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Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7015

Project Name: Date: 14 Jan 2011

Contract Number: Page: 1 of 66
Revision: 1


This specification has been revised as indicated below and described in the revision record on the following
page. Please destroy all previous revisions.

Revision Date Originator's Reviewed/Checked By Pages

No. Name & Initials Name & Initials
A 9/09/2010 Cory A. Haynes Vincent E. Mezzano 66
0 11/04/2010 Cory A. Haynes Anna M. Pham 66
1 1/14/2011 Cory A. Haynes Anna M. Pham 66


Lead Engineer Thomas B. Robinson

Project Manager: Russell Shulz
Client Approval:

ISSUED FOR : Construction X Other Approved

Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7015
Project Name: Date: 14 Jan 2011
Contract Number: Page: 2 of 66
Revision: 1


Record of Revisions
Revision Date Description

A 9/09/2010 Issued for Approval, Table of Contents Only

0 11/04/2010 Issued for Review/Approval

1 1/14/2011 Issued Approved

Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7015
Project Name: Date: 14 Jan 2011
Contract Number: Page: 3 of 66
Revision: 1




1.0 SCOPE ......................................................................................................................................................11

1.1 General .......................................................................................................................................11
1.2 Exclusion ....................................................................................................................................11
1.3 Applicability ..............................................................................................................................11
1.4 Gas-Fired Inert-Gas Generators and Ribbon Type Burners ..............................................11
1.5 Direct-Fired Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Equipment ...............................11
1.6 Gas / Oil Combustion Units .....................................................................................................12
1.7 Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG's).........................................................................12
1.8 NFPA Standards .......................................................................................................................12
1.9 Process Heaters and Reformers ..............................................................................................12
2.0 CODES, STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATION................................................................................12
2.1 Codes and Standards ................................................................................................................12
2.2 Project Specifications and Drawings ......................................................................................15
2.3 Conflicts .....................................................................................................................................15
3.0 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS............................................................................................15
3.1 Definitions ..................................................................................................................................15
3.2 Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................16
4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ...................................................................................................17
4.1 Design Temperature .................................................................................................................17
5.0 GENERAL................................................................................................................................................17
5.1 Essential Elements for Explosion Prevention........................................................................17
5.2 Design Deviations ......................................................................................................................18
5.3 Operation and Maintenance ....................................................................................................18
5.4 Checklist and Procedures ........................................................................................................18
5.5 Operator Training ....................................................................................................................18
5.6 Interlock Checks .......................................................................................................................18
5.7 Conflicts .....................................................................................................................................18
5.8 Company Exceptions ................................................................................................................19
5.9 Supplier Exceptions ..................................................................................................................19
5.10 Trade Names..............................................................................................................................19
Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7015
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6.0 DEFINITIONS.........................................................................................................................................19
6.1 Terms used in this document are defined as follows: ...........................................................19
7.0 SAFETY....................................................................................................................................................23
7.1 Intent of the Standard ..............................................................................................................23
7.2 Purge...........................................................................................................................................23
7.3 Re-Ignition After Misfire .........................................................................................................24
7.4 Igniter/Pilot................................................................................................................................24
7.5 Fuel-Rich Conditions................................................................................................................24
7.6 Ignition Sources.........................................................................................................................24
8.0 BURNER SYSTEMS ..............................................................................................................................25
8.1 Components ...............................................................................................................................25
8.2 Flame Sensors............................................................................................................................25
8.3 Manual Systems ........................................................................................................................25
8.4 Flame Safety and Non-Hard-Wired Interlock Bypassing....................................................25
8.5 Fuel Supply Facilities ...............................................................................................................26
8.6 Fail-Safe Systems ......................................................................................................................26
8.7 Control System Reliability.......................................................................................................26
8.8 Electrical Classification............................................................................................................27
8.9 Outdoor or Hazardous Locations ...........................................................................................27
8.10 Sight Ports..................................................................................................................................27
8.11 Reburn Systems.........................................................................................................................27
9.0 PURGING ................................................................................................................................................28
9.1 Purge Requirement...................................................................................................................28
9.2 Combustion Light-Off Procedure ...........................................................................................28
9.3 Removal/Dilution of Unburned Gaseous Fuel in the Furnace.............................................28
9.4 Removal of Unburned Liquid or Solid Fuel in the Furnace................................................28
9.5 Igniter/Pilot Misfire Purge.......................................................................................................28
9.6 Main Burner Misfire Purge .....................................................................................................29
9.7 Post Purge ..................................................................................................................................29
9.8 Purge Flow Rate........................................................................................................................30
9.9 Purge Flow Rate Determination..............................................................................................30
9.10 Airflow Sensors .........................................................................................................................30
9.11 Proving Purge Airflow .............................................................................................................30
9.12 Overfire Air Dampers ..............................................................................................................30
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9.13 Forced Flue Gas Recirculation Systems.................................................................................31

9.14 Induced FGR Systems ..............................................................................................................31
9.15 Purge Complete Period ............................................................................................................31
9.16 Natural Draft Furnaces............................................................................................................31
10.0 IGNITERS/PILOTS................................................................................................................................32
10.1 Igniter/Pilot Requirements ......................................................................................................32
10.2 Igniter/Pilot Fuel .......................................................................................................................32
10.3 Class 1 Igniter/Pilot Use ...........................................................................................................32
10.4 Class 2 Igniter/Pilot Use ...........................................................................................................32
10.5 Class 3 Igniter/Pilot Use ...........................................................................................................32
10.6 Class 1 Igniter/Pilot Applicability...........................................................................................32
10.7 Class 2 or 3 Igniter/Pilot Applicability...................................................................................32
10.8 Class 3 Special Igniter Applicability.......................................................................................33
10.9 Simultaneous Igniter/Pilot Light Off......................................................................................33
10.10 Igniter/Pilot Trial Period .........................................................................................................33
10.11 Ignition Spark............................................................................................................................33
10.12 Manual shutoff valve ................................................................................................................33
10.13 Gas-fired igniter/pilots .............................................................................................................34
10.14 Vent Location ............................................................................................................................34
10.15 Vent Sizing .................................................................................................................................34
10.16 Gas Igniter/Pilot Safety Shutoff Valves..................................................................................34
10.17 Gas Igniter/Pilot Vent Valves ..................................................................................................35
10.18 Oil Igniter/Pilot Valve Requirements .....................................................................................35
10.19 Oil Igniter/Pilot Safety Shutoff Valves ...................................................................................35
10.20 Gas Cock Valves........................................................................................................................35
10.21 Equipment Vents.......................................................................................................................36
10.22 Igniter/Pilot Rating (Class) ......................................................................................................36
10.23 Igniter/Pilot Location ...............................................................................................................36
11.0 FLAME SENSORS .................................................................................................................................36
11.1 Class 1 Igniter/Pilots.................................................................................................................36
11.2 Class 2 Igniter/Pilots.................................................................................................................36
11.3 Class 3 Igniter/Pilots.................................................................................................................36
11.4 Flame Sensor Dropout Time....................................................................................................37
11.5 Self-Check Feature ...................................................................................................................37
11.6 Sensor Selection and Problems................................................................................................37
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11.7 Upfired burner installations ....................................................................................................37

12.0 MAIN BURNER/UNIT PROVISIONS.................................................................................................37
12.1 Start Delay .................................................................................................................................37
12.2 Trial for Ignition Period...........................................................................................................38
12.3 Low Fire Light Off....................................................................................................................38
12.4 Control Element Response.......................................................................................................38
12.5 Pneumatic Positioners ..............................................................................................................38
12.6 Manual Bypass Valves..............................................................................................................38
13.0 AIR CONTROL.......................................................................................................................................39
13.1 Burner Air Damper/Register...................................................................................................39
13.2 Burner Cooling Air...................................................................................................................39
13.3 Purge/Light-Off Burner Position ............................................................................................39
13.4 Burners Out of Service.............................................................................................................39
13.5 Loss of Single Burner ...............................................................................................................39
13.6 Airflow Control .........................................................................................................................39
13.7 Minimum Airflow/Limit ..........................................................................................................39
13.8 Maintenance or Cutoff Dampers ............................................................................................40
13.9 Oxygen Analyzers .....................................................................................................................40
14.0 GAS BURNER REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................................40
14.1 Single Burner Units ..................................................................................................................40
14.2 Multiple Burner Units ..............................................................................................................40
14.3 Manual Gas Supply Shutoff Valve..........................................................................................40
14.4 Vent Location ............................................................................................................................41
14.5 Safety Shutoff Valves................................................................................................................41
14.6 Vent Valves ................................................................................................................................41
14.7 FM Gas Cocks ...........................................................................................................................42
14.8 Equipment Vents.......................................................................................................................42
14.9 Manifolding of Vents ................................................................................................................42
14.10 Vent Sizing .................................................................................................................................43
14.11 Safety Shutoff Valve Operation ..............................................................................................43
14.12 Master Safety Shutoff Valve Operation .................................................................................43
14.13 Loss of Flame-Class 3 Igniter/Pilot.........................................................................................43
14.14 Loss of Flame-Class 1 or 2 Igniter/Pilot .................................................................................43
14.15 Master Safety Shutoff Valves ..................................................................................................44
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14.16 Hazardous Gas Purge...............................................................................................................44

14.17 Multiple Burner Minimum Fire Pressure Regulator ...........................................................44
14.18 Single Burner Minimum Fire Pressure Regulator................................................................44
14.19 Positioning Control System Fuel Control ..............................................................................44
15.0 OIL/LIQUID BURNER REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................45
15.1 Single Burner Units ..................................................................................................................45
15.2 Multiple Burner Units ..............................................................................................................45
15.3 Multiple Burner Manual Units................................................................................................45
15.4 Safety Shutoff Valves................................................................................................................45
15.5 Safety Shutoff Valve Operation ..............................................................................................45
15.6 Master Safety Shutoff Valve Operation .................................................................................46
15.7 Loss of Flame-Class 3 ...............................................................................................................46
15.8 Loss of Flame-Class 1 or 2 .......................................................................................................46
15.9 Master Safety Shutoff Valves ..................................................................................................46
15.10 Multiple Burner Minimum Fire Pressure Regulator ...........................................................46
15.11 Single Burner Minimum Fire Pressure Regulator................................................................46
15.12 Positioning Control System Fuel Control ..............................................................................47
15.13 Dual Oil/Liquid Gun Fuel Control .........................................................................................47
15.14 Atomizing Medium ...................................................................................................................47
16.1 Automatic Recycling Units ......................................................................................................47
16.2 Automatic Recycling Unit Interlock Reset ............................................................................48
16.3 Interlock Checks .......................................................................................................................48
16.4 Programmable Logic Controller Independence....................................................................48
16.5 BMS Separation from Basic Process Control System (BPCS) ............................................49
16.6 BMS Interlocks..........................................................................................................................49
16.7 External Purge Timer...............................................................................................................49
16.8 BMS I/O and Communication.................................................................................................49
16.9 Watchdog Timer .......................................................................................................................50
16.10 External Watchdog Timer .......................................................................................................50
16.11 Master Fuel Trip (MFT) Relay ...............................................................................................50
16.12 BMS Relays................................................................................................................................50
16.13 Use of Transmitters ..................................................................................................................51
16.14 Low Voltage/Low Current Safety Interlock Systems (SIS) .................................................51
16.15 Electronic Infant Mortality......................................................................................................51
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16.16 BMS Functional Testing...........................................................................................................51

16.17 PLC Logic Changes ..................................................................................................................51
16.18 Interlock Bypasses ....................................................................................................................52
16.19 PLC Logic Change Protection.................................................................................................52
16.20 PLC Logic Changes ..................................................................................................................52
16.21 PLC Logic Failure ....................................................................................................................52
16.22 Noise Immunity .........................................................................................................................52
16.23 PEC processing time.................................................................................................................52
16.24 Momentary Trips And Resets (Self Canceling Interlocks) ..................................................52
16.25 Packaged PEC's ........................................................................................................................53
17.0 PRE-LIGHT PERMISSIVES ................................................................................................................53
17.1 Air registers Open on Multiple Burner Units........................................................................53
17.2 Main Burner Safety Shutoff Valves Closed ...........................................................................53
17.3 Purge Flow .................................................................................................................................53
17.4 Igniter/Pilot Trial For Ignition Period ...................................................................................54
17.5 Low Fire Start Position Pre-light Permissive ........................................................................54
17.6 Main Burner Trial For Ignition Period..................................................................................54
18.0 MFT AND HARD-WIRED CRITICAL INTERLOCKS...................................................................54
18.1 Boiler/Vaporizer Low Water Level Interlock .......................................................................54
18.2 Critical Equipment Protection Or Process Interlock ...........................................................55
18.3 Emergency Stop Interlock .......................................................................................................55
18.4 Loss of All Flame Interlock......................................................................................................55
18.5 A forced circulation boiler/vaporizer/heater low flow interlock.........................................55
18.6 High Steam/Vapor or Liquid Pressure Interlock..................................................................55
18.7 Hot Water Boiler High Water Temperature Interlock ........................................................55
18.8 Low Combustion Airflow Interlock........................................................................................55
18.9 Smothering Steam on Interlock ..............................................................................................56
18.10 All Fuel Inputs Zero Interlock ................................................................................................56
18.11 Control Power Failure Interlock.............................................................................................56
18.12 FBC Boiler Low Bed Temperature Interlock........................................................................56
18.13 High Furnace Draft Interlock .................................................................................................56
18.14 High Furnace Pressure Interlock............................................................................................56
18.15 Loss of FD Fan Interlock .........................................................................................................57
18.16 Low Instrument Air Pressure Interlock.................................................................................57
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19.0 IGNITER/PILOT TRIPS .......................................................................................................................57

19.1 Loss of Igniter/Pilot Flame Interlock......................................................................................57
19.2 Operator Trip............................................................................................................................58
19.3 Class 1 Igniter/Pilot Trip Interlocks.......................................................................................58
20.0 GAS BURNER TRIPS ............................................................................................................................58
20.1 High Gas Pressure Interlock ...................................................................................................59
20.2 Loss of Burner Flame Interlock ..............................................................................................59
20.3 Low Gas Burner Pressure Interlock.......................................................................................59
20.4 Low Gas Supply Pressure Interlock .......................................................................................59
20.5 Operator Trip............................................................................................................................60
21.0 OIL/LIQUID BURNER TRIPS .............................................................................................................60
21.1 Loss of Burner Flame Interlock ..............................................................................................60
21.2 Low Atomizing Fluid Burner Pressure Interlock .................................................................60
21.3 Low Atomizing Fluid Supply Pressure Interlock..................................................................60
21.4 Low Oil Temperature Interlock..............................................................................................61
21.5 Low Oil/Liquid Burner Pressure Interlock ...........................................................................61
21.6 Low Oil/Liquid Supply Pressure Interlock............................................................................61
21.7 Oil/Liquid Gun Position Interlock ..........................................................................................61
21.8 Operator Trip............................................................................................................................61
21.9 High Oil Temperature Alarm..................................................................................................61
22.0 ALARMS ..................................................................................................................................................62
22.1 Purpose.......................................................................................................................................62
22.2 Burner Shutdown Annunciation .............................................................................................62
22.3 Flame Failure Interlocks..........................................................................................................62
22.4 Fuel Trains.................................................................................................................................62
22.5 Pre-Alarms.................................................................................................................................62
22.6 Off-Standard Conditions .........................................................................................................62
22.7 Alarms in the BPCS..................................................................................................................62
23.1 Waste Feed Cutoff Systems .....................................................................................................63
23.2 Waste Feed Start Up and Operation ......................................................................................63
24.0 COMMERCIAL BURNERS..................................................................................................................64
24.1 Flame Safety Requirements for Commercial Burners .........................................................64
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24.2 The Burner Package .................................................................................................................64

24.3 Automatic Remote Start Control System...............................................................................65
24.4 Makeup Combustion Air Requirements ................................................................................65
24.5 Burner Standby Condition ......................................................................................................65
24.6 Flame-Sensing Element ............................................................................................................65
25.0 VENT HEADERS TO BOILERS AND FIRED HEATERS.............................................................65
25.1 Capture of VOC Fugitive Emissions ......................................................................................65
25.2 Safety Shutoff Valves and Interlocks......................................................................................66
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1.1 General

A. This specification defines the design criteria, supply, assembly, testing, and delivery
of the Burner Management Systems (BMS) for the Power and Water Utility
Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Projects located at the existing
COMPANY complexes at Jubail Industrial City and Yanbu Industrial City, in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

B. This standard presents the requirements for selection, installation, and operation of
Burner Management Systems (BMS) on all combustion processes. This standard is
applicable to all materials entering the combustion zone or downstream of the
combustion process, which includes afterburners and reburn. Such materials include:
natural gas, process off-gas or waste gas, volatile organic compounds (VOC) streams,
liquid petroleum gas (LPG), fuel oil, liquid waste fuel, pulverized coal and any other
fuels or materials. All suspension fired and fluidized bed fired units are included in
this standard.

1.2 Exclusion

A. This standard does not include process reactors where the combustion process
directly generates a salable product (e.g., acetylene reactors). Inert process materials
that are in direct contact with the combustion zone (e.g., ore dryers) are not included
in these requirements.

1.3 Applicability

A. This standard is applicable to all units with an individual burner heat input greater
than 400,000 Btu/h. Smaller units shall comply with applicable national standards.

1.4 Gas-Fired Inert-Gas Generators and Ribbon Type Burners

A. Gas-fired inert-gas generators and ribbon type burners have special supplemental

1.5 Direct-Fired Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Equipment

A. Direct-Fired Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) equipment is

exempted from this standard. Operation typically requires ventilation airflow through
the unit prior to burner light off, in which case 25 percent LEL (lower explosive
limit) cannot be exceeded. Direct-fired HVAC equipment shall meet applicable
national standards, for example Factory Mutual (FM) and Industrial Research
Institute (IRI). Boiler and vaporizer/heater process (level, flow, pressure,
temperature) interlocks and alarms are only covered in this standard relative to how
they are implemented in the overall interlock scheme.
Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu (MARAFIQ) Master Specification: MQ-SP-I-7015
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1.6 Gas / Oil Combustion Units

A. Units capable of firing gaseous or liquid fuels shall meet the requirements described
in this standard for those fuels.

1.7 Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG's)

A. Not all requirements for heat recovery steam generators (HRSG's) are specifically
included in this standard. HRSG’s shall meet the requirements of NFPA 86.

1.8 NFPA Standards

A. Where there is a conflict with NFPA standards, this standard shall govern.

1.9 Process Heaters and Reformers

A. The specific requirements of this standard are not applicable to process heaters and
reformers that utilize many (tens to hundreds) burners in a single furnace to maintain
a process temperature. Large process furnaces tend to operate on a less variable and
more sustained basis than typical boilers or other similar furnaces; in addition,
application of individual burner flame monitoring and burner automation would not
be feasible for those units. Industry standard practices for those units satisfy the
intent of this standard.


2.1 Codes and Standards

A. The selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction, maintenance,
and repair of equipment and facilities covered by this specification shall comply with
the latest edition of the references listed below, unless otherwise noted.

B. American Petroleum Institute (API)

 API 556 : Instrumentation and Control Systems for Fired Heaters and Steam

C. British Standards Institute (BSI)

 BS EN 60079-1: Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres.

Flameproof enclosure' d '

 BS EN 60079-11 : Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres,

Intrinsically Safe' i '.
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 BS EN 55011 : Specification for limits and methods of measurement of radio

disturbance characteristics of industrial, scientific, and medical radio frequency

 BS EN 55014 : Radio Interference limits and measurements for electrical

appliances, portable tools and similar electrical apparatus.

 BS EN 50073 : Selection, Installation, use and Maintenance of Apparatus for the

Detection and Measurement of Combustible Gases

D. International Society of Automation (ISA)

 ISA 5.1: Instrumentation Symbols and Identification

 ISA S71.03 : Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control

Systems: Mechanical Influences

 ISA 84.00.01 – Part 1 (IEC 61511-1 Mod) : Functional Safety : Safety

Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector – Part 1: Framework,
Definitions, System, hardware and Software Requirements

 ISA 84.00.01 – Part 2 (IEC 61511-2 Mod) : Functional Safety : Safety

Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector – Part 2: Guidelines for
the Application of ISA 84.00.01 – Part 1 (IEC 61511-1 Mod) – Informative

 ISA 84.00.01 – Part 3 (IEC 61511-3 Mod) : Functional Safety : Safety

Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector – Part 3: Guidance for the
Determination of the Required Safety Integrity Levels – Informative

 ISA-TR84.00.05-2010 : Guidance on the Identification of Safety Instrumented

Functions (SIF) in Burner Management Systems (BMS)

E. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

 IEEE 1100 : Powering and Grounding Sensitive Electronic Equipment

 IEEE C37.90.1 : Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for
Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus

F. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

 IEC 60079 : Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres

 IEC 60409 : Guides for the Inclusion of Reliability Clauses into Specification of
Components (or Parts) for Electronic Equipment
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 IEC 60529 : Degrees of Protection for Enclosures

 IEC 60801-3 : Electromagnetic Compatibility for Industrial Process

Measurement & Control Systems

 IEC 61000 : Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

 IEC 61000-4-2 : Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-2: Testing and

Measurement Techniques - Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Test

 IEC 61131-3 : Programmable Controllers - Part 3: Programming Languages

 IEC 61508-1 : Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable

Electronic Safety-Related Systems - Part 1: General Requirements

 IEC 61511-1 : Functional Safety - Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process
Industry Sector - Part 1: Framework, Definitions, System, Hardware and
Software Requirements

 IEC 61511-2 : Functional Safety - Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process
Industry Sector - Part 2: Guidelines for the Application of IEC 61511-1

 IEC 61511-3 : Functional Safety - Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process
Industry Sector - Part 3: Guidance for the Determination of the Required Safety
Integrity Levels

G. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

 NFPA 75 : Protection of Electronic Computer/Data Processing Equipment

 NFPA 85 : Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code

 NFPA 86 : Standard for Ovens and Furnaces

H. Miscellaneous

 MIL HDBK 217E : Reliability Prediction of Electronic Equipment

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2.2 Project Specifications and Drawings

All equipment and accessories covered by this specification shall comply with all Project
Specifications and Drawings listed herein.

A. MARAFIQ Standards and Specifications

Specification No. Title

MQ-SP-I-7010 Safety Instrumented Systems

MQ-SP-I-7012-1 Process Control Systems (DCS)

MQ-SP-I-7012-2 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)

MQ-SP-I-7016 Control Panels

MQ-SP-T-7811 Fiber Optic Cable

MQ-SP-E-6001 Electrical Design

MQ-SP-E-6018 Low Voltage Power and Control Cable

2.3 Conflicts

A. In the event of conflict within this specification, the Burner Management System
(BMS) or BMS Suppliers shall request a written clarification. All exceptions to the
specification and conflicts with the existing system installation must be in writing,
and shall reference the section/paragraph.


3.1 Definitions

Terms used in this document are defined as follows:

Power and Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu

(MARAFIQ) or designated representative

Other Engineering, Procurement and Construction contractor

CONTRACTOR responsible for one or more of the plants / facilities associated
with the MARAFIQ projects.
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Refers to the Burner Management System (BMS) as specified

in this document

BMS SUPPLIER Selected Supplier of the BMS .



Supplier(s) of other non-FGS PLC & HMI components (F&G

detectors, alarms/strobes, etc.)

3.2 Abbreviations

BMS Burner Management System

BPCS Basic Process Control System
CCR Central Control Room
CPU Central Processing Unit
DCS Distributed Control System
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
FGR Fuel Gas Recirculation
FM Factory Mutual
HMI Human Machine Interface
I/O Input/Output
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
LEL Lower Explosive Limit
MFT Master Fuel Trip
PB Pushbutton
PEC Programmable Electronic Controller
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PFD Probability of Failure on Demand
PSU Power Supply Unit
RAM Random Access Memory
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ROM Read Only Memory

SAT Site Acceptance Test
SIL Safety Integrity Level
SIS Safety Instrumented System
TÜV Technischer Überwachungs-Verein


4.1 Design Temperature

A. The BMS shall normally be installed and operated in an air conditioned environment
which will be maintained at the following conditions:

 21 ºC ± 3 ºC and 50% ± 10% Relative Humidity

B. BMS Supplier standard equipment shall be fully operational so as to perform per

specifications at any air temperature range from 5 to 40 ºC in all the Control Rooms,
Operator Shelters and Field Auxiliary Rooms, and a relative humidity range of 40 to
60 percent non-condensing. The BMS shall have no failures when operated at 50 ºC
room temperature and relative humidity of 95% for a 4 hour period (in case of air-
condition loss). BMS Supplier shall specify any environment limitations to the

C. BMS Supplier equipment installed in local control panels / field control cabins shall
meet the design temperature at the following conditions:

 9.0 to 50.0 ºC and 22 to 95 % Relative Humidity

D. BMS Supplier shall include a “High temperature” option for equipment to meet this

E. For components exposed to the sun the surface design temperature shall be 85 ºC.


5.1 Essential Elements for Explosion Prevention

A. A combination of reliable equipment, competent design and installation, well-trained

operators, and an effective maintenance program is essential to the prevention of
furnace explosions.
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5.2 Design Deviations

A. It is the obligation of the persons responsible for the design in each specific case to
ensure that application of this standard is adequate and appropriate. Design
deviations from this standard shall be thoroughly reviewed for operability, reliability,
and the control of process hazards. These reviews will ensure that the new design
meets or exceeds the performance criteria embodied in this standard. New designs
shall meet or exceed applicable codes and industry accepted practices for BMS's.
Depending on the nature of these deviations, an appropriate group of experts shall be
selected to evaluate the performance of the design deviation prior to final review for
control of process hazards. For example, if the BMS interlocks are altered in the
design deviation, it is appropriate to have an Energy Engineering consultant,
instrumentation expert, and a process hazards analysis consultant evaluate the design
deviation performance vs. this standard, before it is considered in a process hazards

5.3 Operation and Maintenance

A. At best, combustion safeguards furnish only partial protection against furnace

explosions. The best safety devices for furnaces are alert, well trained operators and
effective maintenance.

5.4 Checklist and Procedures

A. A written safety checklist and complete, accurate, and up-to-date procedures shall be
followed for each start-up.

5.5 Operator Training

A. All operators shall be thoroughly trained to recognize unsafe conditions and to ensure
their familiarity with proper operating procedures. Training shall be reviewed

5.6 Interlock Checks

A. In addition to normal preventive maintenance programs, combustion safeguard

equipment and interlocks shall be checked frequently. Any faulty hardware relating
to safe furnace operation shall be repaired immediately.

5.7 Conflicts

A. Any conflicts between this standard, MARAFIQ, and industry standards, engineering
drawings, and contract documents shall be resolved at the discretion of the
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5.8 Company Exceptions

A. Company exceptions to this standard will be detailed on the purchase order.

5.9 Supplier Exceptions

A. Supplier exceptions to this standard to be included in the quote.

5.10 Trade Names

A. Mention of any trade names in this standard is for the sake of discussion only. No
endorsement of or preference of any particular vendor is implied


6.1 Terms used in this document are defined as follows:

A. Atmospheric Igniter/Pilot - a gas igniter/pilot that is supplied with only fuel and an
ignition source. Igniter/pilot combustion air is aspirated from outside the combustion
unit by the gas jet. This type of igniter/pilot is not recommended on new units due to
the open ignition source flow path to outside the unit.

B. Attendance

 Combustion Unit, Fully Attended -a combustion unit that is under the constant
attention of a qualified operator(s) whose work duties keep him or her at all
times in the immediate proximity of the unit on the firing floor, within ready
access to unit controls. The operator shall not leave the work area to perform
other duties that would take him or her away from the firing floor area. Although
relief can be provided for the primary operator, that relief operator shall also be
equally qualified.

 Combustion Unit, Remotely Attended -a combustion unit that is under the

constant control of a qualified operator(s), but the operator's workstation (i.e.,
control room) may be located some distance from the unit. The operator shall not
leave the workstation to perform other duties that would take him or her away
from necessary controls and alarms that protect the unit. Critical control
functions, for example firing rate, burner trip, and feedwater control, shall be
accessible at the workstation area. Although relief can be provided for the
primary operator, that relief operator shall also be equally qualified.

 Combustion Unit, Unattended -a combustion unit that has no operator in full-

time attendance. Operator functions may be done on a routine schedule by
roving operators to handle the manual tasks. Units whose operators have duties
that remove them from the control room or unit proximity also fall into this
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C. Automatic Recycling Burner System - one that normally starts, runs, and stops itself
based on a controlled variable (e.g. temperature or pressure) without operator

D. Basic Process Control System (BPCS) - a collection of measurements, control and

sequential functions, final control elements, and alarms that normally maintain the
process operation within acceptable operating limits. This is the modulating control
system and includes functions for example combustion control, drum level control,
and process temperature control.

E. Burner Management System (BMS) - the control system dedicated to ensuring

combustion unit safety, providing assistance to operators in the starting and stopping
of fuel preparation and burning equipment, and preventing mis-operation of and
damage to fuel preparation and burning equipment. It monitors operating parameters
and includes the interlock system, fuel trip system, flame monitoring and tripping
system, ignition subsystem, and main burner subsystems.

F. Carbureting Igniter/Pilot - a premix gas igniter/pilot that compensates for air, fuel,
and furnace pressure variations to maintain a uniform fuel/air ratio and to improve
stability and reliability.

G. Combustion Safeguard System - a system designed to prevent the occurrence and

ignition of an explosive mixture in a combustion furnace or device. Its primary
function is to ensure safe start ups and shutdowns. Combustion safeguard systems
include fuel and combustion air trains and devices, other equipment as described in
this standard, and personnel and procedures. Devices associated with proper ignition,
shutoff, and monitoring of burners and flame conditions are included above under the
definition of BMS, which is a subsystem under the larger definition of combustion
safeguard system as covered in this standard. Combustion safeguard systems do not
control the air/fuel ratio of the burner system, that is the function of the Fired
Equipment Control System.

H. Fail-Safe - feature of a system or component that causes it to assume (go to) a safe
state upon loss or failure of specific features or utilities (e.g. loss of power, loss of
instrument air, broken wire). Note: The system or component will go to the safe state
under the specified conditions only if it is properly maintained and operates properly
(does not fail).

I. Flame Sensor - a device that determines the presence of flame and provides a useful
signal. The following are common types:

 Rectifying flame rods

 Infrared sensors
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 Ultraviolet sensors

 Pressure differential sensors

J. Hard Wiring - a method of implementing interlock logic that employs dedicated

components, typically switches and electromechanical relays, as opposed to
programmable and non-programmable logic solvers. In application of this standard,
hard wiring is used to back up certain functions when using microprocessor/solid-
state devices for the logic solver. Part of this hard-wiring design removes power from
fuel input devices (e.g., main burner safety shutoff valves) by wiring the output
power supply of an output module from a critical interlock input, around the solid-
state system. Opening of the hard-wired interlock device upon an out-of-limits
condition would directly trip the safety shutoff valves, regardless of the
programmable logic action.

K. Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) - a heat exchanger that uses a series of heat
transfer sections (e.g., superheater, evaporator, and economizer) positioned in the
exhaust gas flow of a combustion turbine to recover heat and generate steam at a
required temperature and pressure. An HRSG can be unfired (total heat input from
gas turbine exhaust only), supplementally fired (partial heat input from the gas
turbine exhaust and part from a duct burner at the inlet to the HRSG to a maximum
gas temperature based on equipment design), or fully fired (partial heat input from
the gas turbine exhaust and part from the duct burner with maximum fuel input to
maintain minimum stack gas O2 without excessive CO).

L. Igniter or Pilot - a permanently installed device that provides ignition energy to

immediately light off the main burner.

M. Igniter, Class 1 (Continuous) - an igniter applied to ignite the fuel input through the
burner and to support ignition under any burner light-off or operating conditions. Its
location and capacity are such that it will provide sufficient ignition energy
(generally in excess of 10 percent of full load burner heat input) at its associated
burner to raise any credible combination of burner inputs of both fuel and air above
the minimum ignition temperature. Class 1 igniters can also operate as Class 2 or
Class 3 igniters.

N. Igniter, Class 2 (Intermittent) - an igniter applied to ignite the fuel input through the
burner under prescribed light-off conditions. The range of capacity of such igniters is
generally 4 to 10 percent of full load burner heat input. Class 2 igniters can also
operate as Class 3 igniters.

O. Igniter, Class 3 (Interrupted) - a small igniter applied to gaseous or liquid fuels to

ignite the fuel input to the burner under prescribed light-off conditions. The capacity
of such igniters generally does not exceed 4 percent of full load burner heat input.
Minimum Class 3 igniter/pilot size is recommended to be no less than 5 percent of
main burner light-off heat input, unless a smaller igniter/ pilot is proven to operate
readily and consistently.
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P. Igniter, Class 3 Special - a special Class 3 high-energy electrical igniter capable of

directly igniting the main burner fuel.

Q. Igniter/Pilot Establishing Period - the interval of time after the igniter/pilot fuel
valve(s) has been opened until the igniter/pilot flame shall be proven (see also Trial
for Igniter Period)

R. Interlock - a system or function that detects an out-of-limits (abnormal) condition, or

improper sequence, and brings it to a safe condition. It consists of a sensing function,
a control function, and a final control element. The control function shall be separate
from the BPCS. Interlocks operate automatically, no operator action is involved.
There are two types of interlocks used in this standard-those master fuel trip (MFT)
conditions that are considered critical and require hard wiring around a
programmable electronic controller (PEC), and other MFT conditions and individual
fuel trip conditions not requiring hard wiring. Critical interlocks that require hard
wiring are specified in Section 18 of this standard.

S. Lower Explosive (Flammability) Limit (LEL) - the minimum concentration of vapor

or gas in air or oxygen below which propagation of flame does not occur on contact
with a source of ignition.

T. Manual Burner System - one that does not require, by interlocks, an operator to
follow a predetermined sequence to start. It may incorporate varying degrees of
combustion safeguards required by automatic and Supervised Manual Systems, and
the remaining interlock functions are an operator responsibility.

U. Master Fuel Trip (MFT) - an event resulting in the rapid shutoff of all fuel to the
combustion unit, and igniters/pilots.

V. Post-Purge - a purge that occurs following a master fuel trip.

W. Premix Igniter/Pilot - a gas igniter/pilot that is supplied fuel, combustion air, and an
ignition source. It premixes the air and gas. ( This is in contrast with Raw Fuel Igniter

X. Programmable Electronic Controller (PEC) - a microprocessor-based device that

makes up a portion of the Safety Instrumented System (SIS) that executes the BMS
strategy and interlock logic. The controller receives inputs from sensors and human-
machine interfaces and generates outputs to final elements. PEC is synonymous with
"Programmable Logic Controller" (PLC).

Y. Purge - a flow of purge medium through the furnace, gas passages, and associated
flues and ducts that will effectively remove any gaseous or suspended combustibles
and replace them with air or inert gas.

Z. Purge Medium - air or inert gas that is noncombustible, non reactive, and incapable
of supporting combustion, defined as having less than 25 percent of the LEL of any
combustible vapor.
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AA. Raw Fuel Igniter/Pilot - a gas or oil igniter/pilot that is supplied with only fuel and
an ignition source. Igniter/pilot combustion air comes from inside the combustion
unit, not through the igniter/pilot. (This is in contrast with premix igniter Pilot - see

BB. Reburn - a NOx control technique that injects fuel into the furnace after the main
fuel burning zone without combustion air for that fuel, creating a sub-stoichiometric
(reburn) zone in which NOx molecules from the main combustion zone are
destroyed. Overfire air is added after the reburn zone to complete combustion of any
fuel or fuel by-products not completely burned in the reburn zone.

CC. Safety Instrumented System (SIS) - a microprocessor-based system consisting of

PEC's and or PLC’s, sensors, final control elements, human-machine interfaces,
historians, printers, and other elements, connected by a control system network (i.e.,
data highway).

DD. Self-Checking Flame Sensor - a flame sensor feature that automatically and at
regular intervals simulates a loss of flame and verifies appropriate sensing system

EE. Supervised Manual Burner System - one that requires, by interlocks, an operator to
follow certain steps of a predetermined sequence to start or stop burners or
associated equipment.

FF. Trial for Ignition Period - the interval of time after the main burner fuel valves have
been opened until the main burner flame shall be proven (see also Igniter/Pilot
Establishing Period).

GG. Waste Gas - volatile process gaseous by-product stream.


7.1 Intent of the Standard

A. The intent of this standard is to provide a basis for recognizing and minimizing
combustion hazards. It is an accepted fact that excessive fail-safe features come only
at the expense of reliability. Shutdowns from reduced reliability expose the processes
served to potential upsets and the combustion process to additional start ups, which
are statistically the most unsafe period.

7.2 Purge

A. Most furnace explosions occur during the start up and unstable low load periods.
Whenever the possibility exists for the accumulation of combustible gases or
combustible dust in any part of the unit, no attempt shall be made to light the burners
until the unit has been thoroughly purged.
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7.3 Re-Ignition After Misfire

A. No re-ignition attempt after a burner misfire shall be made without an intervening

period of sufficient airflow that is adequate to clear any explosive mixture from the
furnace. In the case of oil or liquid fuel burners, repeated unsuccessful trials for
ignition shall not be made without visual inspection of the furnace to ensure that
there is no accumulation of unburned fuel. See Sections 9.5 and 9.6 for additional
requirements and recommendations.

7.4 Igniter/Pilot

A. The function of an igniter/pilot is to ignite a main burner with minimum delay. Any
igniter/pilot that does not ignite itself or its main burner readily and consistently is a
safety hazard and shall be corrected. An igniter/pilot that performs "readily and
consistently" meets the following criteria:

 The igniter/pilot will ignite immediately every time it is energized.

 For Class 1 igniter/pilots, maximum airflow through the main burner register
will not extinguish the igniter/pilot.

 The igniter/pilot is of sufficient size and is located properly so that the main
burner fuel ignites immediately when it enters the furnace.

7.5 Fuel-Rich Conditions

A. This standard does not provide interlock protection for fuel-rich conditions when
ignition is not lost. Each plant shall train its operators to recognize the symptoms (no
oxygen or low oxygen with combustibles in the flue gas; for oil, heavy smoke; for
gas, any smoke) and to take proper action. Multiple alarms shall be activated on High
Combustibles in the flue gas to alert the operator of this situation. Caution! Nothing
should be done hastily. Instead, slowly reduce the fuel input (preferred) or slowly
increase the air-flow, allowing several minutes at each new position, until the furnace
is clear. The operator shall be able to manually control the fuel and air individually
from the BPCS to correct a fuel-rich condition.

7.6 Ignition Sources

A. Ignition sources that could ignite flammable gases in or downstream of a furnace are
to be avoided. Oxygen sensors operating at high temperature or sparking electrode
wires in electrostatic precipitators are examples of such sources. Flame arresters shall
be installed on in-situ zirconium oxide oxygen sensors.
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8.1 Components

A. The components of burner systems, for example flame-sensing elements, timers,

PEC's / PLCs, switches, and relays are to be selected based upon experience, test
evaluation, or both. The criteria for acceptance are reliability and the characteristic of
safe operating conditions in the event of component failure.

8.2 Flame Sensors

A. Flame-sensing elements are required on automatic recycling and supervised manual

systems. For operations without Flame Sensors, the requirements for firing without
flame sensors on manual burner systems are given below:

 The unit shall be treated as a fully attended unit with a qualified operator in
attendance at all times.

 A technical review of the installation and a demonstration have been completed

which show that burner and furnace stability, burner and furnace physical
arrangements, combustion controls, and operating techniques are adequate to
prevent hazardous conditions.

 Note: Furnace exit temperature is one criterion that can be used to determine
burner and furnace stability. Experience has shown that stable conditions exist
when furnace exit temperatures, under all main burner operating conditions are
at least 204 °C above the auto-ignition temperature of the fuel being burned.
Furnace exit temperatures may be measured, calculated, or estimated.

8.3 Manual Systems

A. Manual burner systems shall not be used for new installations. An exception can be
made if an evaluation proves the unit is critical to process safety where potential
shutdowns due to additional controls cannot be tolerated, and if proper training,
procedures, and experienced operators are in place.

8.4 Flame Safety and Non-Hard-Wired Interlock Bypassing

A. Flame safety interlocks or interlocks not specified in this standard as critical and not
required to be hard wired can be bypassed under the following conditions:

 Applies only to units with no heat removal in the flame zone. (For example,
typical boilers do not meet this requirement.)

 Applies only when the furnace exit temperature under stable operating
conditions is at least 204 °C above the auto-ignition temperature of the fuel
being fired, or 760 °C, whichever is lower
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 Applies only to flame safety interlocks and non-hard-wired interlocks. Does not
apply to other critical hard-wired interlocks that shall remain operative.

 Sensing of furnace exit temperature shall be done with at least two of three
thermocouples, all configured for downscale burnout. Auto-ignition
temperatures of some fuels are given in Table I.


Natural Gas 482 - 632

Propoane 842

Butane 550

Benzene 928

Toluene 896

Acetylene 581

Table I : Auto-ignition Temperatures of Selected Fuels

8.5 Fuel Supply Facilities

A. Fuel supply facilities shall be provided to minimize noncombustible contamination of

the fuel (i.e., water in oil and inerts in gas).

8.6 Fail-Safe Systems

A. All systems shall assume a safe state (fail-safe) in the event of a control power failure
(e.g., electric and instrument air).

8.7 Control System Reliability

A. Where electrical safeguards are used and where voltage dips of sufficient magnitude
or duration (or both) to drop out relays or to affect safety interlock system (SIS)
operation are prevalent, and where continuity of burner operation is essential, back-
up systems should be considered that will prevent shutdown. Such evaluations shall
be completed early in the design phase. Use of dual power supplies or uninterruptible
power supplies (UPS) is recommended.
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8.8 Electrical Classification

A. Electrical classification for typical burner areas is considered General Purpose.

Where there are specific additional hazards or where further clarification is desired,
Fire Protection and Safety representatives shall be consulted to determine the
appropriate classification.

8.9 Outdoor or Hazardous Locations

A. For outdoor or hazardous area locations, special protection for all components is
required to ensure safe operation. For outdoor installations, this includes insect
screens, heat tracing, and weatherproof housing. For hazardous area locations, it
includes, but is not limited to, sealed burners, explosion-proof interlocks and
electrical housings and sealed casings, breechings, and stacks.

8.10 Sight Ports

A. Each burner on all types of systems shall be provided with at least one sight port to
permit adequate visual inspection of both igniter/pilot and main burner flame.

8.11 Reburn Systems

A. Reburn systems shall be provided with all fuel train requirements as specified in this
standard. Flame sensing of the reburn fuel may not be practical and is not required.
However, the following shall be provided:

 All master fuel trip (MFT) permissives and interlocks that interlock the reburn

 Reburn fuel and overfire airflow interlocks identical to those required for similar
primary fuels (e.g., reburn safety shutoff valve proof of closure, low overfire
airflow, low reburn fuel pressure, high reburn gas pressure)

 Minimum total boiler main fuel heat input adequate to ensure that the reburn fuel
is injected into a zone with furnace temperature of at least 980 °C

 Boiler load at which reburn is required is typically above 40 percent. This

minimum boiler load may be lowered if required when furnace conditions are
demonstrated to remain stable and to provide adequate temperature and burnout.
This shall be an interlock that trips the reburn fuel and alarms.

 Metering combustion control that accounts for reburn fuel and overfire airflows
and that includes oxygen trim control.

 Design of the reburn system reviewed and tested to ensure correct port locations
and adequate injection velocities of the reburn fuel and overfire air for proper
mixing and combustion
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9.1 Purge Requirement

A. A satisfactory purge with an acceptable purge medium shall be accomplished prior to

light off of the first igniter/pilot.

9.2 Combustion Light-Off Procedure

A. Purging is the first step in the combustion light-off procedure. All combustion unit
furnaces shall be purged to ensure that no explosive mixture is present when an
ignition source is first introduced.

9.3 Removal/Dilution of Unburned Gaseous Fuel in the Furnace

A. It shall be assumed that unburned fuel has accumulated in the furnace. Gaseous fuel
can be removed by a flow of purge medium or be rendered nonflammable by dilution
before an ignition source is introduced.

9.4 Removal of Unburned Liquid or Solid Fuel in the Furnace

A. When liquid or solid fuels have been injected into a furnace, they cannot always be
effectively removed by purging. Any accumulation shall be removed prior to an
ignition attempt. It is recommended that where physically feasible, two observation
ports be directed at the same spot on the floor of the furnace where unburned fuel is
most likely to accumulate. One port is for an illuminating device to facilitate
observation through the other port.

9.5 Igniter/Pilot Misfire Purge

A. A single burner unit shall be purged following a misfire of the igniter/pilot.

B. First Igniter/Pilot on Multiple Burner Units Except as provided below will be purged
at a rate for one minute shall be enforced following a misfire of the first igniter/pilot
on multiple burner units with no main flame in service.

C. Multiple burner units with complex furnace configuration (with potentially stagnant
areas) may require a high purge flow rate to adequately clear the furnace of
combustibles. This could then be followed by lowering the airflow for light off and
initial fire conditions. For those cases, if Class 3 igniter/pilots are used, multiple
attempts to light the first igniter/pilot may be allowed upon misfires, but with a one-
minute delay between attempts with airflow held constant. The number of attempts
shall be limited based on actual air-flows and furnace configuration. If Class 1 or
Class 2 igniter/pilots are used for that service, a full re-purge of the unit shall be
required following a misfire of the first igniter/pilot with no other main flame in
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D. On units where pairs or levels of burners are ignited simultaneously, failure of any
single igniter/pilot shall shut down all igniter/pilots in that level.

9.6 Main Burner Misfire Purge

A. Automatic and supervised manual systems with Class 2 or 3 igniter/pilots shall

require a purge without any lighted igniter/pilots after a misfire of the first main gas
or oil/liquid burner. On a misfire of subsequent main burners, after the first main
burner is established, there shall be a period, of at least one minute before an attempt
to re-light. This intervening period may be interlocked or an operator function.
Subsequent trials for ignition shall not be made without visual inspection of the
furnace to ensure that there is no accumulation of unburned fuel.

B. Manual systems with or without flame-sensing elements shall have a purge without
any lighted igniter/pilots after a misfire of the first main gas or oil/ liquid burner. On
a misfire of subsequent main burners, after the first main burner is established, there
shall be an intervening period, of at least one minute, with sufficient airflow to clear
any explosive mixture from the furnace. Subsequent trials for ignition shall not be
made without visual inspection of the furnace to ensure that there is no accumulation
of unburned fuel.

C. On gas or oil/liquid fired units where pairs or levels of burners are ignited
simultaneously with a single common safety shutoff valve train, failure of any single
main flame shall shut down all main burners in that level.

D. By definition, the use of a Class 1 igniter/pilot provides enough ignition energy to

ignite any credible fuel input to the burner. Therefore, use of a Class 1 igniter/pilot
should eliminate the potential of a main burner misfire, and thus eliminate the need
for a re-purge. If, however, the Class 1 igniter/pilot should be extinguished with no
other flames in service, a full re-purge is required.

9.7 Post Purge

A. Automatic recycling units shall have a 15-second post purge following the normal
cycle shutdown at an airflow rate greater than the low airflow interlock point prior to
fan shutdown. On systems where it is intended that fuel supply and combustion air
are to be shut down simultaneously, modifications shall be made to provide the post-
purge period.

B. All units except those described in 7.7.3 shall have a post purge at least equal to the
pre-start purge time with no change in airflow rate following a MFT for all causes
other than low combustion airflow or loss of forced draft (FD) or induced draft (ID)
fans. This post purge can be interrupted by a start-up purge. This may be a control or
an operator function.

C. Where maintaining constant airflow for the post purge would cause equipment or
safety problems, units can slowly change airflow rate for the post-purge period (e.g.,
regenerative thermal oxidizers or process heaters).
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9.8 Purge Flow Rate

A. Single burner units shall be purged at full load airflow rate for four furnace volumes.
If abnormal conditions exist that prevent purging at full load airflow (e.g., cold plant
start up with reduced capacity FD fan), purge airflow rate shall be no less than 25
percent of full load airflow and be timed for eight furnace volumes.

B. Multiple burner gas or oil/liquid fired units shall preferably be purged at full load
airflow for four furnace volumes. If purge airflow rate is less than full load flow rate,
it shall be no less than 25 percent of full load airflow and be timed for eight furnace

C. Purge flow shall be determined on the basis of volumetric airflow through the
combustion chamber/furnace, corrected for air preheat.

D. Furnace volume limit for units with no heat recovery shall be where the combustion
gases leave the fuel burning cavity, or the total cavity volume where a small furnace
exits to a larger cavity.

E. Furnace volume for units with heat recovery (e.g., boilers, vaporizers, heaters) shall
be the boiler-furnace enclosure, which is the boundary for all boiler pressure parts
(radiant and convective sections), and the combustion or oxidation process. Furnace
volume excludes the economizer and other heat recovery devices if so equipped.

9.9 Purge Flow Rate Determination

A. Purge flow rate can be determined with single-point or multiple-point sensors. When
a single-point sensor is used, a flow traverse shall be used to determine a
representative location.

9.10 Airflow Sensors

A. The purge airflow sensor and the low combustion airflow sensor can be the same
device if turndown is adequate.

9.11 Proving Purge Airflow

A. Purge airflow can be proven by a flow sensor or by air pressure and air damper
position for a positioning control system.

9.12 Overfire Air Dampers

A. Overfire air dampers, if used, shall be open throughout the purge period.
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9.13 Forced Flue Gas Recirculation Systems

A. Forced flue gas recirculation (FGR) systems shall be purged, in general following the
procedure below, and according to vendor recommendations. Proper procedures for
unique arrangements shall be determined individually.

B. Keep the FGR damper full open during purge with FGR fan off.

C. Close the FGR damper after purge and prove closed (minimum flow position).

D. Start the FGR fan

E. Hold the FGR damper closed until the FGR fan is running and a predetermined
operating temperature has been reached (with a time delay).

F. Open the FGR damper to the low fire position.

G. Hold at the low fire position for a time period sufficient to allow temperature and
control stabilization, and then release to modulation with firing rate.

9.14 Induced FGR Systems

A. Induced FGR systems shall purge with the automatic control damper, if so equipped,
in the full open position. Purge times for all induced FGR units shall consider the
FGR duct system volume and purge airflow rates.

9.15 Purge Complete Period

A. Airflow shall be maintained during the "purge complete" period at a rate sufficient to
satisfy the low combustion airflow interlock. When this is done, the combustion
safeguard system is considered satisfied until the first igniter/pilot trial for ignition
period starts.

9.16 Natural Draft Furnaces

A. Natural draft furnaces require special study to ensure that an adequate purge can be
accomplished. If the unit is not self-purging, then special purging equipment shall be

B. Natural draft furnaces do not have FD or ID fans to provide a positive purge, they
shall be purged by creating a natural draft in the cold furnace. This is done, by
introducing steam into the base of the stack. The draft produced is a function of the
stack height, the stack diameter, steam pressure, steam enthalpy, and the amount of
steam introduced. All burner registers and stack dampers shall be fully opened during
the purge period.
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10.1 Igniter/Pilot Requirements

A. Main burners for all except manual units shall be equipped with a spark-ignited gas
or light oil igniter/pilot. The igniter/pilot shall be proven by a flame sensor. While
existing manual units are not required, to be equipped with permanently installed
igniters/pilots, since they can use a manual torch for light off, it is recommended that
they be equipped with permanent gas or light oil igniter/pilots, to provide adequate
safety to the operators and reliability to the unit. Refer to Section 7.4.

10.2 Igniter/Pilot Fuel

A. Gas igniters/pilots are preferred, but light oil can be used if necessary. Gas
igniter/pilots have proven to be more reliable and trouble-free than oil igniter/pilots.

10.3 Class 1 Igniter/Pilot Use

A. Class 1 igniter/pilots are usable under any burner light-off or operating condition and
can operate during any main burner light-off or operating time.

10.4 Class 2 Igniter/Pilot Use

A. Class 2 igniter/pilots cannot be used to extend the burner turndown range. They can
be used for firing the igniter/pilot only, during the main burner trial for ignition
period, or to support ignition at low load or adverse conditions. They can be restarted
prior to main burner shutdown for an oil gun purge and for an orderly shutdown.

10.5 Class 3 Igniter/Pilot Use

A. Class 3 igniter/pilots are usable only under prescribed light-off conditions. They are
not usable to support ignition or to extend the burner turndown range. They can be
used for firing the igniter/pilot only, during the main burner trial for ignition period,
and shall be shut down at the end of the main burner trial for ignition period. They
can be restarted prior to main burner shutdown for an oil gun purge and for an
orderly shutdown.

10.6 Class 1 Igniter/Pilot Applicability

A. Class 1 igniter/pilots are recommended for waste fuels that are highly variable in
flow or composition.

10.7 Class 2 or 3 Igniter/Pilot Applicability

A. Class 2 or 3 igniter/pilots are recommended for gas or oil/liquid burners.

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10.8 Class 3 Special Igniter Applicability

A. Class 3 Special direct electric igniters are not generally recommended. For special
cases where they may be applicable, they shall only be used following a complete
Process Hazards Analysis (PHA).

10.9 Simultaneous Igniter/Pilot Light Off

A. The number of igniters of any class that are simultaneously in the igniter/ pilot
establishing period shall be restricted so that the furnace is limited to less than 25
percent of the LEL with airflow at the minimum setting if none of the igniter/pilots
ignite. For example, Class 1 igniter/pilots used on a boiler with four burners would
typically have a limit of no more than two igniter/pilots being started and in their
establishing period simultaneously. Once those two have successfully passed their
establishing period, the other two can be started. After the first main burner is
established, this requirement need not be enforced for subsequent igniter/pilot light

B. For reference, the following table, Table II, gives airflow requirements to obtain
mixtures equivalent to 25 percent of the LEL for typical igniter/pilot fuels.


Natural Gas 1.33
Propane 1.16
Table II : Airflow Requirements to Obtain 25 Percent LEL Equivalent Mixtures

10.10 Igniter/Pilot Trial Period

A. The igniter/pilot trial for ignition period shall not exceed 10 seconds. This is
applicable to gas or light oil igniter/pilots.

10.11 Ignition Spark

A. Each spark-ignited igniter/pilot shall have its own ignition transformer. The ignition
transformer shall have a minimum secondary rating of 10,000 V and 20 mA for spark
ignition. Each transformer shall have a grounded secondary and be capable of having
its secondary shorted indefinitely without causing overheating or damage. High-
energy spark ignition (HESI) units are also acceptable; these provide a pulsed spark
at the igniter tip. It is preferred that the ignition spark be energized for the full
establishing period, but it can also be de-energized sooner if the igniter/pilot flame is
stable and the flame sensor is satisfied.

10.12 Manual shutoff valve

A. Igniter/pilots shall be provided with a manual shutoff valve upstream of the safety
shutoff valves (and upstream of the pressure regulator for gas-fired igniter/pilots).
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10.13 Gas-fired igniter/pilots

A. Gas-fired igniter/pilots shall be provided with a double block and bleed safety
shutoff valve arrangement The two block valves shall fail closed, and the vent valve
shall fail open.

B. Another option for individually lit multiple burner igniter/pilots is to provide a

double block and bleed for each igniter/pilot.

10.14 Vent Location

A. Vents shall be routed to a safe location outdoors. Vents shall be located to prevent
vented gas from being drawn into air intakes, ventilating systems, windows, open
doors, or where it could present a fire hazard. Vents shall be arranged to prevent
entry of moisture, insects, and foreign objects. If LPG is used, proper gas vent
dispersion shall be attained that accounts for LPG being heavier than air.

10.15 Vent Sizing

A. Vents shall be sized as follows based on the fuel line (safety shutoff valve) size.

≤ 1-1/2 3/4”
2 1”
3 1-1/2”
Table III : Minimum Igniter/Pilot Vent Size Required Based on Fuel Line Size

10.16 Gas Igniter/Pilot Safety Shutoff Valves

A. Gas igniter/pilot safety shutoff valves shall be energized-to-open tight shutoff valves
of the following types:

 Direct solenoid type, 1 in. or smaller, with National Electrical Manufacturers

Association (NEMA) Class H coils

 Hydraulic or electric motor operated, quick opening (2 to 6 seconds), quick

closing (up to 2 seconds)

 Manual reset safety shutoff valve (not for automatic systems)

 Double seal ball valve with spring return single-acting pneumatic piston actuator

B. Each valve shall have its own individual actuator. No proof of closure is required.
Each application shall be verified to ensure proper actuation at normal or relieving
gas pressures. Aluminum body valves shall not be used, due to potential body
integrity and leakage problems.
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10.17 Gas Igniter/Pilot Vent Valves

A. Gas igniter/pilot vent valves shall be energized-to-close tight shutoff valves of the
following types:

 Direct solenoid type, 2 in. or smaller, with NEMA Class H coils

 Hydraulic or electric motor operated, quick opening (up to 2 seconds), quick

closing (up to 2 seconds)

 Double seal ball valve with spring return single-acting pneumatic piston actuator

B. Each valve shall have its own individual actuator. No proof of closure is required.
Each application shall be verified to ensure proper actuation at. normal or relieving
gas pressures. Aluminum body valves shall not be used, due to potential body
integrity and leakage problems.

10.18 Oil Igniter/Pilot Valve Requirements

A. Light oil (No. 2 or distillate oil) fired igniter/pilots on single burner units shall be
provided with two safety shutoff valves in series. Light oil igniter/pilots on multiple
burner units shall be provided with a single main safety shutoff valve and an
individual safety shutoff valve per igniter/pilot. No proof of closure is required.
Light oil igniter/pilots may also require an atomizing medium to properly atomize the

10.19 Oil Igniter/Pilot Safety Shutoff Valves

A. Oil igniter/pilot vent valves shall be energized-to-close tight shutoff valves of the
following types:

 Magnetic lever-acting solenoid type, 1 in. or smaller, with NEMA Class H coils.

 Hydraulic or electric motor operated, quick opening (2 to 6 seconds), quick

closing (up to 2 seconds).

 Manual reset safety shutoff valve (not for automatic systems).

 Double seal ball valve with spring return single-acting pneumatic piston actuator

B. Each valve shall have its own individual actuator. Positive proof of closure is

10.20 Gas Cock Valves

A. Gas cocks that use electric, air, or gas pressure to prove a closed position shall be
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10.21 Equipment Vents

A. All pressure relief devices and atmospheric vents of diaphragm pressure regulators
shall be vented to a safe outdoor location. (See Section 10.14.) Venting to the
combustion chamber, stack, or use of vent-limiting devices shall not be permitted.

10.22 Igniter/Pilot Rating (Class)

A. Igniter/pilot rating is normally determined in the design stage per manufacturer's data
or calculation, or both. It is desirable to check igniter/pilot rating after installation.

10.23 Igniter/Pilot Location

A. The igniter/pilot shall be located so as to ignite the main burner in an area of its
maximum flame stability. This location will vary with the burner design.


11.1 Class 1 Igniter/Pilots

A. For Class 1 igniter/pilots, the main flame shall be proven by a main flame sensor or
by the igniter/pilot being proven. There shall be at least one flame sensor per burner
to detect the igniter/pilot and main flame. For improved reliability, installation of two
flame sensors is recommended, one for the main flame only, and the other for the
igniter/pilot only or to sense both the igniter/pilot and main flame. Where both flame
sensors can detect the main flame, the two scanners shall be wired in parallel so that
both would need to lose flame to trip the burner. When a main flame sensor is
provided and a separate flame sensor is detecting only the igniter/pilot flame, the
main flame is considered proven by the igniter/pilot being in service or the main
flame being sensed by the main flame sensor.

11.2 Class 2 Igniter/Pilots

A. Class 2 igniter/pilots not operated as Class 3 igniter/pilots shall have separate flame
sensors, one to sense the igniter/pilot flame and one for the main flame. Each flame
shall be separately proven.

11.3 Class 3 Igniter/Pilots

A. For Class 3 igniter/pilots, a single flame sensor is required that can sense both the
igniter/pilot and main flames. For improved reliability and maintain-ability on critical
units, it is recommended that two flame sensors be used, those two shall be wired in
parallel so that both sensors would need to lose flame to trip the burner. In that case,
only one of the sensors needs to sense the igniter/pilot flame.
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11.4 Flame Sensor Dropout Time

A. Flame sensor dropout time shall be no more than 4 seconds.

11.5 Self-Check Feature

A. Ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) type flame sensors shall be self-checking type.
Existing non-self-checking IR sensors can be used where they are shown to give
reliable flame discrimination and detection.

11.6 Sensor Selection and Problems

A. The selection of flame sensors shall be based upon a record of satisfactory

experience. Considerable care shall be exercised in their application.

B. The following problems have been experienced:

 Difficulty in orientation of scanners on multiple burner systems to achieve

discrimination (New flame sensors are available that allow adjustments for
background sensitivity and flame signature characteristics.)

 Environmental conditions, for example over-temperature or positive furnace

pressure forcing moisture or ash into the detecting head or connecting tube

 Equipment failures causing burner shutdown

 Potential for IR sensors not to discriminate between hot refractory and flame

11.7 Upfired burner installations

A. Installation of a second side-mounted parallel-wired flame sensor for units with

upfired burners is recommended. Bottom-mounted sensors can be blinded by trash
from the furnace, moisture, or carbon and soot from oil flame.


12.1 Start Delay

A. It is recommended that there be a main burner start delay of 5 seconds following the
10-second maximum igniter/pilot trial for ignition period to ensure that the
igniter/pilot is stable without the spark present. Existing automatic and supervised
manual units shall be evaluated to determine if igniter/ pilot design, controls, or
administrative procedures adequately address this concern.
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12.2 Trial for Ignition Period

A. The main burner trial for ignition period shall be as follows:

 For gas burners, no longer than 10 seconds.

 For oil burners, no longer than 15 seconds.

B. If there is a problem with No. 6 fuel oil or other viscous fluids, evaluate the time to
get oil to the furnace and allow 5 additional seconds. In no case shall the trial for
ignition period exceed 30 seconds.

12.3 Low Fire Light Off

A. Fuel and air controls for main burners shall be in a low fire position for light off of
the first main burner. Low fire is considered to be the minimum open position of the
fuel and air combustion control devices at which a burner will light off readily and
consistently from its igniter/pilot, and will maintain stable ignition when that
igniter/pilot is extinguished. The setpoint for low fire position of the fuel and air
combustion control devices is to be determined and set under field conditions.
Typically, the fuel setting is 20 percent for natural gas and 30 percent for fuel oil.

B. Fuel and air light-off position for single burner units shall be proven by the air
damper and fuel control valve being in the light-off positions prior to igniter/pilot
start. Positions shall be provided with a reliable position or proximity switches.

C. Fuel and air light-off position for multiple burner units shall include airflow, damper
position, or controller output signal for air, and the fuel control valve position for the
first burner to be started on each fuel control valve. Position shall be provided with a
reliable position or proximity switch.

12.4 Control Element Response

A. Control elements, for example valves and dampers shall respond in adequate time
and with sufficient power to ensure proper operation. This is especially critical for
speed control on adjustable speed fans.

12.5 Pneumatic Positioners

A. Pneumatically actuated (motive power) fuel valve and air damper drives shall use
feedback positioners to provide repeatable final control element positioning.

12.6 Manual Bypass Valves

A. Manual bypass valves shall not be installed around fuel flow control valves.
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13.1 Burner Air Damper/Register

A. In multiple burner systems, a damper or air register shall be provided for each burner
or group of burners to adjust the airflow.

13.2 Burner Cooling Air

A. The burner air damper/register shall be open as required for cooling when the burner
is not in service. Air leakage past the damper/register in the closed position may be
sufficient for this purpose.

13.3 Purge/Light-Off Burner Position

A. All burner air dampers/registers shall be open to at least the low fire position during
purge and light off of the igniter/pilot(s) and main burner(s), with airflow proven to
satisfy purge or light-off requirements.

13.4 Burners Out of Service

A. For multiple burner systems with individual burner dampers/registers, if normal

operation is to be with less than the full number of burners, the airflow to the unused
burner(s) shall be reduced after main burner light off to provide proper fuel-air ratio
at the operating burners.

13.5 Loss of Single Burner

A. Following loss or shutdown of a single burner on a multiple burner unit, the burner
shall be relit according to proper procedures or the airflow reduced with an individual
burner air damper/register (not necessarily automatic) if the burner is to be left shut

13.6 Airflow Control

A. Airflow to burners shall be controlled by dampers or variable speed FD or ID fans, or

both. The control system shall be adequate at all times to ensure that air is available
to meet any sudden change in firing rate, and thus prevent fuel-rich mixtures.

13.7 Minimum Airflow/Limit

A. All air and flue gas control dampers shall be arranged so that they cannot go closed
beyond a minimum airflow position. This may be accomplished by mechanical stops,
stroke limit, holes cut in the damper, or bypasses. The minimum airflow position
shall provide airflow adequate to satisfy the low airflow interlock and satisfy the air
requirements at main burner light-off fuel flow.
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13.8 Maintenance or Cutoff Dampers

A. Positive means shall be provided to ensure that maintenance or cutoff dampers are
open when the unit is in service. For a single burner jackshaft positioning system
using air pressure and damper position to prove purge airflow, if a breeching damper
is utilized, one of the following shall be provided:

B. An interlock on the driven member

C. A high furnace pressure interlock

D. Other means to prevent operation with the damper closed

E. Locking the damper open as an administrative procedure.

13.9 Oxygen Analyzers

A. Where oxygen analyzers are used for trim control of the fuel-air ratio, automatic
corrective action shall be limited to plus or minus 10 percent of the operating airflow.

B. In situ zirconium oxide type oxygen analyzers shall be fitted with flame arresters.


14.1 Single Burner Units

A. A single burner shall have a double block and bleed arrangement. The two block
valves shall fail closed, and the vent valve shall fail open. See Figure 6 for a typical
single main burner gas piping diagram.

14.2 Multiple Burner Units

A. Multiple burners shall have a double block and bleed arrangement consisting of a
master safety shutoff valve, a vent, and individual burner safety shutoff valves;
individual double block and bleed valves can also be provided to each burner.

14.3 Manual Gas Supply Shutoff Valve

A. A manual quarter-turn gas supply shutoff valve is required at each burner of a

multiple burner unit and for a single burner unit
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14.4 Vent Location

A. Vents shall be routed to a safe location outdoors. Vents shall be located to prevent
vented gas from being drawn into air intakes, ventilating systems, windows, open
doors, or where it could present a fire hazard. Vents shall be arranged to prevent
entry of moisture, insects, and foreign objects. If LPG is used, proper gas vent
dispersion shall be attained that accounts for LPG being heavier than air.

14.5 Safety Shutoff Valves

A. Gas safety shutoff valves shall be energized-to-open tight shutoff valves of the
following types:

 Direct solenoid type, 1 in. or smaller, with NEMA Class H coils

 Hydraulic or electric motor operated, slow opening (up to 15 seconds), quick

closing (up to 2 seconds)

 Manual reset safety shutoff valve (not for automatic systems)

 Double seal ball valve with spring return single-acting pneumatic piston
actuator, slow opening (up to 15 seconds), quick closing (up to 2 seconds)

 Control valve with piston spring actuator, slow opening (up to 15 seconds),
quick closing (up to 2 seconds) for waste gases only

B. Each valve shall be bubble tight as per the testing requirements of API 598. Each
valve shall have its own individual actuator. Each application shall be verified to
ensure proper actuation at normal or relieving gas pressures. Aluminum body valves
shall not be used, due to the potential for body integrity and leakage problems.

C. Each gas safety shutoff valve shall be equipped with proof of closure to show
closed/not closed position to the BMS. There shall also be a local position indicator.
Safety shutoff valves that are not control valves shall have valve seal over-travel
proof of closure.

14.6 Vent Valves

A. Gas vent valves shall be energized-to-close tight shutoff valves of the following

 Direct solenoid type, 3 in. or smaller, with NEMA Class H coils

 Hydraulic or electric motor operated, quick opening (up to 2 seconds), quick

closing (up to 2 seconds)

 Double seal ball valve with spring return single-acting pneumatic piston actuator
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 Control valve with piston spring actuator, quick opening (up to 2 seconds), quick
closing (up to 2 seconds) for waste gases only

B. Each valve shall be bubble tight as per the testing requirements of API 598. Each
valve shall have its own individual actuator. No proof of closure is required,
however, proof of closure may be useful for indication of the vent valve failing to
fully close during normal burner operation where that is a concern. Each application
shall be verified to ensure proper actuation at normal or relieving gas pressures.
Aluminum body valves shall not be used, due to the potential for body integrity and
leakage problems

14.7 FM Gas Cocks

A. FM gas cocks that use air or gas pressure to prove a closed position shall not be used.

14.8 Equipment Vents

A. All pressure relief devices and atmospheric vents of diaphragm pressure regulators
shall be vented to a safe outdoor location. (See Section 14.4.) Venting to the
combustion chamber and stack or use of vent-limiting devices shall not be permitted.

14.9 Manifolding of Vents

A. Manifolding of vents is permitted, except under the following conditions, to prevent

inadvertent gas flow into a lower pressure line:

 No burner vent can be manifolded with an igniter/pilot vent on multiple burner


 No manifolding is permitted between fired units.

 No manifolding of systems at different pressures is permitted.

 No manifolding of different fuel sources is permitted.

B. The cross-sectional area of the manifolded line shall be not less than the largest vent
line plus 50 percent of the cross-sectional area of the additional vent lines.
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14.10 Vent Sizing

A. Vents shall be sized based on the fuel line (safety shutoff valve) size. See Table IV


Size in inches Size in inches
≤ 1-1/2 3/4
2 1
3 1
4 2
6 2
8 3
>8 15% of cross –sectional fuel (SSV) pipe area
Table IV : Minimum Vent Size Based on Fuel Line Size

14.11 Safety Shutoff Valve Operation

A. Each burner or group of burners in automatic or supervised manual systems shall

have main burner shutoff valves that cannot be opened until after the
igniter(s)/pilot(s) for that burner(s) is proven.

14.12 Master Safety Shutoff Valve Operation

A. For multiple burner units, the master safety shutoff valve shall not be opened or the
vent closed until one or more igniter/pilots are proven. The master safety shutoff
valve shall close and the vent valve shall open on loss of flame to all burners.

14.13 Loss of Flame-Class 3 Igniter/Pilot

A. For systems with Class 3 or Class 2 Igniter/Pilot used as Class 3, the igniter/pilot
shall be turned off after the main burner trial for ignition period. The main burner
flame for that igniter/pilot shall be detected by its flame sensor, or the fuel valve for
that burner shall close quickly and automatically.

14.14 Loss of Flame-Class 1 or 2 Igniter/Pilot

A. For systems with Class 1 or Class 2 Igniter/Pilot not used as Class 3, both the main
burner and igniter/pilot safety shutoff valves shall be closed quickly and
automatically if no main or igniter/pilot flame is detected after the igniter/pilot
establishing period.
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14.15 Master Safety Shutoff Valves

A. When multiple fuels can be burned simultaneously in a multiple burner unit, each
master safety shutoff valve shall be interlocked so that it cannot be opened unless all
burner safety shutoff valves downstream of it are proven closed. The first burner
safety shutoff valve can be opened at the same time the master valve is opened and
the vent valve closed.

14.16 Hazardous Gas Purge

A. If hazardous gases are being fired that cannot be vented to the atmosphere, provide a
higher pressure inert gas purge into the vent connection between the double block
safety shutoff valves. This inert gas can flow back through the first block valve to the
process for a specific time to clear the line if required by process conditions.

14.17 Multiple Burner Minimum Fire Pressure Regulator

A. For multiple burner installations, the establishment of proper fuel flow at light-off
condition is necessary. A pressure-reducing valve (regulator) installed in parallel
with the fuel control valve shall be installed for proper light-off fuel flow. With the
main control valve closed, the pressure-reducing valve will supply the proper light-
off fuel flow regardless of number of operating burners. The fuel control valve is
fully closed until the main flame is established and increased load is required. As the
fuel control valve opens, it compensates for the pressure regulator, and the regulator
closes. The regulator components need to be suitable for the downstream burner
pressure at maximum firing rate, which could be considerably higher than minimum
fire burner pressure.

14.18 Single Burner Minimum Fire Pressure Regulator

A. For single burner gas-fired installations using metering control, providing a pressure-
reducing valve (regulator) installed in parallel with the fuel control valve is
recommended. This will provide more consistent light-off conditions rather than
relying on the fuel control valve to be cracked open at a consistent position. Other
alternatives, for example a fixed orifice or throttling device, may be used for
minimum light-off flow. When the regulator or orifice by-pass is used, the fuel
control valve is fully closed until the main flame is established and increased load is

14.19 Positioning Control System Fuel Control

A. For multiple burner installations, the fuel control for adjusting firing rate for
positioning combustion controls shall prevent the opening or closing of any main
burner fuel valve from adversely affecting the fuel-air ratio to any other operating
burner. This can be accomplished in the following ways:

 Provide one firing rate valve for each burner

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 Provide a single firing rate valve that controls burner pressure in proportion to
load regardless of the number of burners in service


15.1 Single Burner Units

A. Single burners shall have two safety shutoff valves in series. A means shall be
provided to prevent or relieve excess pressure between the valves. The volume
between the two valves shall be minimized when firing heated oils or liquids.

15.2 Multiple Burner Units

A. Multiple burner automatic or supervised manual units shall have a master safety
shutoff valve and individual burner safety shutoff valves.

15.3 Multiple Burner Manual Units

A. Multiple burner manual units shall be equipped according to Section 14.2 or have a
master safety shutoff valve and a manual shutoff valve for each burner.

15.4 Safety Shutoff Valves

A. Oil/liquid safety shutoff valves shall be energized-to-open tight shutoff valves of the
following types:

 Magnetic lever-acting solenoid type, 1 in. or smaller, with NEMA Class H coils

 Pneumatic or electric motor operated, slow opening (up to 15 seconds), quick

closing (up to 2 seconds)

 Manual reset safety shutoff valve (not for automatic systems)

 Double seal ball valve with spring return single-acting pneumatic piston actuator
Each valve shall have its own individual actuator.

 Proof of closure

 Each oil/liquid safety shutoff valve shall be equipped with valve seal over-travel
proof of closure to show closed/not closed position to the BMS. There shall also
be a local position indicator.

15.5 Safety Shutoff Valve Operation

A. Each burner or group of burners in automatic or supervised manual systems shall

have main burner shutoff valves that cannot be opened until after the
igniter(s)/pilot(s) for that burner(s) is proven.
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15.6 Master Safety Shutoff Valve Operation

A. For multiple burner units, the master safety shutoff valve shall not be opened until
one or more igniter/pilots are proven. The master safety shutoff valve shall close on
loss of flame to all burners.

15.7 Loss of Flame-Class 3

A. For systems with Class 3 or Class 2 igniter/pilots used as Class 3, the igniter/pilot
shall be turned off after the main burner trial for ignition period. The main burner
flame for that igniter/pilot shall be detected by its flame sensor, or the fuel valve for
that burner shall close quickly and automatically.

15.8 Loss of Flame-Class 1 or 2

A. For systems with Class 1 or Class 2 igniter/pilots not used as Class 3, both the main
burner and igniter/pilot safety shutoff valves shall be closed quickly and
automatically if flame is not detected after the igniter/pilot establishing period.

15.9 Master Safety Shutoff Valves

A. When multiple fuels can be burned simultaneously in a multiple burner unit, each
master safety shutoff valve shall be interlocked so that it cannot be opened unless all
burner safety shutoff valves downstream of it are proven closed. The first burner
safety shutoff valve can be opened at the same time the master valve is opened.

15.10 Multiple Burner Minimum Fire Pressure Regulator

A. For multiple burner installations, the establishment of proper fuel flow at light-off
condition is necessary. A pressure-reducing valve (regulator) installed in parallel
with the fuel control valve shall be installed for proper fuel flow at light off. With the
main control valve closed, the pressure-reducing valve will supply the proper light-
off fuel flow regardless of number of operating burners. The pressure regulator loop
shall be heat traced when firing heated oils/liquids. When firing fuel oil, oil
recirculation while the burner is down will be through the minimum pressure
regulator. As the fuel control valve opens, it compensates for the pressure regulator,
and the regulator closes.

15.11 Single Burner Minimum Fire Pressure Regulator

A. For single burner oil/liquid installations using metering control, a pressure-reducing

valve (regulator) installed in parallel with the fuel control valve is recommended.
This will provide more consistent light-off conditions, especially for heated
oils/liquids. The pressure regulator loop shall be heat traced when firing heated
oils/liquids. When firing fuel oil, oil recirculation while the burner is shut down will
be through the minimum pressure regulator. Other alternatives, for example pressure
control with the flow control valve, may also be used.
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15.12 Positioning Control System Fuel Control

A. For multiple burner installations, fuel control for adjusting firing rate for positioning
combustion controls shall prevent the opening or closing of any main burner fuel
valve from adversely affecting the fuel-air ratio to any other operating burner. This
can be accomplished in the following ways:

 Provide one firing rate valve for each burner

 Provide a single firing rate valve that controls burner pressure in proportion to
load regardless of the number of burners in service

15.13 Dual Oil/Liquid Gun Fuel Control

A. The fuel control valve (or valves) for adjusting firing rate for positioning combustion
controls on oil/liquid fired installations with dual guns in a common register should
have a constant differential pressure regulator installed to maintain a constant
pressure drop across the fuel control valve.

15.14 Atomizing Medium

A. Where the oil/liquid is to be atomized by another medium, the atomizing medium

shall be supplied free of contaminants that could cause an interruption in service.
Atomizing steam shall be properly trapped to prevent excessive condensate from
causing flame instability.

B. Provisions shall be made to prevent oil/liquid from entering the atomizing medium
line during or after operation.

C. Where alternative atomizing mediums are provided, cross-contamination of the

atomizing mediums shall be prevented.

D. Scavenging of oil/liquid guns can be provided. Typically the atomizing medium is

used for this purpose. Where automatic scavenging is provided, it shall only be
permitted with a main flame or igniter/pilot flame present in that burner.


16.1 Automatic Recycling Units

A. Automatic recycling units can only use process status for initiating burner cycling.
Examples are high steam pressure, low water level (not auxiliary low water
interlock), high water temperature, and high process temperature.
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16.2 Automatic Recycling Unit Interlock Reset

A. Manual interlock reset is required for flame failure and boiler auxiliary low-level
interlock on automatic recycling units. Operator-initiated restart is required following
trip for all other interlocks.

16.3 Interlock Checks

A. Interlocks shall be checked a minimum of once a year or as determined the

Interlock’s SIL Level. Typically interlocks will be checked during annual
shutdown/inspection periods. Critical interlocks shall be checked more often when
feasible. Interlocks on process equipment or other equipment with longer overhaul
cycles shall be checked on a frequency that will ensure proper interlock operation.
Functionally checking the interlock with the process is preferred.

16.4 Programmable Logic Controller Independence

A. PLCs serving as a BMS are recommended to be dedicated on the basis of one PLC
per one combustion or process unit (e.g., a single boiler with multiple burners
utilizing a single PLC). Multiple combustion units can utilize a single common PLC
only when the inherent implications and disadvantages of doing so are fully
considered and addressed. These implications and disadvantages include the

 Limitations on access to PLC’s for configuration changes when another unit(s) is

on line

 Potential inadvertent shutdown of an operating unit

 Extra care in the segregation of input/output (I/O)

 Control and combustion unit redundancy implications

 Other attainment requirements

B. Critical hard-wired interlocks as required in this standard shall be provided on an

individual unit basis. If a process unit has multiple integral burners that can be
operated separately for start-up purposes, but they are all associated with a common
process such that tripping the process unit would trip all burners, all burners
associated with that process unit can be managed on a single PLC. Redundant, hot
spare, triple modular redundant (TMR) technology or fail-safe technology should be
considered for any PLC to improve system reliability and maintainability.
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16.5 BMS Separation from Basic Process Control System (BPCS)

A. Guidelines from ISA TR84.00.05-2010 for BMS logic integrity and separation from
the BPCS shall be followed closely. The BMS shall be located in a dedicated control
unit/enclosure. Logic or control functions that are not related to burner management
or other critical process or safety interlocks shall not be implemented in the BMS but
in the BPCS.

16.6 BMS Interlocks

A. BMS critical interlocks that shall be hard wired around the PEC serving as the BMS
logic solver are listed in Section 18 of this standard. Other shutdown interlocks can
be enforced by PEC logic only. Hard wiring of all interlocks so noted in Section 18
is required for all main burner fuel safety shutoff valves and main burner gas vent
valves. Hard wiring of all interlocks so noted in Section 18, except flame failure, is
required for all fuel valves and gas vent valves serving Class 1 igniter/pilots and any
other igniter/pilots used as a continuous igniter/pilot. Hard wiring of interlocks for
fuel valves and vent valves serving Class 2 or 3 igniter/pilots is not required.

B. A hard wired flame contact can be included in Class 1/continuous igniter/pilot valve
circuits if desired; however, a "purge complete" contact would be required as a flame
contact startup bypass to allow the burner to be started. An alternative to the Figure
10 wiring would be to use one or two MFT relays that are energized by the hard-
wired interlocks and whose contacts are in the circuit to the fuel and vent valves. If
two MFT relays are used, their contacts shall be segregated so that one relay's contact
is in the circuit to the first fuel safety shutoff valve, and the other MFT relay contact
is in the circuit to the second fuel safety shutoff valve for each individual fuel. The
gas vent valve can be connected to either MFT relay.

16.7 External Purge Timer

A. A redundant external purge timer is required for automatic recycling control systems.

16.8 BMS I/O and Communication

A. BMS I/O and communication with the BPCS shall be in accordance with MARAFIQ
Specifications, MQ-SP-I-7012-1and MQ-SP-I-7012-2.

B. BMS logic inputs and outputs to Sensors and final control elements shall be hard

C. Operator actions as commands to the BMS can be hard wired or through the control
system network.

D. Status signals from the BMS to the operator are typically over the control system
network, but can be hard wired.
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E. Where provided, control signals from the BMS to the BPCS for positioning final
control elements in the fail-safe position upon a trip are to be hard wired.

16.9 Watchdog Timer

A. PLC’s with scanning functions shall use a diagnostic system. These diagnostic
systems are often given nicknames, for example watchdog timer or heart-beat.

B. The Watchdog Timer will perform some or all of the following functions:

 Check the scanning function

 Sample check the I/O bus status and the multiplexing between the PLC and I/O

 Sample check the digital data bus system.

 Sample check the memory.

 Alarm but do not shut down the BMS upon detection of a failure of the PLC.

16.10 External Watchdog Timer

A. An external watchdog timer is required for all BMS SIS's except TMR or other
redundant systems that utilize multiple independent components, high-level
diagnostics, and internal watchdog timers.

16.11 Master Fuel Trip (MFT) Relay

A. A single MFT relay can be used, but it cannot be the only means of accomplishing on
an MFT (e.g., PEC outputs in series with the MFT relay contact is acceptable, either
contact opening will drop power to the fuel valve). A single component failure within
the logic system shall not prevent a trip. Use of a single MFT relay in a completely
hard-wired relay BMS would not satisfy this requirement.

16.12 BMS Relays

A. Safety interlock relays from Allen Bradley, Square D or Telemecanique are


B. Determine the following information for ordering the safety interlock relays:

 Coil supply voltage and frequency

 Environment: temperature, humidity, vibration and other considerations for

example particulates in air
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 Enclosure requirements: Open relay, NEMA 1 enclosure, and hermetically


 Contact configuration Number of NO contacts - single-pole, single throw (field

convertible). Number of NC contacts - single-pole, single throw (field

 Contact voltage and frequency

 Contact load current

16.13 Use of Transmitters

A. In general, the use of smart transmitters for input signals to the BMS is encouraged,
since their use allows improved diagnostics to ensure the signal is valid. Switches,
conversely, may not routinely indicate whether they are functioning properly.

16.14 Low Voltage/Low Current Safety Interlock Systems (SIS)

A. When the SIS uses low voltage (under 50 V) or low current (less than 10 mA), low
energy (dry) contacts or solid-state switches shall be used on field or panel-mounted
auxiliary devices.

16.15 Electronic Infant Mortality

A. The potential for failure of electronic hardware is greatest when it is new (infancy
period) or near the end of its design life. After fabrication and programming, new
electronic BMS shall be energized for a minimum of two weeks prior to being placed
in service on a combustion process.

16.16 BMS Functional Testing

A. Proper programming, design, and construction of the BMS can only be proven
through functional testing prior to initial start up of the equipment. Full exercise of
the equipment and programming shall be conducted. Operator training can be
included with this effort. Where it is not practical to physically operate all devices
repeatedly (e.g., starting and stopping motors), relays, switches, feedback jumpers,
lights, or other devices can be used to temporarily simulate I/O for the logic checks.

16.17 PLC Logic Changes

A. If changes to PLC logic are required following equipment start up, changes shall be
accomplished in accordance with MARAFIQ Management of Change procedures.
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16.18 Interlock Bypasses

A. Keylock or other permanently installed critical hard-wired interlock bypasses shall

not be installed. Non-hard-wired interlocks can have interlock bypasses, but only
where absolutely necessary for personnel safety or site continuity/safety reasons, and
only if accomplished in accordance with approval from MARAFIQ. If a condition
exists that requires bypassing of an interlock, this action shall be noted for all
operators' attention and annunciated, and another means shall be provided to
supervise the interlock function.

16.19 PLC Logic Change Protection

A. PLC logic shall be protected from unauthorized changes. Examples of alternative

methods to accomplish this are use of a keylock, use of passwords, programming
only through a dedicated programming terminal, and use of programmable read-only
memory (PROM).

16.20 PLC Logic Changes

A. PLC logic shall not be changed while the associated equipment is in operation.

16.21 PLC Logic Failure

A. PLC logic failure shall not preclude proper operator intervention through hard-wired
trip circuits or BPCS actions.

16.22 Noise Immunity

A. Noise immunity shall be adequate to prevent false PEC operation. Equipment shall
be able to sustain 160 MHz from a 5 W transmitter.

16.23 PEC processing time

A. PEC processing time shall be long enough to allow proper internal diagnostics, but
short enough to properly protect the associated equipment.

16.24 Momentary Trips And Resets (Self Canceling Interlocks)

A. PEC logic and hard-wired interlock functions shall be designed to prevent

momentary tripping and reset of an interlock (e.g., low instrument air pressure
dipping and quickly returning to normal) allowing inadvertent reopening of safety
shutoff valves. Inclusion of a manual reset feature is one potential method of meeting
this requirement.
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16.25 Packaged PEC's

A. Package PEC's are available that satisfy the requirements of this standard for single-
burner automatic burners with a single flame sensor. Use of dual flame sensors for
redundancy and improved reliability is not available with the standard packages, and
add-on modifications do not allow alarming on the loss of one individual sensor;
therefore, this application shall be limited to single flame sensor applications where
the lack of redundancy will not cause reliability problems. Simultaneous firing of
more than one fuel is also not available with these package controllers.


The following are typical pre-light permissives that are required to start the unit. See Table V for a
summary list of pre-light permissives.


Air registers open on multiple burner applications (where applicable)
Main burner safety shutoff valves are closed
Purge flow and purge time
Igniter/pilot trial for ignition period
Low fire start position
Main burner for ignition period
Table V : Pre-light Permissives

17.1 Air registers Open on Multiple Burner Units

A. Air registers on multiple burner units are required to be open during and after purge
until after light off, then non-operating burner registers should be throttled. Proof of
registers being open is required by position switches unless physical stops or leakage
keep the airflow above the minimum rate.

17.2 Main Burner Safety Shutoff Valves Closed

A. Main burner safety shutoff valves closed are required based on proof of closure
during the "Ready" period through the igniter/pilot establishing period. It is also
required as an FD fan start permissive for automatic recycling units. This permissive
may be omitted when the fuel oil pump operates only when the burner is firing.

17.3 Purge Flow

A. Purge flow for a specific time period is required as noted in Section 9. On automatic
recycling units, this shall be hard wired and include an external purge timer (see
Section 16.7).
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17.4 Igniter/Pilot Trial For Ignition Period

A. Igniter/pilot trial for ignition period is required as noted in Section 10.

17.5 Low Fire Start Position Pre-light Permissive

A. Low fire start position is required for the fuel valve and air damper for single burner
systems, and for multiple burner systems for the first main burner through its light-
off period.

17.6 Main Burner Trial For Ignition Period

A. Main burner trial for ignition period is required according to Section 12.


The following are typical MFT interlocks that shall trip all fuel to the combustion unit. See Table VI
for a summary list of MFT interlocks. The list also shows which are considered critical and shall be
hard wired.


Boiler / vaporizer low level interlock X
Critical equipment protection or process interlocks(s) X
Emergency Stop (operator initiated) X
Loss of all flame X
Forced circulation boiler / vaporizer / heater low flow X
High steam or vapor pressure (where required) X
Hot water boiler high water temperature X
Low combustion airflow X
All fuel inputs zero (all fuels tripped individually)
Control Power Failure
Low instrument air pressure
Loss of induced draft fans X
High furnace draft (where applicable)
High furnace pressure (where applicable) X
Loss of forced draft fans X
Table VI : Typical Master Fuel Trip Conditions and Hard-Wired Critical Interlocks

18.1 Boiler/Vaporizer Low Water Level Interlock

A. A boiler/vaporizer low water level interlock is required at all times. This is a critical
interlock and shall be hard wired.
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18.2 Critical Equipment Protection Or Process Interlock

A. Critical equipment protection or process interlock is required at all times. This is a

critical interlock and shall be hard wired. All interlocks vital to the safety of the
process when the combustion equipment is fired are to be included.

18.3 Emergency Stop Interlock

A. Emergency stop is a critical interlock and shall be hard wired and initiated by the
operator by hard-wired push buttons. More than one emergency stop push button can
be provided, especially where units are remotely attended or unattended. Maintained
position type push buttons that require operator reset are recommended.

18.4 Loss of All Flame Interlock

A. Loss of all flame interlock is required to be operational from the end of the
igniter/pilot trial for ignition period through unit shutdown. This is a critical interlock
and shall be hard wired.

18.5 A forced circulation boiler/vaporizer/heater low flow interlock

A. A forced circulation boiler/vaporizer/heater low flow interlock is required at all

times. This is a critical interlock and shall be hard wired.

18.6 High Steam/Vapor or Liquid Pressure Interlock

A. High steam/vapor or liquid pressure interlock is required for unattended boilers and
for all heaters. This is a critical interlock and shall be hard wired. Set pressure shall
be above operating pressure and below safety valve set pressure. Automatic recycling
boiler control requires two high pressure switches (or transmitters)-one for on/off
cycling control and one for the high pressure interlock; the interlock switch is set at a
higher pressure than the cycling control switch.

18.7 Hot Water Boiler High Water Temperature Interlock

A. Hot water boiler high water temperature interlock is a critical interlock and shall be
hard wired. It is required at all times for high temperature hot water boilers.

18.8 Low Combustion Airflow Interlock

A. A low combustion airflow interlock is required at all times. This is a critical interlock
and shall be hard wired. Interlock basis is airflow to the burners plus overfire air
ports (if sensed as a total stream).
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18.9 Smothering Steam on Interlock

A. A smothering steam on interlock is required for liquid heaters with smothering steam
provided to the furnace to lower the oxygen content below the minimum required for
combustion if a tube leak occurs. This is a critical interlock and shall be hard wired
and initiated by the operator by hard-wired push buttons. More than one button can
be provided, especially where units are remotely attended or unattended, with at least
one push button located in a safe location away from the unit. This interlock shall trip
all fuel to the furnace, stop the FD fan and FGR fan if so equipped, open the
smothering steam valve (if the valve is automatic), and stop the circulation pump(s)
for a forced circulation liquid heater/vaporizer. A separate hard-wired push button is
required to close the steam valve. While the steam actuation valve may be manually
operated, the smothering steam actuation push button and interlock functions are to
be provided to ensure all actions are taken automatically upon actuation.

18.10 All Fuel Inputs Zero Interlock

A. An all fuel inputs zero interlock is required by proof of closure of the safety shutoff
valves and igniter/pilots not in service. This is a permissive to start as well as an
MFT initiator if all fuels, and igniters/pilots, are tripped individually.

18.11 Control Power Failure Interlock

A. A control power failure interlock is required for unattended units to provide a

controlled shutdown. For remotely and fully attended units, this interlock is not
required if an interlock reliability problem would cause a process safety problem.
However, alarms, procedures, and training are required.

18.12 FBC Boiler Low Bed Temperature Interlock

A. An FBC boiler low bed temperature interlock is required for fluidized bed
combustion units only. Stable operating philosophy for a fluidized bed is to maintain
natural gas and not lower than 640 °C for oil provided the temperature has been
verified with actual test or experience to maintain stable combustion. An MFT shall
be initiated if the bed temperature drops below this temperature when warm-up
burners are not in service.

18.13 High Furnace Draft Interlock

A. A high furnace draft interlock is required for balanced draft units where the casing is
not designed for the cold test block ID fan capability.

18.14 High Furnace Pressure Interlock

A. A high furnace pressure interlock is recommended for units that are not designed for
positive pressure firing or where there is a personnel hazard. Use of a time delay is
recommended. Where a water seal is provided, the interlock setting shall be at a point
below which the water seal will blow.
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18.15 Loss of FD Fan Interlock

A. A loss of FD fan interlock is required at all times the fan should be operating. This
can be provided from the motor starter auxiliary contact, or from a low rpm sensor on
a steam-turbine-driven or variable-speed-driven fan. Dual sensors can be used for
improved reliability if required. Loss of a FD Fan will trip the corresponding ID Fan.
MFT will be initiated on loss of all FD Fans.

B. A loss of ID fan interlock is required at all times the fan should be operating. This
can be provided from the motor starter auxiliary contact, or from a low rpm sensor on
a steam-turbine-driven or variable-speed-driven fan. Dual sensors can be used for
improved reliability if required. Loss of an ID fan shall trip the corresponding FD
Fan. MFT will be initiated on loss of all ID Fans.

18.16 Low Instrument Air Pressure Interlock

A. A low instrument air pressure interlock is required for unattended units to provide a
controlled shutdown. For remotely and fully attended units, this interlock is not
required if an interlock reliability problem would cause a process safety problem.
However, alarms, procedures, and training are required.


The following are required igniter/pilot trip (IT) interlocks, which shall close the igniter/pilot safety
shutoff valves. Unless otherwise indicated, these are applicable to all classes of igniter/pilots. None
of the following need to be hard wired. See Table VII below for a summary list of Igniter / Pilot


Loss of igniter / pilot flame
Operator Trip


High gas pressure (if gas igniter / pilot)
Low gas pressure (if gas igniter / pilot)
Low oil pressure (if light oil igniter / pilot)
Table VII : Igniter / Pilot trips

19.1 Loss of Igniter/Pilot Flame Interlock

A. A loss of igniter/pilot flame interlock is required when a flame sensor is dedicated to

an individual igniter/pilot, and that flame is lost any time following the igniter/pilot
establishing period.
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19.2 Operator Trip

A. An operator trip occurs when the operator is provided with the ability to stop an

19.3 Class 1 Igniter/Pilot Trip Interlocks

A. The following are required Class 1 IT interlocks, which shall close the igniter/pilot
safety shutoff valves to unit and act as permissives, which are required to start the
igniter/pilot. They are not applicable to Class 2 or Class 3 igniters/pilots.

B. An igniter/pilot high gas pressure high interlock is required at all times the
igniter/pilot is ready to operate until it is shut down. Pressure signal location is
downstream of the master safety shutoff valve to indicate excessive pressure.

C. An igniter/pilot low gas pressure interlock is required at all times the igniter/ pilot is
ready to operate until it is shut down. Pressure signal location is up-stream of the
safety shutoff valves to indicate loss of supply pressure. This can also be located
downstream of the first safety shutoff valve provided a time delay is added to the
logic to allow start up.

D. An igniter/pilot low oil pressure interlock is required at all times the igniter/ pilot is
ready to operate until it is shut down. Pressure signal location is upstream of the
safety shutoff valves to indicate loss of supply pressure.

E. An igniter/pilot low combustion air pressure alarm (not a trip) is required at all times
the igniter/pilot is ready to operate until it is shut down where combustion air (not
just cooling air) is provided separately. Provide a back-up air source (e.g. fan, plant
air) with automatic start based on low pressure.


The following are required gas burner trip (GBT) interlocks, which close the gas safety shutoff
valves and open the gas vent valve. These are also permissives to start gas as indicated. If gas is the
only fuel being fired, these will also initiate an MFT due to all safety shutoff valves being closed.
None of the following need to be hard wired. See Table VIII below for a summary list of gas burner


High gas pressure
Loss of burner flame
Low gas burner pressure (where applicable)
Low gas supply pressure
Operator trip
Table VIII : Gas Burner Trips (interlocks)
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20.1 High Gas Pressure Interlock

A. A high gas pressure interlock is required at all times where gas is the primary fuel
(i.e., the fuel used for automatic unit heat input control) for the purpose of detecting
excessive gas supply pressure from conditions, for example pressure regulation valve
(PRV) failure. Pressure tap location for single burner units is to be downstream of
both safety shutoff valves and upstream of the flow control valve. Pressure tap
location for multiple burner units where a double block and bleed is used per burner
is to be downstream of both safety shutoff valves. Pressure tap location for multiple
burner units with a single master safety shutoff valve and individual burner safety
shutoff valves is preferred to be downstream of the master safety shutoff valve and
the flow control valve to provide additional protection from localized fuel-rich
conditions when less than the full number of burners can be individually over-fired.
If the burner pressure downstream of the flow control valve is too low to operate
reliably without nuisance shutdowns, the high gas pressure interlock shall be located
downstream of the first safety shutoff valve and upstream of the flow control valve.
This interlock is also to be provided for waste gases if there is a potential high gas
pressure hazard at the combustion unit.

20.2 Loss of Burner Flame Interlock

A. When gas is being fired in a burner and the flame is lost, the safety shutoff valve to
that burner shall be closed. This is applicable to multiple burner, multiple fuel cases.

20.3 Low Gas Burner Pressure Interlock

A. A low gas burner pressure interlock is required for waste gases or other gas where
low burner pressure or flow could occur and cause an unstable flame or allow
flashback. Pressure tap location is to be downstream of safety shutoff valves, the
flow control valve, and the gas bypass (if provided) to detect a low pressure
condition. (Pressure tap location can be between master shutoff valve and individual
burner safety shutoff valves where multiple burner valves are used.) Inclusion of this
interlock should be considered with the process hazards review. This interlock should
only be enabled when the safety shutoff valves are open after an appropriate time
delay to allow pressure to stabilize.

20.4 Low Gas Supply Pressure Interlock

A. A low gas supply pressure interlock is required at all times where gas is the primary
fuel (i.e., that used for automatic unit heat input control). Pressure tap location is to
be upstream of the safety shutoff valves and flow control valve to detect loss of the
gas supply.
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20.5 Operator Trip

A. Where the operator is provided with the ability to stop gas alone, that trip function
shall close the safety shutoff valves. This is applicable to multiple fuel-fired units


The following are required oil or liquid burner trip (OBT) interlocks, which close the oil/liquid safety
shutoff valves. These are also permissives to start oil/liquid as indicated. If oil/liquid is the only fuel
being fired, these will also initiate an MFT due to all safety shutoff valves being closed. None of the
following need to be hard wired. See Table IX below for a summary list of oil/liquid burner trips..


Loss of burner flame
Low atomizing fluid burner pressure (where applicable)
Low atomizing fluid supply pressure
Low oil temperature (for heated coils)
Low oil/liquid supply pressure
Oil / liquid gun position (where applicable)
Operator trip
Table IX : Oil/Liquid Burner Trips (Interlocks)

21.1 Loss of Burner Flame Interlock

A. When oil/liquid is being fired in a burner and the flame is lost, the safety shutoff
valve to that burner shall be closed. This is applicable to multiple burner, multiple
fuel cases.

21.2 Low Atomizing Fluid Burner Pressure Interlock

A. A low atomizing fluid burner pressure interlock is recommended for automatic

recycling and remote start units. The interlock shall be enabled at all times after the
burner fuel safety shutoff valve opens (burner atomizing fluid valve shall open prior
to the fuel valve) until shutdown. Pressure tap location is to be downstream of the
pressure control valve.

21.3 Low Atomizing Fluid Supply Pressure Interlock

A. A low atomizing fluid supply pressure interlock is required at all times on atomizing
fluid supply. Pressure tap location is to be upstream of the atomizing medium control
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21.4 Low Oil Temperature Interlock

A. A low oil temperature interlock is required at all times for heated oils. Location of the
sensor shall be in the section of line where oil recirculation occurs upstream of the
safety shutoff valves. The interlock setpoint shall be adjusted to prevent a problem
with proper atomization, but not so high that continuity problems could occur.

21.5 Low Oil/Liquid Burner Pressure Interlock

A. A low oil/liquid burner pressure interlock is required for oil or other liquids on
multiple burner units where low burner pressure or flow could occur and cause an
unstable flame. Pressure tap location is to be downstream of safety shutoff valves, the
flow control valve, and the minimum flow bypass (if provided) to detect a low
pressure condition. Inclusion of this interlock should be considered with the process
hazards analysis. This interlock should only be enabled when the safety shutoff
valves are open after an appropriate time delay to allow pressure to stabilize.

21.6 Low Oil/Liquid Supply Pressure Interlock

A. A low oil/liquid supply pressure interlock is required at all times where oil/ liquid is
the primary fuel used for automatic unit heat input control. Pressure tap location is to
be upstream of the safety shutoff valves and flow control valve to detect loss of the
oil/liquid supply. This shall also be provided for non-primary waste liquids if there is
a potential for a hazard in the combustion device upon low pressure.

21.7 Oil/Liquid Gun Position Interlock

A. An oil/liquid gun position interlock is required for unattended or remote start units to
ensure oil/liquid gun is in the proper position. This is used as a permissive to start
through shutdown

21.8 Operator Trip

A. Where the operator is provided with the ability to stop oil/liquid alone, that trip
function shall close the safety shutoff valves. This is applicable to multiple fuel-fired
units only.

21.9 High Oil Temperature Alarm

A. A high oil temperature alarm (not a trip) only is required where blended fuel oil is
fired and high oil temperatures result in flame instability.
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22.1 Purpose

A. An audible and visual alarm shall be provided to alert the operator to all out-of-limit

22.2 Burner Shutdown Annunciation

A. A burner shutdown may develop more than one alarm condition. Therefore, it is
essential to indicate the malfunction that initiates the shutdown. In-formation shall be
provided to the operator to indicate the initiating event causing a fuel trip at any
level-master fuel trips, burner fuel trips, mill trips, and igniter/pilot trips. PLC
configuration, alarm cancel, intelligent alarming, other configuration methods, and
BPCS alarm capabilities shall be considered to provide this information to the

22.3 Flame Failure Interlocks

A. Flame failure interlocks shall be treated as a special group of interlocks that do not
alarm when their associated burners are not in service.

22.4 Fuel Trains

A. Fuel trains shall not show alarm conditions when their fuel is not in use.

22.5 Pre-Alarms

A. Pre-Alarms shall be provided to signal the operator prior to reaching an interlock

condition, where possible.

22.6 Off-Standard Conditions

A. Off-standard conditions shall be alarmed to alert the operator to problems.

22.7 Alarms in the BPCS

A. All alarms initiated or monitored in the BPCS shall be time-identified.


It is the intention of this section to provide basic combustion safeguard system requirements for
successfully operating Boiler or Industrial Furnaces (BIFs) burning hazardous waste in compliance
with all regulatory controls.
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23.1 Waste Feed Cutoff Systems

A. All BIFs shall be equipped with an automatic waste feed cutoff system that will cease
firing hazardous waste under the following conditions:

 Any of the main flame interlocks shut down the primary fuel in the BIF or
burner feeding waste.

 Any of the permit limits on stack emissions, for example CO and total
hydrocarbons (THC), are exceeded.

 Any of the feed limitations, for example furnace temperature or operating rates,
are not within permitted levels.

B. The waste feed cutoff valves shall include two valves in series that are rated fire-safe
and have over travel at the closed position. Both valves shall have a proof of closure
switch and the positioners shall be single acting with spring return to the closed
position. They shall both fail closed.

C. Waste feeds to the BIF assumed to contain any metals or particulates will, exit as
stack emissions. They are controlled by feed rate and are subject to regulatory
control. In these cases, instantaneous and integrated flows shall be measured, and if
the flow rates are limited by permit or waste analysis, they shall be annunciated and a
waste fuel cutoff initiated prior to the accidence point. Waste fuel analysis plans shall
be instituted to prove compliance with all regulatory controls.

D. A waste feed cutoff will upset the process when firing an ignitable waste or one that
has a heating value over 8000 Btu/lb (or lower depending on flow rate). In boilers
burning large amounts of waste, this could lead to a boiler shutdown on low drum
level unless standard fossil fuel rates can be raised to rebalance the heat input to the
furnace. A suggested control system allowing reintroduction of fossil fuel into the
burner(s) with igniter/pilot or other burners still in service can be incorporated into
the BMS logic. Maintaining a minimum fossil fuel fire at all times with an automatic
ramp-up function during a waste feed cutoff shall be considered.

23.2 Waste Feed Start Up and Operation

A. Waste feed shall not be initiated until all permit conditions are satisfied. Before
starting waste feed,
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B. The atomizer shall be inspected for worn or plugged orifices and shall be proven in
place by a proximity or magnetic switch. Worn atomizer spray caps or other parts
shall be replaced. With steam atomization, atomization pressure shall be established
at least one minute prior to starting waste flow to allow the injector to reach
temperature and atomizing steam to be dry as it exits the atomizer. Air atomization
does not require a dry-out time, however, there shall be a minimum delay of 10
seconds between establishing atomizing air pressure and starting the waste fuel feed.
Proper atomization is critical for all liquid wastes. Some atomizers use a constant
atomizing fluid flow and pressure, which is easier to control than a modulating
atomizing fluid. These are typically external mix nozzles and are recommended
where there is concern for reaction of waste and the atomizing fluid (e.g., where the
waste can polymerize or the waste has undissolved solids that can plug the ports of
internal atomizers). The waste control valve shall be proven to be at light-off position
prior to burner start to reduce combustion upsets when the waste is introduced. If
automatic operation is desired, the waste may be ramped up in flow to the allowed
maximum after initial light off.

C. Wastes with a higher heating value (HHV) greater than 8000 Btu/lb (or lower
depending on flow rate) shall be included in the total fuel to the furnace so that the
proper amount of fossil fuel is reduced as the waste flow is increased. Use of O2 trim
or steam flow/airflow may not be rapid enough to prevent a CO excursion above 100
ppm or an HC excursion above 20 ppm.

D. Aqueous wastes shall be fed to burners that are already ignited and at a sufficient
airflow and heat input to vaporize and burn the waste within the flame envelope. A
check for sufficient airflow shall be that the total moles of oxygen fed to the burner
are greater than 17 percent by volume when all inerts are accounted for as reactants


24.1 Flame Safety Requirements for Commercial Burners

A. Commercial burners have flame safety requirements that can deviate slightly from
the above requirements. Commercial burners are defined as those that fire only
natural gas or light oil, are less than 2 MMBtu/h heat input, and are supplied as part
of a vendor package for non-pressure part heaters. Commercial burners need to turn
down to operation with the igniter/pilot only during the operation cycle. The
equipment shall be such that the burner combustion air fan cannot provide an
adequate unit purge.

24.2 The Burner Package

A. The burners shall come as a complete package with forced draft fan and interlock
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24.3 Automatic Remote Start Control System

A. The burner shall have an automatic remote start control system that is properly
sequenced to include an initial system purge, igniter/pilot energization, igniter/pilot
stable ignition with no external ignition source (i.e., ignition spark de-energized), and
low fire main burner start.

24.4 Makeup Combustion Air Requirements

A. Makeup combustion air to a commercial burner using a continuous igniter/ pilot shall
be greater than the amount necessary to reduce the main burner fuel concentration to
less than 25 percent of the LEL.

24.5 Burner Standby Condition

A. Some applications require that the burner be placed in a standby condition in which
the main burner is off, but the igniter/pilot is on. In these cases, the preferred
operation is with an interrupted igniter/pilot that is able to relight just prior to the
main burner shutdown for standby. Some of these units, however, may be supplied
with continuous pilots that do not meet the definition of Class 1 or Class 2
igniter/pilots. In this case, if the burner meets the above criteria, it will be acceptable
providing that the burner gas and the igniter/pilot gas flame are concentric throughout
the burner, so that the main gas and air shall travel through the igniter/pilot flame.
For example, an igniter/pilot located at the center of a burner igniting an offset gas
spud or ring burner would not meet the intent of this standard.

24.6 Flame-Sensing Element

A. A single flame-sensing element can be used to detect flame for both the igniter/pilot
and main flame in the commercial burner. Flame rods or conventional flame sensors
(UV) are acceptable in this service. Igniter/pilot trial for ignition period with a
common igniter/pilot electrode/flame rod can be extended slightly past 10 seconds to
allow for transfer relay operation.


25.1 Capture of VOC Fugitive Emissions

A. Capture of fugitive emissions of VOC's from storage tanks, piping systems, and other
equipment can include injection into a combustion unit, typically a thermal oxidizer
or boiler. This section covers methods and limits for injection of these streams into
combustion units.
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25.2 Safety Shutoff Valves and Interlocks

A. Proper safety shutoff valves and interlocks shall be provided to prevent feeding any
combustible vent stream to an idle combustion unit. The required arrangement of
safety shutoff valves regarding whether a vent can be used shall be determined by a
properly conducted process hazards analysis. The need for flame arresters shall also
be reviewed. The process hazards analysis shall consider vent streams under all
potential operating conditions.

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