who ordered a yearbook. We
apologize for the confusion. If you ordered a yearbook through the PTO website your order was included in our
bulk order with TreeRing. You ​DO NOT​ need to place another order.

Reminder - PTO General Meeting TONIGHT!

Our last General PTO Meeting of the year will occur via Zoom this Thursday, May 7th at 7:00pm. One item of new
business will be voing on the proposed 2020-21 slate of Executive Board Officers and Committee Chairs (View Slate
HERE​). To join the meeting, please use the information below.

Topic: IT PTO General Meeting

Time: May 7, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 815 8381 7759

Password: 268226

Chalk Your Walk!

If you’d like to help us celebrate, please join us as we ​Chalk Our Walks​ with messages of support and thanks to our
teachers and staff! Take photos of your chalk art and share on social media - tweet us @IndianTrailPTO and tag
(#112leads, @IndianTrailScho) or send to ​​ so that we may share the love with our school
community on your behalf.

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