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Techniques of Circuit Analysis

Assessment Problems

AP 4.1 [a] Redraw the circuit, labeling the reference node and the two node voltages:

The two node voltage equations are

v1 v1 v1 − v2
−15 + + + = 0
60 15 5
v2 v2 − v1
5+ + = 0
2 5
 these equations in standard form:
1 1 1 1
v1 + + + v2 − = 15
60 15 5 5
1 1 1
v1 − + v2 + = −5
5 2 5
Solving, v1 = 60 V and v2 = 10 V;
Therefore, i1 = (v1 − v2)/5 = 10 A
[b] p15A = −(15 A)v1 = −(15 A)(60 V) = −900 W = 900 W(delivered)
[c] p5A = (5 A)v2 = (5 A)(10 V) = 50 W= −50 W(delivered)

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4–2 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

AP 4.2 Redraw the circuit, choosing the node voltages and reference node as shown:

The two node voltage equations are:

v1 v1 − v2
−4.5 + + = 0
1 6+2
v2 v2 − v1 v2 − 30
+ + = 0
12 6+2 4
 theseequationsin standard form:
1 1

v1 1 + + v2 − = 4.5
8 8
1 1 1 1
v1 − + v2 + + = 7.5
8 12 8 4
Solving, v1 = 6 V v2 = 18 V
To find the voltage v, first find the current i through the series-connected 6 Ω
and 2 Ω resistors:
v1 − v2 6 − 18
i= = = −1.5 A
6+2 8

Using a KVL equation, calculate v:

v = 2i + v2 = 2(−1.5) + 18 = 15 V

AP 4.3 [a] Redraw the circuit, choosing the node voltages and reference node as

The node voltage equations are:

v1 − 50 v1 v1 − v2
+ + − 3i1 = 0
6 8 2
v2 v2 − v1
−5 + + + 3i1 = 0
4 2

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Problems 4–3

The dependent source requires the following constraint equation:

50 − v1
i1 =
Place these equations in standard form:
1 1 1 1 50
v1 + + + v2 − + i1(−3) =
6 8 2 2 6
1 1 1
v1 − + v2 + + i1(3) = 5
2 4 2
1 50
v1 + v2(0) + i1(1) =
6 6
Solving, v1 = 32 V; v2 = 16 V; i1 = 3 A
Using these values to calculate the power associated with each source:
p50V = −50i1 = −150 W
p5A = −5(v2) = −80 W
p3i1 = 3i1 (v2 − v1) = −144 W
[b] All three sources are delivering power to the circuit because the power
computed in (a) for each of the sources is negative.
AP 4.4 Redraw the circuit and label the reference node and the node at which the
node voltage equation will be written:

The node voltage equation is

vo vo − 10 vo + 20i∆
+ + =0
40 10 20
The constraint equation required by the dependent source is
10 − vo 10 + 20i∆
i∆ = i10 Ω + i30 Ω = +
10 30
Place these equations in standard form:
1 1 1
vo + + + i∆ (1) = 1
40 10 20
1 20 10
vo + i∆ 1 − = 1+
10 30 30
Solving, i∆ = −3.2 A and vo = 24 V
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4–4 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

AP 4.5 Redraw the circuit identifying the three node voltages and the reference node:

Note that the dependent voltage source and the node voltages v and v2 form a
supernode. The v1 node voltage equation is

v1 v1 − v
+ − 4.8 = 0
7.5 2.5

The supernode equation is

v − v1 v v2 v2 − 12
+ + + =0
2.5 10 2.5 1

The constraint equation due to the dependent source is

ix =

The constraint equation due to the supernode is

v + ix = v2

Place this set of equations in standard form:

1 1 1
v1 + + v − + v2 (0) + ix (0) = 4.8
7.5 2.5 2.5
1 1 1 1
v1 − + v + + v2 +1 + ix (0) = 12
2.5 2.5 10 2.5
v1 − + v(0) + v2 (0) + ix (1) = 0
v1(0) + v(1) + v2 (−1) + ix (1) = 0

Solving this set of equations gives v1 = 15 V, v2 = 10 V, ix = 2 A, and

v = 8 V.

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Problems 4–5

AP 4.6 Redraw the circuit identifying the reference node and the two unknown node
voltages. Note that the right-most node voltage is the sum of the 60 V source
and the dependent source voltage.

The node voltage equation at v1 is

v1 − 60 v1 v1 − (60 + 6iφ )
+ + =0
2 24 3

The constraint equation due to the dependent source is

60 + 6iφ − v1
iφ =

Place these two equations in standard form:

1 1 1
v1 + + + iφ(−2) = 30 + 20
2 24 3
v1 + iφ(1 − 2) = 20
Solving, iφ = −4 A and v1 = 48 V

AP 4.7 [a] Redraw the circuit identifying the three mesh currents:

The mesh current equations are:

−80 + 5(i1 − i2 ) + 26(i1 − i3) = 0
30i2 + 90(i2 − i3) + 5(i2 − i1) = 0
8i3 + 26(i3 − i1 ) + 90(i3 − i2) = 0
Place these equations in standard form:
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4–6 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

31i1 − 5i2 − 26i3 = 80

−5i1 + 125i2 − 90i3 = 0
−26i1 − 90i2 + 124i3 = 0
i1 = 5 A; i2 = 2 A; i3 = 2.5 A
p80V = −(80)i1 = −(80)(5) = −400 W
Therefore the 80 V source is delivering 400 W to the circuit.
[b] p8Ω = (8)i23 = 8(2.5)2 = 50 W, so the 8 Ω resistor dissipates 50 W.
AP 4.8 [a] b = 8, n = 6, b−n+1 = 3
[b] Redraw the circuit identifying the three mesh currents:

The three mesh-current equations are

−25 + 2(i1 − i2) + 5(i1 − i3) + 10 = 0
−(−3vφ ) + 14i2 + 3(i2 − i3 ) + 2(i2 − i1 ) = 0
1i3 − 10 + 5(i3 − i1 ) + 3(i3 − i2 ) = 0
The dependent source constraint equation is
vφ = 3(i3 − i2)
Place these four equations in standard form:
7i1 − 2i2 − 5i3 + 0vφ = 15
−2i1 + 19i2 − 3i3 + 3vφ = 0
−5i1 − 3i2 + 9i3 + 0vφ = 10
0i1 + 3i2 − 3i3 + 1vφ = 0
i1 = 4 A; i2 = −1 A; i3 = 3 A; vφ = 12 V
pds = −(−3vφ)i2 = 3(12)(−1) = −36 W
Thus, the dependent source is delivering 36 W, or absorbing −36 W.
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Problems 4–7

AP 4.9 Redraw the circuit identifying the three mesh currents:

The mesh current equations are:

−25 + 6(ia − ib) + 8(ia − ic) = 0
2ib + 8(ib − ic) + 6(ib − ia) = 0
5iφ + 8(ic − ia) + 8(ic − ib) = 0
The dependent source constraint equation is iφ = ia. We can substitute this
simple expression for iφ into the third mesh equation and place the equations
in standard form:
14ia − 6ib − 8ic = 25
−6ia + 16ib − 8ic = 0
−3ia − 8ib + 16ic = 0

ia = 4 A; ib = 2.5 A; ic = 2 A


vo = 8(ia − ic) = 8(4 − 2) = 16 V

AP 4.10 Redraw the circuit identifying the mesh currents:

Since there is a current source on the perimeter of the i3 mesh, we know that
i3 = −16 A. The remaining two mesh equations are
−30 + 3i1 + 2(i1 − i2) + 6i1 = 0
8i2 + 5(i2 + 16) + 4i2 + 2(i2 − i1) = 0

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4–8 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

Place these equations in standard form:

11i1 − 2i2 = 30
−2i1 + 19i2 = −80
Solving: i1 = 2 A, i2 = −4 A, i3 = −16 A
The current in the 2 Ω resistor is i1 − i2 = 6 A .·. p2 Ω = (6)2 (2) = 72 W
Thus, the 2 Ω resistors dissipates 72 W.

AP 4.11 Redraw the circuit and identify the mesh currents:

There are current sources on the perimeters of both the ib mesh and the ic
mesh, so we know that

ib = −10 A; ic =

The remaining mesh current equation is

−75 + 2(ia + 10) + 5(ia − 0.4vφ ) = 0

The dependent source requires the following constraint equation:

vφ = 5(ia − ic) = 5(ia − 0.4vφ )

Place the mesh current equation and the dependent source equation is
standard form:
7ia − 2vφ = 55
5ia − 3vφ = 0
Solving: ia = 15 A; ib = −10 A; ic = 10 A; vφ = 25 V
Thus, ia = 15 A.

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Problems 4–9

AP 4.12 Redraw the circuit and identify the mesh currents:

The 2 A current source is shared by the meshes ia and ib. Thus we combine
these meshes to form a supermesh and write the following equation:

−10 + 2ib + 2(ib − ic) + 2(ia − ic) = 0

The other mesh current equation is

−6 + 1ic + 2(ic − ia) + 2(ic − ib) = 0

The supermesh constraint equation is

ia − ib = 2

Place these three equations in standard form:

2ia + 4ib − 4ic = 10
−2ia − 2ib + 5ic = 6
ia − ib + 0ic = 2
Solving, ia = 7 A; ib = 5 A; ic = 6 A
Thus, p1 Ω = i2c(1) = (6)2 (1) = 36 W

AP 4.13 Redraw the circuit and identify the reference node and the node voltage v1:

The node voltage equation is

v1 − 20 v1 − 25
−2+ =0
15 10

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4–10 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

Rearranging and solving,

1 1 20 25
v1 + = 2+ + .·. v1 = 35 V
15 10 15 10

p2A = −35(2) = −70 W

Thus the 2 A current source delivers 70 W.

AP 4.14 Redraw the circuit and identify the mesh currents:

There is a current source on the perimeter of the i3 mesh, so i3 = 4 A. The

other two mesh current equations are
−128 + 4(i1 − 4) + 6(i1 − i2 ) + 2i1 = 0
30ix + 5i2 + 6(i2 − i1 ) + 3(i2 − 4) = 0
The constraint equation due to the dependent source is

ix = i1 − i3 = i1 − 4

Substitute the constraint equation into the second mesh equation and place
the resulting two mesh equations in standard form:
12i1 − 6i2 = 144
24i1 + 14i2 = 132

i1 = 9 A; i2 = −6 A; i3 = 4 A; ix = 9 − 4 = 5 A

.·. v4A = 3(i3 − i2 ) − 4ix = 10 V

p4A = −v4A (4) = −(10)(4) = −40 W

Thus, the 2 A current source delivers 40 W.

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Problems 4–11

AP 4.15 [a] Redraw the circuit with a helpful voltage and current labeled:

Transform the 120 V source in series with the 20 Ω resistor into a 6 A

source in parallel with the 20 Ω resistor. Also transform the −60 V source
in series with the 5 Ω resistor into a −12 A source in parallel with the 5 Ω
resistor. The result is the following circuit:

Combine the three current sources into a single current source, using
KCL, and combine the 20 Ω, 5 Ω, and 6 Ω resistors in parallel. The
resulting circuit is shown on the left. To simplify the circuit further,
transform the resulting 30 A source in parallel with the 2.4 Ω resistor into
a 72 V source in series with the 2.4 Ω resistor. Combine the 2.4 Ω resistor
in series with the 1.6 Ω resisor to get a very simple circuit that still
maintains the voltage v. The resulting circuit is on the right.

Use voltage division in the circuit on the right to calculate v as follows:

v= (72) = 48 V
[b] Calculate i in the circuit on the right using Ohm’s law:
v 48
i= = =6A
8 8
Now use i to calculate va in the circuit on the left:
va = 6(1.6 + 8) = 57.6 V
Returning back to the original circuit, note that the voltage va is also the
voltage drop across the series combination of the 120 V source and 20 Ω

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4–12 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

resistor. Use this fact to calculate the current in the 120 V source, ia:
120 − va 120 − 57.6
ia = = = 3.12 A
20 20
p120V = −(120)ia = −(120)(3.12) = −374.40 W

Thus, the 120 V source delivers 374.4 W.

AP 4.16 To find RTh , replace the 72 V source with a short circuit:

Note that the 5 Ω and 20 Ω resistors are in parallel, with an equivalent

resistance of 5k20 = 4 Ω. The equivalent 4 Ω resistance is in series with the 8 Ω
resistor for an equivalent resistance of 4 + 8 = 12 Ω. Finally, the 12 Ω
equivalent resistance is in parallel with the 12 Ω resistor, so
RTh = 12k12 = 6 Ω.
Use node voltage analysis to find vTh . Begin by redrawing the circuit and
labeling the node voltages:

The node voltage equations are

v1 − 72 v1 v1 − vTh
+ + = 0
5 20 8
vTh − v1 vTh − 72
+ = 0
8 12
Place these equations in standard form:
1 1 1 1 72
v1 + + + vTh − =
5 20 8 8 5
1 1 1
v1 − + vTh + = 6
8 8 12
Solving, v1 = 60 V and vTh = 64.8 V. Therefore, the Thévenin equivalent
circuit is a 64.8 V source in series with a 6 Ω resistor.

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Problems 4–13

AP 4.17 We begin by performing a source transformation, turning the parallel

combination of the 15 A source and 8 Ω resistor into a series combination of a
120 V source and an 8 Ω resistor, as shown in the figure on the left. Next,
combine the 2 Ω, 8 Ω and 10 Ω resistors in series to give an equivalent 20 Ω
resistance. Then transform the series combination of the 120 V source and the
20 Ω equivalent resistance into a parallel combination of a 6 A source and a
20 Ω resistor, as shown in the figure on the right.

Finally, combine the 20 Ω and 12 Ω parallel resistors to give

RN = 20k12 = 7.5 Ω. Thus, the Norton equivalent circuit is the parallel
combination of a 6 A source and a 7.5 Ω resistor.
AP 4.18 Find the Thévenin equivalent with respect to A, B using source
transformations. To begin, convert the series combination of the −36 V source
and 12 kΩ resistor into a parallel combination of a −3 mA source and 12 kΩ
resistor. The resulting circuit is shown below:

Now combine the two parallel current sources and the two parallel resistors to
give a −3 + 18 = 15 mA source in parallel with a 12 kk60 k= 10 kΩ resistor.
Then transform the 15 mA source in parallel with the 10 kΩ resistor into a
150 V source in series with a 10 kΩ resistor, and combine this 10 kΩ resistor
in series with the 15 kΩ resistor. The Thévenin equivalent is thus a 150 V
source in series with a 25 kΩ resistor, as seen to the left of the terminals A,B
in the circuit below.

Now attach the voltmeter, modeled as a 100 kΩ resistor, to the Thévenin

equivalent and use voltage division to calculate the meter reading vAB :
vAB = (150) = 120 V
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4–14 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

AP 4.19 Begin by calculating the open circuit voltage, which is also vTh , from the
circuit below:

Summing the currents away from the node labeled vTh We have

vTh vTh − 24
+ 4 + 3ix + =0
8 2

Also, using Ohm’s law for the 8 Ω resistor,

ix =

Substituting the second equation into the first and solving for vTh yields
vTh = 8 V.
Now calculate RTh . To do this, we use the test source method. Replace the
voltage source with a short circuit, the current source with an open circuit,
and apply the test voltage vT , as shown in the circuit below:

Write a KCL equation at the middle node:

iT = ix + 3ix + vT /2 = 4ix + vT /2

Use Ohm’s law to determine ix as a function of vT :

ix = vT /8

Substitute the second equation into the first equation:

iT = 4(vT /8) + vT /2 = vT

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Problems 4–15


RTh = vT /iT = 1 Ω

The Thévenin equivalent is an 8 V source in series with a 1 Ω resistor.

AP 4.20 Begin by calculating the open circuit voltage, which is also vTh , using the
node voltage method in the circuit below:

The node voltage equations are

v v − (vTh + 160i∆ )
+ − 4 = 0,
60 20
vTh vTh vTh + 160i∆ − v
+ + = 0
40 80 20
The dependent source constraint equation is
i∆ =

Substitute the constraint equation into the node voltage equations and put the
two equations in standard form:
1 1 5
v + + vTh − = 4
60 20 20
1 1 1 5
v − + vTh + + = 0
20 40 80 20
Solving, v = 172.5 V and vTh = 30 V.
Now use the test source method to calculate the test current and thus RTh .
Replace the current source with a short circuit and apply the test source to
get the following circuit:

Write a KCL equation at the rightmost node:

vT vT vT + 160i∆
iT = + +
80 40 80

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4–16 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

The dependent source constraint equation is

i∆ =

Substitute the constraint equation into the KCL equation and simplify the
right-hand side:
iT =

RTh = = 10 Ω

Thus, the Thévenin equivalent is a 30 V source in series with a 10 Ω resistor.

AP 4.21 First find the Thévenin equivalent circuit. To find vTh , create an open circuit
between nodes a and b and use the node voltage method with the circuit

The node voltage equations are:

vTh − (100 + vφ) vTh − v1
+ = 0
4 4
v1 − 100 v1 − 20 v1 − vTh
+ + = 0
4 4 4
The dependent source constraint equation is

vφ = v1 − 20

Place these three equations in standard form:

1 1 1 1
vTh + + v1 − + vφ − = 25
4 4 4 4
1 1 1 1
vTh − + v1 + + + vφ (0) = 30
4 4 4 4
vTh (0) + v1 (1) + vφ (−1) = 20
Solving, vTh = 120 V, v1 = 80 V, and vφ = 60 V.

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Problems 4–17

Now create a short circuit between nodes a and b and use the mesh current
method with the circuit below:

The mesh current equations are

−100 + 4(i1 − i2) + vφ + 20 = 0
−vφ + 4i2 + 4(i2 − isc) + 4(i2 − i1) = 0
−20 − vφ + 4(isc − i2) = 0
The dependent source constraint equation is

vφ = 4(i1 − isc)

Place these four equations in standard form:

4i1 − 4i2 + 0isc + vφ = 80
−4i1 + 12i2 − 4isc − vφ = 0
0i1 − 4i2 + 4isc − vφ = 20
4i1 + 0i2 − 4isc − vφ = 0
Solving, i1 = 45 A, i2 = 30 A, isc = 40 A, and vφ = 20 V. Thus,

vTh 120
RTh = = = 3Ω
isc 40

[a] For maximum power transfer, R = RTh = 3 Ω

[b] The Thévenin voltage, vTh = 120 V, splits equally between the Thévenin
resistance and the load resistance, so
vload = = 60 V
vload 602
pmax = = = 1200 W
Rload 3

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4–18 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

AP 4.22 Sustituting the value R = 3 Ω into the circuit and identifying three mesh
currents we have the circuit below:

The mesh current equations are:

−100 + 4(i1 − i2 ) + vφ + 20 = 0
−vφ + 4i2 + 4(i2 − i3) + 4(i2 − i1) = 0
−20 − vφ + 4(i3 − i2) + 3i3 = 0
The dependent source constraint equation is

vφ = 4(i1 − i3)

Place these four equations in standard form:

4i1 − 4i2 + 0i3 + vφ = 80
−4i1 + 12i2 − 4i3 − vφ = 0
0i1 − 4i2 + 7i3 − vφ = 20
4i1 + 0i2 − 4i3 − vφ = 0
Solving, i1 = 30 A, i2 = 20 A, i3 = 20 A, and vφ = 40 V.

[a] p100V = −(100)i1 = −(100)(30) = −3000 W. Thus, the 100 V source is

delivering 3000 W.
[b] pdepsource = −vφi2 = −(40)(20) = −800 W. Thus, the dependent source is
delivering 800 W.
[c] From Assessment Problem 4.21(b), the power delivered to the load resistor
is 1200 W, so the load power is (1200/3800)100 = 31.58% of the
combined power generated by the 100 V source and the dependent source.

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Problems 4–19


P 4.1

[a] 11 branches, 8 branches with resistors, 2 branches with independent

sources, 1 branch with a dependent source
[b] The current is unknown in every branch except the one containing the 8 A
current source, so the current is unknown in 10 branches.
[c] 9 essential branches – R4 − R5 forms an essential branch as does R8 − 10
V. The remaining seven branches are essential branches that contain a
single element.
[d] The current is known only in the essential branch containing the current
source, and is unknown in the remaining 8 essential branches
[e] From the figure there are 6 nodes – three identified by rectangular boxes,
two identified with single black dots, and one identified by a triangle.
[f] There are 4 essential nodes, three identified with rectangular boxes and
one identified with a triangle
[g] A mesh is like a window pane, and as can be seen from the figure there are
6 window panes or meshes.

P 4.2 [a] From Problem 4.1(d) there are 8 essential branches where the current is
unknown, so we need 8 simultaneous equations to describe the circuit.
[b] From Problem 4.1(f), there are 4 essential nodes, so we can apply KCL at
(4 − 1) = 3 of these essential nodes. There would also be a dependent
source constraint equation.
[c] The remaining 4 equations needed to describe the circuit will be derived
from KVL equations.

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4–20 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

[d] We must avoid using the topmost mesh and the leftmost mesh. Each of
these meshes contains a current source, and we have no way of
determining the voltage drop across a current source.

P 4.3

[a] As can be seen from the figure, the circuit has 2 separate parts.
[b] There are 5 nodes – the four black dots and the node betweem the voltage
source and the resistor R1.
[c] There are 7 branches, each containing one of the seven circuit components.
[d] When a conductor joins the lower nodes of the two separate parts, there is
now only a single part in the circuit. There would now be 4 nodes,
because the two lower nodes are now joined as a single node. The
number of branches remains at 7, where each branch contains one of the
seven individual circuit components.

P 4.4 [a] There are six circuit components, five resistors and the current source.
Since the current is known only in the current source, it is unknown in
the five resistors. Therefore there are five unknown currents.
[b] There are four essential nodes in this circuit, identified by the dark black
dots in Fig. P4.4. At three of these nodes you can write KCL equations
that will be independent of one another. A KCL equation at the fourth
node would be dependent on the first three. Therefore there are three
independent KCL equations.

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Problems 4–21


Sum the currents at any three of the four

essential nodes a, b, c, and d. Using nodes a, b, and c we get
−ig + i1 + i2 = 0
−i1 + i4 + i3 = 0
i5 − i2 − i3 = 0
[d] There are three meshes in this circuit: one on the left with the
components ig , R1 , and R4 ; one on the top right with components R1 ,
R2 , and R3 ; and one on the bottom right with components R3 , R4, and
R5 . We cannot write a KVL equation for the left mesh because we don’t
know the voltage drop across the current source. Therefore, we can write
KVL equations for the two meshes on the right, giving a total of two
independent KVL equations.
[e] Sum the voltages around two independent closed paths, avoiding a path
that contains the independent current source since the voltage across the
current source is not known. Using the upper and lower meshes formed
by the five resistors gives
R1 i1 + R3i3 − R2i2 = 0
R3 i3 + R5i5 − R4i4 = 0

P 4.5

[a] At node a: − ig + i1 + i2 = 0
At node b: − i1 + i3 + i4 = 0
At node c: − i2 − i3 + i5 = 0
At node d: ig − i4 − i5 = 0
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4–22 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

[b] There are many possible solutions. For example, solve the equations at
nodes a and d for ig :
ig = i4 + i5 ig = i1 + i2 so i1 + i2 = i4 + i5
Solve this expression for i1 :
i1 = i4 + i5 − i2
Substitute this expression for i1 into the equation for node b:
−(i4 + i5 − i2) + i3 + i4 = 0 so − i2 − i3 + i5 = 0
The result above is the equation at node c.

P 4.6

v1 − 144 v1 v1 − v2
+ + =0 so 29v1 − v2 = 2880
4 10 80
v2 − v1 v2
−3 + + =0 so −v1 + 17v2 = 240
80 5

Solving, v1 = 100 V; v2 = 20 V

P 4.7

vo vo − 45
−2 + + =0
50 1+4

vo = 50 V

p2A = −(50)(2) = −100 W (delivering)

The 2 A source extracts −100 W from the circuit, because it delivers 100 W
to the circuit.

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Problems 4–23

v1 v1 − v2
P 4.8 −6 + + =0
40 8
v2 − v1 v2 v2
+ + +1 =0
8 80 120

Solving, v1 = 120 V; v2 = 96 V
p40Ω = = 360 W

(120 − 96)2
p8Ω = = 72 W

p80Ω = = 115.2 W

p120Ω = = 76.8 W

p6A = −(6)(120) = −720 W

p1A = (1)(96) = 96 W
pabs = 360 + 72 + 115.2 + 76.8 + 96 = 720 W
pdev = 720 W (CHECKS)

P 4.9 Use the lower terminal of the 25 Ω resistor as the reference node.
vo − 24 vo
+ + 0.04 = 0
20 + 80 25
Solving, vo = 4 V
P 4.10 [a] From the solution to Problem 4.9 we know vo = 4 V, therefore
p40mA = 0.04vo = 0.16 W
.·. p40mA (developed) = −160 mW
[b] The current into the negative terminal of the 24 V source is
24 − 4
ig = = 0.2 A
20 + 80
p24V = −24(0.2) = −4.8 W
.·. p24V (developed) = 4800 mW
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4–24 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

[c] p20Ω = (0.2)2 (20) = 800 mW

p80Ω = (0.2)2 (80) = 3200 mW

p25Ω = (4)2 /25 = 640 mW

pdev = 4800 mW
pdis = 160 + 800 + 3200 + 640 = 4800 mW

v0 − 24 vo
P 4.11 [a] + + 0.04 = 0; vo = 4 V
20 + 80 25
[b] Let vx = voltage drop across 40 mA source
vx = vo − (50)(0.04) = 2 V

p40mA = (2)(0.04) = 80 mW so p40mA (developed) = −80 mW

[c] Let ig = be the current into the positive terminal of the 24 V source
ig = (4 − 24)/100 = −0.2 A

p24V = (−0.2)(24) = −4800 mW so p24V (developed) = 4800 mW

[d] pdis = (0.2)2 (20) + (0.2)2 (80) + (4)2 /25 + (0.04)2 (50) + 0.08
= 4800 mW
[e] vo is independent of any finite resistance connected in series with the 40
mA current source

P 4.12 [a]

v1 − 125 v1 − v2 v1 − v3
+ + = 0
1 6 24
v2 − v1 v2 v2 − v3
+ + = 0
6 2 12
v3 + 125 v3 − v2 v3 − v1
+ + = 0
1 12 24

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Problems 4–25

In standard form:
1 1 1 1 1
v1 + + + v2 − + v3 − = 125
1 6 24 6 24
1 1 1 1 1
v1 − + v2 + + + v3 − = 0
6 6 2 12 12
1 1 1 1 1
v1 − + v2 − + v3 + + = −125
24 12 1 12 24

Solving, v1 = 101.24 V; v2 = 10.66 V; v3 = −106.57 V

125 − v1 v1 − v2
Thus, i1 = = 23.76 A i4 = = 15.10 A
1 6
v2 v2 − v3
i2 = = 5.33 A i5 = = 9.77 A
2 12
v3 + 125 v1 − v3
i3 = = 18.43 A i6 = = 8.66 A
1 24
[b] Pdev = 125i1 + 125i3 = 5273.09 W

Pdis = i21(1) + i22 (2) + i23 (1) + i24(6) + i25(12) + i26(24) = 5273.09 W

P 4.13 [a]

v1 − 128 v1 v1 − v2
+ + = 0
5 60 4
v2 − v1 v2 v2 − 320
+ + = 0
4 80 10
In standard form,
1 1 1 1 128
v1 + + + v2 − =
5 60 4 4 5
1 1 1 1 320
v1 − + v2 + + =
4 4 80 10 10

Solving, v1 = 162 V; v2 = 200 V

128 − 162
ia = = −6.8 A
ib = = 2.7 A
162 − 200
ic = = −9.5 A
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4–26 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

id = = 2.5 A
200 − 320
ie = = −12 A
[b] p128V = −(128)(−6.8) = 870.4 W (abs)
p320V = (320)(−12) = −3840 W (dev)
Therefore, the total power developed is 3840 W.

P 4.14

v1 + 40 v1 v1 − v2
+ + +5 =0
12 25 20

v2 − v1 v2 − v1
−5+ + −7.5 = 0
20 40

v3 v3 − v2
+ + 7.5 = 0
40 40

−10 + 40
Solving, v1 = −10 V; v2 = 132 V; v3 = −84 V; i40V = = 2.5 A

p5A = 5(v1 − v2) = 5(−10 − 132) = −710 W (del)

p7.5A = (−84 − 132)(7.5) = −1620 W (del)

p40V = −(40)(2.5) = −100 W (del)

p12Ω = (2.5)2 (12) = 75 W

v12 102
p25Ω = = =4W
25 25

(v1 − v2)2 1422

p20Ω = = = 1008.2 W
20 20
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Problems 4–27

(v3)2 842
p40Ω (lower) = = = 176.4 W
40 40

(v2 − v3)2 2162

p40Ω (right) = = = 1166.4 W
40 40
pdiss = 75 + 4 + 1008.2 + 176.4 + 1166.4 = 2430 W

pdev = 710 + 1620 + 100 = 2430 W (CHECKS)

The total power dissipated in the circuit is 2430 W.

P 4.15 [a]

v1 v1 − 40 v1 − v2
+ + =0 so 31v1 − 20v2 + 0v3 = 400
40 4 2
v2 − v1 v2 − v3
+ − 28 = 0 so −2v1 + 3v2 − v3 = 112
2 4
v3 v3 − v2
+ + 28 = 0 so 0v1 − v2 + 3v3 = −112
2 4
Solving, v1 = 60 V; v2 = 73 V; v3 = −13 V,
40 − 60
[b] ig = = −5 A
pg = (40)(−5) = −200 W

Thus the 40 V source delivers 200 W of power.

vo − v1 vo − v2 vo − v3 vo − vn
P 4.16 [a] + + + ··· + =0
.·. nvo = v1 + v2 + v3 + · · · + vn
1 1 Xn
. ·. v o = [v1 + v2 + v3 + · · · + vn ] = vk
n n k=1
[b] vo = (100 + 80 − 60) = 40 V

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4–28 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

v1 v1 v1 − v2
P 4.17 [a] −25 + + + = 0 so 21v1 − 16v2 + 0i∆ = 4000
40 160 10
v2 − v1 v2 v2 − 84i∆
+ + = 0 so − 16v1 + 44v2 − 1680i∆ = 0
10 20 8
i∆ = so v1 + (0)v2 − 160i∆ = 0
Solving, v1 = 352 V; v2 = 212 V; i∆ = 2.2 A;
212 − 84(2.2)
idepsource = = 3.4 A
p84i∆ = 84(2.2)(3.4) = 628.32 W(abs)

p25A = −25(352) = −8800 W(del)

.·. pdev = 8800 W

X (352)2 (352)2 (352 − 212)2 (212)2
[b] pabs = + + +
40 160 10 20
+(3.4)2 (8) + 628.32 = 8800 W

. ·.
pdev = pabs = 8800 W

vo vo + 5i∆ vo − 80 vo − 80
P 4.18 −3 + + + = 0; i∆ =
200 10 20 20
[a] Solving, vo = 50 V
vo + 5i∆
[b] ids =
i∆ = (50 − 80)/20 = −1.5 A

.·. ids = 4.25 A; 5i∆ = −7.5 V : pds = (−5i∆ )(ids) = 31.875 W

[c] p3A = −3vo = −3(50) = −150 W (del)

p80V = 80i∆ = 80(−1.5) = −120 W (del)

pdel = 150 + 120 = 270 W

p200Ω = 2500/200 = 12.5 W

p20Ω = (80 − 50)2 /20 = 900/20 = 45 W

p10Ω = (4.25)2 (10) = 180.625 W

pdiss = 31.875 + 180.625 + 12.5 + 45 = 270 W

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Problems 4–29

P 4.19

vo − 160 vo vo − 150iσ vo
+ + = 0; iσ = −
10 100 50 100

Solving, vo = 100 V; iσ = −1 A

100 − (150)(−1)
io = =5A

p150iσ = 150iσ io = −750 W

.·. The dependent voltage source delivers 750 W to the circuit.

P 4.20 [a]

io =
v1 v1 − v2
−5io + + =0 so 10v1 − 13v2 + 0v3 = 0
20 5
v2 − v1 v2 v2 − v3
+ + so −8v1 + 13v2 − 4v3 = 0
5 40 10
v3 − v2 v3 − 11.5io v3 − 96
+ + =0 so 0v1 − 63v2 + 220v3 = 9600
10 5 4
Solving, v1 = 156 V; v2 = 120 V; v3 = 78 V
v2 120
[b] io = = =3A
40 40
v3 − 11.5io 78 − 11.5(3)
i3 = = = 8.7 A
5 5
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4–30 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

78 − 96
ig = = −4.5 A
p5io = −5io v1 = −5(3)(156) = −2340 W(dev)

p11.5io = 11.5io i3 = 11.5(3)(8.7) = 300.15 W(abs)

p96V = 96(−4.5) = −432 W(dev)

pdev = 2340 + 432 = 2772 W

X 1562 (156 − 120)2 1202 (120 − 78)2
pdis = + + +
20 5 40 50
+(8.7)2(5) + (4.5)2 (4) + 300.15 = 2772 W

. ·.
pdev = pdis = 2772 W

P 4.21

v1 v1 − v2 v1 − 20
+ + =0 so 22v1 − 6v2 = 300
30,000 5000 2000
v2 v2 − v1 v2 − 20
+ + =0 so −v1 + 7v2 = 20
1000 5000 5000

Solving, v1 = 15 V; v2 = 5 V

v1 − v2
Thus, io = = 2 mA
P 4.22 [a]

There is only one node voltage equation:

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Problems 4–31

va + 30 va va − 80
+ + + 0.01 = 0
5000 500 1000
va + 30 + 10va + 5va − 400 + 50 = 0 so 16va = 320
. ·. va = 20 V
Calculate the currents:
i1 = (−30 − 20)/5000 = −10 mA
i2 = 20/500 = 40 mA
i4 = 80/4000 = 20 mA
i5 = (80 − 20)/1000 = 60 mA
i3 + i4 + i5 − 10 mA = 0 so i3 = 0.01 − 0.02 − 0.06 = −0.07 = −70 mA
[b] p30V = (30)(−0.01) = −0.3 W
p10mA = (20 − 80)(0.01) = −0.6 W
p80V = (80)(−0.07) = −5.6 W
p5k = (−0.01)2 (5000) = 0.5 W
p500Ω = (0.04)2 (500) = 0.8 W
p1k = (80 − 20)2 /(1000) = 3.6 W
p4k = (80)2 /(4000) = 1.6 W
pabs = 0.5 + 0.8 + 3.6 + 1.6 = 6.5 W
pdel = 0.3 + 0.6 + 5.6 = 6.5 W (checks!)

P 4.23 [a]

v2 − 230 v2 − v4 v2 − v3
+ + =0 so 3v2 − 1v3 − 1v4 + 0v5 = 230
1 1 1
v3 − v2 v3 v3 − v5
+ + =0 so −1v2 + 3v3 + 0v4 − 1v5 = 0
1 1 1

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4–32 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

v4 − v2 v4 − 230 v4 − v5
+ + =0 so −12v2 + 0v3 + 20v4 − 6v5 = 460
1 6 2
v5 − v3 v5 v5 − v4
+ + =0 so 0v2 − 12v3 − 6v4 + 20v5 = 0
1 6 2
Solving, v2 = 150 V; v3 = 80 V; v4 = 140 V; v5 = 90 V
v4 − v5 140 − 90
i2Ω = = = 25 A
2 2
p2Ω = (25)2 (2) = 1250 W
v1 − v2 v1 − v4
[b] i230V = +
1 6
230 − 150 230 − 140
= + = 80 + 15 = 95 A
1 6
p230V = (230)(95) = 21,850 W

Pdis = (80)2 (1) + (70)2 (1) + (80)2 (1) + (15)2 (6) + (10)2 (1)
+(10)2 (1) + (25)2 (2) + (15)2 (6) = 21,850 W

P 4.24

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Problems 4–33

The two node voltage equations are:

v1 − 50 v1 v1 − v2
+ + = 0
80 50 40
v2 − v1 v2 v2 − 50
− 0.75 + + = 0
40 200 800
Place these equations in standard form:
1 1 1 1 50
v1 + + + v2 − =
80 50 40 40 80
1 1 1 1 50
v1 − + v2 + + = 0.75 +
40 40 200 800 800
Solving, v1 = 34 V; v2 = 53.2 V.
Thus, vo = v2 − 50 = 53.2 − 50 = 3.2 V.
ig = (50 − 34)/80 + (50 − 53.2)/800 = 196 m A
p50V = −(50)(0.196) = −9.8 W
p80Ω = (50 − 34)2 /80 = 3.2 W
p800Ω = (50 − 53.2)2 /800 = 12.8 m W
p40Ω = (53.2 − 34)2 /40 = 9.216 W
p50Ω = 342 /50 = 23.12 W
p200Ω = 53.22 /200 = 14.1512 W
p0.75A = −(53.2)(0.75) = −39.9 W
pabs = 3.2 + .0128 + 9.216 + 23.12 + 14.1512 = 49.7 W = pdel =
9.8 + 39.9 = 49.7

P 4.25

The two node voltage equations are:

vb vb − vc
7+ + = 0
3 1
vc − vb vc − 4
−2vx + + = 0
1 2

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4–34 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

The constraint equation for the dependent source is:

vx = vc − 4
Place these equations in standard form:
vb +1 + vc(−1) + vx (0) = −7
1 4
vb(−1) + vc 1 + + vx (−2) =
2 2
vb(0) + vc(1) + vx (−1) = 4

Solving, vc = 9 V, vx = 5 V, and vo = vb = 1.5 V

P 4.26 [a]

This circuit has a supernode includes the nodes v1, v2 and the 25 V
source. The supernode equation is
v1 v2 v2
2+ + + =0
50 150 75
The supernode constraint equation is
v1 − v2 = 25
Place these two equations in standard form:
1 1 1
v1 + v2 + = −2
50 150 75
v1(1) + v2(−1) = 25
Solving, v1 = −37.5 V and v2 = −62.5 V, so vo = v1 = −37.5 V.
p2A = (2)vo = (2)(−37.5) = −75 W
The 2 A source delivers 75 W.

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Problems 4–35

This circuit now has only one non-reference essential node where the
voltage is not known – note that it is not a supernode. The KCL
equation at v1 is
v1 v1 + 25 v1 + 25
−2 + + + =0
50 150 75
Solving, v1 = 37.5 V so v0 = −v1 = −37.5 V.
p2A = (2)vo = (2)(−37.5) = −75 W
The 2 A source delivers 75 W.
[c] The choice of a reference node in part (b) resulted in one simple KCL
equation, while the choice of a reference node in part (a) resulted in a
supernode KCL equation and a second supernode constraint equation.
Both methods give the same result but the choice of reference node in
part (b) yielded fewer equations to solve, so is the preferred method.

P 4.27 Place 5v∆ inside a supernode and use the lower node as a reference. Then

v∆ − 15 v∆ v∆ − 5v∆ v∆ − 5v∆
+ + + =0
10 2 20 40

12v∆ = 60; v∆ = 5 V

vo = v∆ − 5v∆ = −4(5) = −20 V

P 4.28

Node equations:

v1 v1 − 20 v3 − v2 v3
+ + + + 3.125v∆ = 0
20 2 4 80

v2 v2 − v3 v2 − 20
+ + =0
40 4 1

Constraint equations:

v∆ = 20 − v2
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4–36 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

v1 − 35iφ = v3

iφ = v2 /40

Solving, v1 = −20.25 V; v2 = 10 V; v3 = −29 V

Let ig be the current delivered by the 20 V source, then

20 − (20.25) 20 − 10
ig = + = 30.125 A
2 1

pg (delivered) = 20(30.125) = 602.5 W

P 4.29 For the given values of v3 and v4:

v∆ = 120 − v3 = 120 − 108 = 12 V

v4 − v3 81.6 − 108
iφ = = = −3.3 A
8 8

iφ = −44 V

v1 = v4 + iφ = 81.6 − 44 = 37.6 V

Let ia be the current from right to left through the dependent voltage source:

v1 v1 − v2
ia = + = 1.88 − 20.6 = −18.72 A
20 4
Let ib be the current supplied by the 120 V source:

120 − 37.6 120 − 108

ib = + = 20.6 + 6 = 26.6 A
4 2

p120V = −(120)(26.6) = −3192 W

pCCVS = [(40/3)(−3.3)](−18.72) = −823.68 W

pVCVS = (81.6)[1.75(12)] = 1713.6 W

pdev = 3192 + 823.68 = 4015.68 W
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Problems 4–37

The total power dissipated by the resistors is

(37.6)2 (82.4)2 (12)2 (108)2

pR = + + +
2 4 2 40

= +(3.3)2 (8) + = 2302.08 W

pdiss = 2302.08 + 1713.6 = 4015.68 W

Thus, pdev = pdiss; Agree with analyst

P 4.30 From Eq. 4.16, iB = vc /(1 + β)RE

From Eq. 4.17, iB = (vb − Vo )/(1 + β)RE

From Eq. 4.19, " #

1 VCC (1 + β)RE R2 + Vo R1 R2
iB = − Vo
(1 + β)RE R1 R2 + (1 + β)RE (R1 + R2 )

VCC R2 − Vo (R1 + R2 ) [VCC R2 /(R1 + R2 )] − Vo

= =
R1 R2 + (1 + β)RE (R1 + R2) [R1R2 /(R1 + R2)] + (1 + β)RE
P 4.31 [a]

The three mesh current equations are:

−125 + 1i1 + 6(i1 − i6) + 2(i1 − i3) = 0

24i6 + 12(i6 − i3) + 6(i6 − i1) = 0

−125 + 2(i3 − i1) + 12(i3 − i6) + 1i3 = 0

Place these equations in standard form:

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4–38 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

i1 (1 + 6 + 2) + i3(−2) + i6 (−6) = 125

i1 (−6) + i3(−12) + i6(24 + 12 + 6) = 0

i1 (−2) + i3(2 + 12 + 1) + i6(−12) = 125

Solving, i1 = 23.76 A; i3 = 18.43 A; i6 = 8.66 A

Now calculate the remaining branch currents:
i2 = i1 − i3 = 5.33 A

i4 = i1 − i6 = 15.10 A

i5 = i3 − i6 = 9.77 A

[b] psources = ptop + pbottom = −(125)(23.76) − (125)(18.43)

= −2970 − 2304 = −5274 W

Thus, the power developed in the circuit is 5274 W.

Now calculate the power absorbed by the resistors:
p1top = (23.76)2 (1) = 564.54 W

p2 = (5.33)2 (2) = 56.82 W

p1bot = (18.43)2 (1) = 339.66 W

p6 = (15.10)2 (6) = 1368.06 W

p12 = (9.77)2 (12) = 1145.43 W

p24 = (8.66)2 (24) = 1799.89 W

The power absorbed by the resistors is

564.54 + 56.82 + 339.66 + 1368.06 + 1145.43 + 1799.89 = 5274 W so the
power balances.

P 4.32 [a]

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Problems 4–39

The three mesh current equations are:

−128 + 5ia + 60(ia − ic ) = 0

4ic + 80(ic − ie) + 60(ic − ia ) = 0

320 + 80(ie − ic ) + 10ie = 0

Place these equations in standard form:

ia (5 + 60) + ic(−60) + ie(0) = 128

ia (−60) + ic(4 + 80 + 60) + ie(−80) = 0

ia (0) + ic(−80) + ie(80 + 10) = −320

Solving, ia = −6.8 A; ic = −9.5 A; ie = −12 A

Now calculate the remaining branch currents:
ib = ia − ic = 2.7 A

id = ic − ie = 2.5 A

[b] p128V = −(128)ia = −(128)(−6.8) = 870.4 W (abs)

p320V = (320)ie = (320)(−12) = −3840 W (dev)

Thus, the power developed in the circuit is 3840 W. Note that the
resistors cannot develop power!

P 4.33 [a]

60 = 15i1 − 10i2

−20 = −10i1 + 15i2

Solving, i1 = 5.6 A; i2 = 2.4 A

ia = i1 = 5.6 A; ib = i1 − i2 = 3.2 A; ic = −i2 = −2.4 A

[b] If the polarity of the 60 V source is reversed, we have

−60 = 15i1 − 10i2
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4–40 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

−20 = −10i1 + 15i2

i1 = −8.8 A and i2 = −7.2 A

ia = i1 = −8.8 A; ib = i1 − i2 = −1.6 A; ic = −i2 = 7.2 A

P 4.34 [a]

230 − 115 = 7i1 − 1i2 − 2i3

0 = −1i1 + 10i2 − 3i3

115 − 460 = −2i1 − 3i2 + 10i3

Solving, i1 = 4.4 A; i2 = −10.6 A; i3 = −36.8 A

p230 = −230i1 = −1012 W(del)

p115 = 115(i1 − i3) = 4738 W(abs)

p460 = 460i3 = −16,928 W(del)

. ·.
pdev = 17,940 W

[b] p6Ω = (10.6)2 (6) = 674.16 W

p1Ω = (15)2 (1) = 225 W

p3Ω = (26.2)2 (3) = 2059.32 W

p2Ω = (41.2)2 (2) = 3394.88 W

p4Ω = (4.4)2 (4) = 77.44 W

p5Ω = (36.8)2 (5) = 6771.2 W

. ·.
pabs = 4738 + 674.16 + 225 + 2059.32 + 3394.88

+77.44 + 6771.2 = 17,940 W

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Problems 4–41

P 4.35

The three mesh current equations are:

−20 + 2000(i1 − i2) + 30,000(i1 − i3) = 0

5000i2 + 5000(i2 − i3) + 2000(i2 − i1) = 0

1000i3 + 30,000(i3 − i1) + 5000(i3 − i2) = 0

Place these equations in standard form:

i1(32,000) + i2(−2000) + i3 (−30,000) = 20

i1(−2000) + i2(12,000) + i3 (−5000) = 0

i1(−30,000) + i2 (−5000) + i3(36,000) = 0

Solving, i1 = 5.5 mA; i2 = 3 mA; i3 = 5 mA

Thus, io = i3 − i2 = 2 mA.

P 4.36 [a]

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4–42 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

The four mesh current equations are:

−230 + 1(i1 − i2) + 1(i1 − i3) + 1(i1 − i4) = 0

6i2 + 1(i2 − i3) + 1(i2 − i1) = 0

2i3 + 1(i3 − i4) + 1(i3 − i1) + 1(i3 − i2) = 0

6i4 + 1(i4 − i1) + 1(i4 − i3) = 0

Place these equations in standard form:

i1 (3) + i2(−1) + i3 (−1) + i4(−1) = 230

i1 (−1) + i2(8) + i3 (−1) + i4(0) = 0

i1 (−1) + i2(−1) + i3 (5) + i4(−1) = 0

i1 (−1) + i2(0) + i3 (−1) + i4(8) = 0

Solving, i1 = 95 A; i2 = 15 A; i3 = 25 A; i4 = 15 A
The power absorbed by the 5 Ω resistor is
p5 = i23(2) = (25)2 (2) = 1250 W
[b] p230 = −(230)i1 = −(230)(95) = −21,850 W

P 4.37 [a]

25 = 30i1 − 20i2 + 0i∆

0 = −20i1 + 44i2 + 6i∆

21 = 0i1 + 0i2 + 14i∆

Solving, i1 = 1 A; i2 = 0.25 A; i∆ = 1.5 A

vo = 20(i1 − i2) = 20(0.75) = 15 V
[b] p6i∆ = 6i∆ i2 = (6)(1.5)(0.25) = 2.25 W (abs)

.·. p6i∆ (deliver) = −2.25 W

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Problems 4–43

P 4.38

−135 + 25i1 − 3i2 − 20i3 + 0iσ = 0

−3i1 + 12i2 − 4i3 + 0iσ = 0

−20i1 − 4i2 + 25i3 + 10iσ = 0

1i1 − 1i2 + 0i3 + 1iσ = 0

Solving, i1 = 64.8 A i2 = 39 A i3 = 68.4 A iσ = −25.8 A

p20Ω = (68.4 − 64.8)2 (20) = 259.2 W

P 4.39

660 = 30i1 − 10i2 − 15i3

20iφ = −10i1 + 60i2 − 50i3

0 = −15i1 − 50i2 + 90i3

iφ = i2 − i3

Solving, i1 = 42 A; i2 = 27 A; i3 = 22 A; iφ = 5 A

20iφ = 100 V
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4–44 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

p20iφ = −100i2 = −100(27) = −2700 W

.·. p20iφ (developed) = 2700 W


p660V = −660(42) = −27,720 W (dev)

Pdev = 27,720 + 2700 = 30,420 W
Pdis = (42)2 (5) + (22)2 (25) + (20)2 (15) + (5)2 (50)+
(15)2 (10)
= 30,420 W

P 4.40

Mesh equations:

53i∆ + 8i1 − 3i2 − 5i3 = 0

0i∆ − 3i1 + 30i2 − 20i3 = 30

0i∆ − 5i1 − 20i2 + 27i3 = 30

Constraint equations:

i∆ = i2 − i3

Solving, i1 = 110 A; i2 = 52 A; i3 = 60 A; i∆ = −8 A

pdepsource = 53i∆ i1 = (53)(−8)(110) = −46,640 W

Therefore, the dependent source is developing 46,640 W.

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Problems 4–45


p30V = −30i2 = −1560 W (left source)

p30V = −30i3 = −1800 W (right source)

pdev = 46,640 + 1560 + 1800 = 50 k W

p3Ω = (110 − 52)2 (3) = 10,092 W

p5Ω = (110 − 60)2 (5) = 12,500 W

p20Ω = (−8)2 (20) = 1280 W

p7Ω = (52)2 (7) = 18,928 W

p2Ω = (60)2 (2) = 7200 W

pdiss = 10,092 + 12,500 + 1280 + 18,928 + 7200 = 50 kW

P 4.41

Mesh equations:

128i1 − 80i2 = 240

−80i1 + 200i2 = 120


i1 = 3 A; i2 = 1.8 A


v1 = 40(6 − 3) = 120 V; v2 = 120(1.8 − 1) = 96 V

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4–46 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

P 4.42

120 = 32i1 − 20i2 − 7i3

−80 = −20i1 + 25i2 − 1i3

−4 = 0i1 + 0i2 + 1i3

Solving, i1 = 1.55 A; i2 = −2.12 A; i3 = −4 A

[a] v4A = 7(−4 − 1.55) + 1(−4 + 2.12)

= −40.73 V
p4A = 4v4A = 4(−40.73) = −162.92 W
Therefore, the 4 A source delivers 162.92 W.
[b] p120V = −120(1.55) = −186 W
p80V = −80(−2.12) = 169.6 W
Therefore, the total power delivered is 162.92 + 186 + 169.6 = 518.52 W
presistors = (1.55)2 (5) + (2.12)2 (4) + (3.67)2 (20) + (5.55)2 (7) + (1.88)2 (1)
= 518.52 W
pabs = 518.52 W = pdel (CHECKS)

P 4.43 [a]

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Problems 4–47

Mesh equations:
65i1 − 40i2 + 0i3 − 100io = 0

−40i1 + 55i2 − 5i3 + 11.5io = 0

0i1 − 5i2 + 9i3 − 11.5io = 0

−1i1 + 1i2 + 0i3 + 1io = 0

i1 = 7.2 A; i2 = 4.2 A; i3 = −4.5 A; io = 3 A
v1 = 20[5(3) − 7.2] = 156 V; v2 = 40(7.2 − 4.2) = 120 V

v3 = 5(4.2 + 4.5) + 11.5(3) = 78 V

[b] p5io = −5io v1 = −5(3)(156) = −2340 W

p11.5io = 11.5io (i2 − i3 ) = 11.5(3)(4.2 + 4.5) = 300.15 W

p96V = 96i3 = 96(−4.5) = −432 W

Thus, the total power dissipated in the circuit, which equals the total
power developed in the circuit is 2340 + 432 = 2772 W.

P 4.44 [a]

The mesh current equation for the right mesh is:

5400(i1 − 0.005) + 3700i1 − 150(0.005 − i1) = 0
Solving, 9250i1 = 27.75 .·. i1 = 3 mA
Then, i∆ = 5 − 3 = 2 mA
[b] vo = (0.005)(10,000) + (5400)(0.002) = 60.8 V
p5mA = −(60.8)(0.005) = −304 mW
Thus, the 5 mA source delivers 304 mW
[c] pdep source = −150i∆ i1 = (−150)(0.002)(0.003) = −0.9 mW
The dependent source delivers 0.9 mW.

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4–48 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

P 4.45

Mesh equations:

10i∆ − 4i1 = 0

−4i∆ + 24i1 + 6.5i∆ = 400

Solving, i1 = 15 A; i∆ = 16 A

v20A = 1i∆ + 6.5i∆ = 7.5(16) = 120 V

p20A = −20v20A = −(20)(120) = −2400 W (del)

p6.5i∆ = 6.5i∆ i1 = (6.5)(16)(15) = 1560 W (abs)

Therefore, the independent source is developing 2400 W, all other elements are
absorbing power, and the total power developed is thus 2400 W.

p1Ω = (16)2 (1) = 256 W

p5Ω = (20 − 16)2 (5) = 80 W

p4Ω = (1)2 (4) = 4 W

p20Ω = (20 − 15)2 (20) = 500 W

pabs = 1560 + 256 + 80 + 4 + 500 = 2400 W (CHECKS)

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Problems 4–49

P 4.46 [a]

Mesh equations:
−50 + 6i1 − 4i2 + 9i∆ = 0

−9i∆ − 4i1 + 29i2 − 20i3 = 0

Constraint equations:
i∆ = i2 ; i3 = −1.7v∆ ; v∆ = 2i1
Solving, i1 = −5 A; i2 = 16 A; i3 = 17 A; v∆ = −10 V
9i∆ = 9(16) = 144 V

ia = i2 − i1 = 21 A

ib = i2 − i3 = −1 A

vb = 20ib = −20 V

p50V = −50i1 = 250 W (absorbing)

p9i∆ = −ia(9i∆ ) = −(21)(144) = −3024 W (delivering)

p1.7V = −1.7v∆ vb = i3 vb = (17)(−20) = −340 W (delivering)

[b] Pdev = 3024 + 340 = 3364 W

Pdis = 250 + (−5)2 (2) + (21)2 (4) + (16)2 (5) + (−1)2 (20)

= 3364 W

P 4.47 [a]

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4–50 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

Supermesh equations:
1000ib + 4000(ic − id ) + 500(ic − ia) = 0

ic − ib = 0.01

Two remaining mesh equations:

5500ia − 500ic = −30

4000id − 4000ic = −80

In standard form,
−500ia + 1000ib + 4500ic − 4000id = 0

0ia − 1ib + 1ic + 0id = 0.01

5500ia + 0ib − 500ic + 0id = −30

0ia + 0ib − 4000ic + 4000id = −80

ia = −10 mA; ib = −60 mA; ic = −50 mA; id = −70 mA
i1 = ia = −10 mA; i2 = ia − ic = 40 mA; i3 = id = −70 mA
[b] psources = 30(−0.01) + [1000(−0.06)](0.01) + 80(−0.07) = −6.5 W

presistors = 1000(0.06)2 + 5000(0.01)2 + 500(0.04)2

+4000(−0.05 + 0.07)2 = 6.5 W

P 4.48

−20 + 4i1 + 9i2 − 90 + 6i2 + 1i1 = 0; i1 − i2 = 6

Solving, i1 = 10 A; i2 = 4 A

p20V = −20i1 = −200 W (diss)

p4 Ω = (10)2 (4) = 400 W

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Problems 4–51

p1 Ω = (10)2 (1) = 100 W

p9 Ω = (4)2 (9) = 144 W

p6 Ω = (4)2 (6) = 96 W

vo = 9(4) − 90 + 6(4) = −30 V

p6A = 6vo = −180 W

p90V = −90i2 = −360 W

pdev = 200 + 180 + 360 = 740 W

pdiss = 400 + 100 + 144 + 96 = 740 W

Thus the total power dissipated is 740 W.

P 4.49 [a] Summing around the supermesh used in the solution to Problem 4.48 gives
−60 + 4i1 + 9i2 − 90 + 6i2 + 1i1 = 0; i1 − i2 = 6

.·. i1 = 12 A; i2 = 6 A

p60V = −60(12) = −720 W (del)

vo = 9(6) − 90 + 6(6) = 0 V

p6A = 6vo = 0 W

p90V = −90i2 = −540 W (del)

pdiss = (12)2 (4 + 1) + (6)2 (9 + 6) = 1260 W


pdev = 720 + 0 + 540 = 1260 W = pdiss

[b] With 6 A current source replaced with a short circuit

5i1 = 60; 15i2 = 90
i1 = 12 A, i2 = 6 A

. ·.
Psources = −(60)(12) − (90)(6) = −1260 W

[c] A 6 A source with zero terminal voltage is equivalent to a short circuit

carrying 6 A.
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4–52 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

P 4.50 [a]

−4id + 10(ie − id ) + 5(ie − ix ) = 0

5(ix − ie ) + 10(id − ie ) − 240 + 40(ix − 19) = 0

id − ix = 2ib = 2(ie − ix )

Solving, id = 10 A; ie = 18 A; ix = 26 A
ia = 19 − ix = −7 A; ib = ie − ix = −8 A; ic = ie − id = 8 A;
[b] va = 40ia = −280 V; vb = 5ib + 40ia = −320 V

p19A = −19va = 5320 W

p4id = −4id ie = −720 W

p2ia = −2ib vb = −5120 W

p240V = −240id = −2400 W

p40Ω = (7)2 (40) = 1960 W =

p5Ω = (8)2 (5) = 320 W

p10Ω = (8)2 (10) = 640 W

Pgen = 720 + 5120 + 2400 = 8240 W
Pdiss = 5320 + 1960 + 320 + 640 = 8240 W

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Problems 4–53

P 4.51 [a]

200 = 85i1 − 25i2 − 50i3

0 = −75i1 + 35i2 + 150i3 (supermesh)

i3 − i2 = 4.3(i1 − i2)

Solving, i1 = 4.6 A; i2 = 5.7 A; i3 = 0.97 A

ia = i2 = 5.7 A; ib = i1 = 4.6 A

ic = i3 = 0.97 A; id = i1 − i2 = −1.1 A

ie = i1 − i3 = 3.63 A

[b] 10i2 + vo + 25(i2 − i1) = 0

.·. vo = −57 − 27.5 = −84.5 V

p4.3id = −vo (4.3id) = −(−84.5)(4.3)(−1.1) = −399.685 W(dev)

p200V = −200(4.6) = −920 W(dev)

Pdev = 1319.685 W
Pdis = (5.7)2 10 + (1.1)2 (25) + (0.97)2 100 + (4.6)2 (10)+
(3.63)2 (50)
= 1319.685 W

. ·.
Pdev = Pdis = 1319.685 W

P 4.52 [a] The node voltage method requires summing the currents at two
supernodes in terms of four node voltages and using two constraint
equations to reduce the system of equations to two unknowns. If the
connection at the bottom of the circuit is used as the reference node,
then the voltages controlling the dependent sources are node voltages.
This makes it easy to formulate the constraint equations. The current in
the 20 V source is obtained by summing the currents at either terminal of
the source.
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4–54 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

The mesh current method requires summing the voltages around the two
meshes not containing current sources in terms of four mesh currents. In
addition the voltages controlling the dependent sources must be
expressed in terms of the mesh currents. Thus the constraint equations
are more complicated, and the reduction to two equations and two
unknowns involves more algebraic manipulation. The current in the 20 V
source is found by subtracting two mesh currents.
Because the constraint equations are easier to formulate in the node
voltage method, it is the preferred approach.

Node voltage equations:

v1 v2
+ 0.003v∆ + − 0.2 = 0
100 250
v3 v4
0.2 + + − 0.003v∆ = 0
100 200
v2 = va ; v3 = v∆ ; v4 − v3 = 0.4va ; v2 − v1 = 20
Solving, v1 = 24 V; v2 = 44 V; v3 = −72 V; v4 = −54 V.
io = 0.2 − = 24 m A
p20V = 20(0.024) = 480 m W

Thus, the 20 V source absorbs 480 mW.

P 4.53 [a] There are three unknown node voltages and only two unknown mesh
currents. Use the mesh current method to minimize the number of
simultaneous equations.

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Problems 4–55


The mesh current equations:

2500(i1 − 0.01) + 2000i1 + 1000(i1 − i2 ) = 0
5000(i2 − 0.01) + 1000(i2 − i1 ) + 1000i2 = 0
Place the equations in standard form:
i1 (2500 + 2000 + 1000) + i2 (−1000) = 25
i1 (−1000) + i2(5000 + 1000 + 1000) = 50
Solving, i1 = 6 mA; i2 = 8 mA
Find the power in the 1 kΩ resistor:
i1k = i1 − i2 = −2 m A
p1k = (−0.002)2 (1000) = 4 mW
[c] No, the voltage across the 10 A current source is readily available from the
mesh currents, and solving two simultaneous mesh-current equations is
less work than solving three node voltage equations.
[d] vg = 2000i1 + 1000i2 = 12 + 8 = 20 V
p10mA = −(20)(0.01) = −200 m W
Thus the 10 mA source develops 200 mW.

P 4.54 [a] There are three unknown node voltages and three unknown mesh currents,
so the number of simultaneous equations required is the same for both
methods. The node voltage method has the advantage of having to solve
the three simultaneous equations for one unknown voltage provided the
connection at either the top or bottom of the circuit is used as the
reference node. Therefore recommend the node voltage method.

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4–56 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

The node voltage equations are:

v1 v1 − v2 v1 − v3
+ + = 0
5000 2500 1000
v2 v2 − v1 v2 − v3
−0.01 + + + = 0
4000 2500 2000
v3 − v1 v3 − v2 v3
+ + = 0
1000 2000 1000
Putthe equations in standard form:
1 1 1 1 1
v1 + + + v2 − + v3 − = 0
5000 2500 1000 2500 1000
1 1 1 1 1
v1 − + v2 + + + v3 − = 0.01
2500 4000 2500 2000 2000
1 1 1 1 1
v1 − + v2 − + v3 + + = 0
1000 2000 2000 1000 1000
Solving, v1 = 6.67 V; v2 = 13.33 V; v3 = 5.33 V
p10m = −(13.33)(0.01) = −133.33 m W
Therefore, the 10 mA source is developing 133.33 mW

P 4.55 [a] Both the mesh-current method and the node-voltage method require three
equations. The mesh-current method is a bit more intuitive due to the
presence of the voltage sources. We choose the mesh-current method,
although technically it is a toss-up.

125 = 10i1 − 0.5i2 − 9.2i3

125 = −0.5i1 + 20i2 − 19.2i3
0 = −9.2i1 − 19.2i2 + 40i3
Solving, i1 = 32.25 A; i2 = 26.29 A; i3 = 20.04 A
v1 = 9.2(i1 − i3) = 112.35 V
v2 = 19.2(i2 − i3) = 120.09 V
v3 = 11.6i3 = 232.44 V

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Problems 4–57

[c] pR1 = (i1 − i3)2 (9.2) = 1371.93 W

pR2 = (i2 − i3)2 (19.2) = 751.13 W
pR3 = i23(11.6) = 4657.52 W
[d] pdev = 125(i1 + i2) = 7317.72 W
pload = 6780.58 W

% delivered = × 100 = 92.66%

250 = 29i1 − 28.4i2

0 = −28.4i1 + 40i2

Solving, i1 = 28.29 A; i2 = 20.09 A

i1 − i2 = 8.2 A
v1 = (8.2)(9.2) = 75.44 V
v2 = (8.2)(19.2) = 157.44 V
Note v1 is low and v2 is high. Therefore, loads designed for 125 V would
not function properly, and could be damaged.

P 4.56

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4–58 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

The mesh current equations:

125 = (R + 0.8)ia − 0.5ib − Ric
125 = −0.5ia + (R + 0.8)ib − Ric

.·. (R + 0.8)ia − 0.5ib − Ric = −0.5ia + (R + 0.8)ib − Ric

.·. (R + 0.8)ia − 0.5ib = −0.5ia + (R + 0.8)ib

.·. (R + 1.3)ia = (R + 1.3)ib


ia = ib so io = ib − ia = 0

P 4.57 [a]

Write the mesh current equations. Note that if io = 0, then i1 = 0:

−23 + 5(−i2) + 10(−i3 ) + 46 = 0
30i2 + 15(i2 − i3 ) + 5i2 = 0
Vdc + 25i3 − 46 + 10i3 + 15(i3 − i2) = 0
Place the equations in standard form:
i2 (−5) + i3(−10) + Vdc(0) = −23
i2 (30 + 15 + 5) + i3(−15) + Vdc (0) = 0
i2 (−15) + i3(25 + 10 + 15) + Vdc (1) = 46
Solving, i2 = 0.6 A; i3 = 2 A; Vdc = −45 V
Thus, the value of Vdc required to make io = 0 is −45 V.

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Problems 4–59

[b] Calculate the power:

p23V = −(23)(0) = 0 W
p46V = −(46)(2) = −92 W
pVdc = (−45)(2) = −90 W
p30Ω = (30)(0.6)2 = 10.8 W
p5Ω = (5)(0.6)2 = 1.8 W
p15Ω = (15)(2 − 0.6)2 = 29.4 W
p10Ω = (10)(2)2 = 40 W
p20Ω = (20)(0)2 = 0 W
p25Ω = (25)(2)2 = 100 W
pdev = 92 + 90 = 182 W
pdis = 10.8 + 1.8 + 29.4 + 40 + 0 + 100 = 182 W(checks)

P 4.58 Choose the reference node so that a node voltage is identical to the voltage
across the 4 A source; thus:

Since the 4 A source is developing 0 W, v1 must be 0 V.

Since v1 is known, we can sum the currents away from node 1 to find v2; thus:

0 − (240 + v2 ) 0 − v2 0
+ + −4=0
12 20 15

.·. v2 = −180 V

Now that we know v2 we sum the currents away from node 2 to find v3; thus:

v2 + 240 − 0 v2 − 0 v2 − v3
+ + =0
12 20 40

.·. v3 = −340 V

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4–60 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

Now that we know v3 we sum the currents away from node 3 to find idc; thus:

v3 v3 − v2
+ = idc
50 40

.·. idc = −10.8 A

P 4.59 [a] Apply source transformations to both current sources to get

−(5.4 + 0.6)
io = = −1 mA
2700 + 2300 + 1000

The node voltage equations:

v1 v1 − v2
−2 × 10−3 + + = 0
2700 2300
v2 v2 − v1
+ + 0.6 × 10−3 = 0
1000 2300
Place  these equations in  standard form:
1 1 1
v1 + + v2 − = 2 × 10−3
2700 2300 2300
1 1 1
v1 − + v2 + = −0.6 × 10−3
2300 1000 2300
Solving, v1 = 2.7 V; v2 = 0.4 V
v2 − v1
. ·. i o = = −1 mA
P 4.60 [a] Applying a source transformation to each current source yields

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Problems 4–61

Now combine the 12 V and 5 V sources into a single voltage source and
the 6 Ω, 6 Ω and 5 Ω resistors into a single resistor to get

Now use a source transformation on each voltage source, thus

which can be reduced to

. ·. i o = − (1) = −0.85 A

34ia − 17ib = 12 + 5 + 34 = 51

−17ia + 18.5ib = −34

Solving, ib = −0.85 A = io

P 4.61 [a]

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4–62 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

io = = 4 mA

va = (15,000)(0.004) = 60 V
ia = = 1 mA
ib = 12 − 1 − 4 = 7 mA
vb = 60 − (0.007)(4000) = 32 V
ig = 0.007 − = 6.6 mA
p100V = −(100)(6.6 × 10−3 ) = −660 mW

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Problems 4–63

p12mA = −(60)(12 × 10−3 ) = −720 mW
Pdev = 660 + 720 = 1380 mW
Pdis = (20,000)(6.6 × 10−3 )2 + (80,000)(0.4 × 10−3 )2 + (4000)(7 × 10−3 )2
+(60,000)(1 × 10−3 )2 + (15,000)(4 × 10−3 )2
= 1380 mW

P 4.62 [a] First remove the 16 Ω and 260 Ω resistors:

Next use a source transformation to convert the 1 A current source and

40 Ω resistor:

which simplifies to

. ·. v o =
(480) = 400 V
[b] Return to the original circuit with vo = 400 V:

ig = + 1.6 = 3.6 A
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4–64 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

p520V = −(520)(3.6) = −1872 W

Therefore, the 520 V source is developing 1872 W.

[c] v1 = −520 + 1.6(4 + 250 + 6) = −104 V

vg = v1 − 1(16) = −104 − 16 = −120 V

p1A = (1)(−120) = −120 W

Therefore the 1 A source is developing 120 W.

[d] pdev = 1872 + 120 = 1992 W

(104)2 (520)2
pdiss = (1)2 (16) + + (1.6)2 (260) = 1992 W
40 260
. ·.
pdiss = pdev

P 4.63 vTh = (80) = 60 V

RTh = 2.5 + = 10 Ω

P 4.64 First we make the observation that the 10 mA current source and the 10 kΩ
resistor will have no influence on the behavior of the circuit with respect to
the terminals a,b. This follows because they are in parallel with an ideal
voltage source. Hence our circuit can be simplified to


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Problems 4–65

Therefore the Norton equivalent is

P 4.65 [a] Open circuit:

v2 − 9 v2
+ − 1.8 = 0
20 70
v2 = 35 V
vTh = v2 = 30 V
Short circuit:

v2 − 9 v2
+ − 1.8 = 0
20 10
.·. v2 = 15 V
9 − 15
ia = = −0.3 A
isc = 1.8 − 0.3 = 1.5 A
RTh = = 20 Ω

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4–66 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis


RTh = (20 + 10k60 = 20 Ω (CHECKS)

P 4.66 After making a source transformation the circuit becomes

500 = 20i1 − 8i2

300 = −8i1 + 43.2i2

.·. i1 = 30 A and i2 = 12.5 A

vTh = 12i1 + 5.2i2 = 425 V

RTh = (8k12 + 5.2)k30 = 7.5 Ω

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Problems 4–67

P 4.67

50i1 − 40isc = 60 + 40

−40i1 + 48iscs = 32

Solving, isc = 7 A

RTh = 8 + = 16 Ω

P 4.68 First, find the Thévenin equivalent with respect to Ro .

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4–68 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

Ro (Ω) io (A) vo (V)

10 1.2 12
15 1.067 16
22 0.923 20.31
33 0.762 25.14
47 0.623 29.30
68 0.490 33.31

P 4.69

12.5 = vTh − 2RTh

11.7 = vTh − 18RTh

Solving the above equations for VTh and RTh yields

vTh = 12.6 V, RTh = 50 mΩ

.·. IN = 252 A, RN = 50 mΩ

P 4.70

i1 = 100/20 = 5 A
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Problems 4–69

100 = vTh − 5RTh , vTh = 100 + 5RTh

i2 = 200/50 = 4 A

200 = vTh − 4RTh , vTh = 200 + 4RTh

.·. 100 + 5RTh = 200 + 4RTh so RTh = 100Ω

vTh = 100 + 500 = 600 V

P 4.71 [a] First, find the Thévenin equivalent with respect to a,b using a succession
of source transformations.

.·. vTh = 54 V RTh = 4.5 kΩ

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4–70 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

vmeas =(85.5) = 51.3 V
51.3 − 54
[b] %error = × 100 = −5%
P 4.72

v1 = (18) = 5.143 V

v2 = (18) = 5.139 V

vTh = v1 − v2 = 5.143 − 5.139 = 3.67 mV

(500)(200) (3003)(1200)
RTh = + = 1000.24 Ω
700 4203

3.67 × 10−3
igal = = 3.5 µA

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Problems 4–71

P 4.73

The node voltage equations are:

v1 − 40 v1 v1 − v2
+ + = 0
2000 20,000 5000
v2 − v1 v2 v2 − v3 v1
+ + + 30 = 0
5000 50,000 10,000 20,000
v3 − v2 v3 v1
+ − 30 = 0
10,000 40,000 20,000
In standard form:
1 1 1 1 40
v1 + + + v2 − + v3(0) =
2000 20,000 5000 5000 2000
! ! !
1 30 1 1 1 1
v1 − + + v2 + + + v3 − =0
5000 20,000 5000 50,000 10,000 10,000
! ! !
30 1 1 1
v1 − + v2 − + v3 + =0
20,000 10,000 10,000 40,000
Solving, v1 = 24 V; v2 = −10 V; v3 = 280 V
VTh = v3 = 280 V

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4–72 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

The mesh current equations are:

−40 + 2000i1 + 20,000(i1 − i2) = 0
5000i2 + 50,000(i2 − isc) + 20,000(i2 − i1) = 0
50,000(isc − i2 ) + 10,000(isc − 30i∆ ) = 0
The constraint equation is:

i∆ = i1 − i2

Put these equations in standard form:

i1(22,000) + i2(−20,000) + isc (0) + i∆ (0) = 40
i1(−20,000) + i2 (75,000) + isc (−50,000) + i∆ (0) = 0
i1(0) + i2(−50,000) + isc (60,000) + i∆ (−300,000) = 0
i1(−1) + i2 (1) + isc(0) + i∆ (1) = 0
Solving, i1 = 13.6 mA; i2 = 12.96 mA; isc = 14 mA; i∆ = 640 µA
RTh = = 20 kΩ

P 4.74


v2 = −80ib (50 × 103 ) = −40 × 105 ib

4 × 10−5 v2 = −160ib

1310ib + 4 × 10−5 v2 = 1310ib − 160ib = 1150ib

So 1150ib is the voltage across the 100 Ω resistor.

From KCL at the top left node, 500 µA = + ib = 12.5ib
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Problems 4–73

500 × 10−6
.·. ib = = 40 µA

vTh = −40 × 105 (40 × 10−6 ) = −160 V


v2 = 0; isc = −80ib

ib = (500 × 10−6 ) = 35.46 µA
100 + 1310

isc = −80(35.46) = −2837 µA

RTh = = 56.4 kΩ
−2837 × 10−6

P 4.75 [a] Use source transformations to simplify the left side of the circuit.

7.7 − 5.5
ib = = 0.1 mA
Let Ro = Rmeter k1.3 kΩ = 5.5/4.4 = 1.25 kΩ
(Rmeter)(1.3) (1.25)(1.3)
. ·. = 1.25; Rmeter = = 32.5 kΩ
Rmetere + 1.3 0.05
[b] Actual value of ve :
ib = = 0.0972 mA
22 + (44)(1.3)
ve = 44ib (1.3) = 5.56 V
5.5 − 5.56
% error = × 100 = −1.1%
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4–74 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

P 4.76 [a] Find the Thévenin equivalent with respect to the terminals of the
ammeter. This is most easily done by first finding the Thévenin with
respect to the terminals of the 4.8 Ω resistor.
Thévenin voltage: note iφ is zero.

vTh vTh vTh vTh − 16

+ + + =0
100 25 20 2
Solving, vTh = 20 V.
Short-circuit current:

isc = 12 + 2isc , .·. isc = −12 A

RTh = = −(5/3) Ω

Rtotal = = 3.33 Ω
Rmeter = 3.33 − 3.13 = 0.2 Ω
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Problems 4–75

[b] Actual current:

iactual = = 6.38 A
6 − 6.38
% error = × 100 = −6%
P 4.77 VTh = 0, since circuit contains no independent sources.

v1 − 10i∆ v1 v1 − vT
+ + =0
10 2.5 12

vT − v1 vT − 10i∆
+ −1=0
12 6

vT − v1
i∆ =

In standard form:
1 1 1 1
v1 + + + vT − + i∆ (−1) = 0
10 2.5 12 12

1 1 1 10
v1 − + vT + + i∆ − =1
12 12 6 6

v1(1) + vT (−1) + i∆ (12) = 0


v1 = 2 V; vT = 8 V; i∆ = 0.5 A

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4–76 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

.·. RTh = = 8Ω
1 A

P 4.78 VTh = 0 since there are no independent sources in the circuit. Thus we need
only find RTh .

iT = + ia

ia = i∆ − 21i∆ = −20i∆

vT − 300i∆
i∆ = , 1000i∆ = vT

vT vT
.·. iT = − 20 = 0.08vT
10 1000

= 1/0.08 = 12.5 Ω

.·. RTh = 12.5 Ω

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Problems 4–77

P 4.79 [a]

v − 12 v − 10 v
+ + =0
12,000 20,000 12,500
Solving, v = 7.03125 V
v10k = (7.03125) = 5.625 V
.·. VTh = v − 10 = −4.375 V

RTh = [(12,000k20,000) + 2500] = 5 kΩ

Ro = RTh = 5 kΩ

pmax = (−437.5 × 10−6 )2(5000) = 957 µW

[c] The resistor closest to 5 kΩ from Appendix H has a value of 4.7 kΩ. Use
voltage division to find the voltage drop across this load resistor, and use
the voltage to find the power delivered to it:
v4.7k = (−4.375) = −2.12 V
4700 + 5000
p4.7k = = 956.12 µW
The percent error between the maximum power and the power delivered
to the best resistor from Appendix H is
% error = − 1 (100) = −0.1%
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4–78 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

P 4.80 Write KCL equations at each of the labeled nodes, place them in standard
form, and solve:

v1 v1 − v2
At v1 : − 3 × 10−3 + + =0
4000 8000

v2 − v1 v2 − 10 v2 − v3
At v2 : + + =0
8000 20,000 2500

v3 − v2 v3 v3 − 10
At v3 : + + =0
2500 10,000 5000

Standard form:
1 1 1
v1 + + v2 − + v3(0) = 0.003
4000 8000 8000
1 1 1 1 1 10
v1 − + v2 + + + v3 − =
8000 8000 20,000 2500 2500 20,000
1 1 1 1 10
v1(0) + v2 − + v3 + + =
2500 2500 10,000 5000 5000

Calculator solution:

v1 = 10.890625 V v2 = 8.671875 V v3 = 7.8125 V

Calculate currents:
10 − v2 10 − v3
i2 = = 66.40625 µ A i3 = = 437.5 µ A
20,000 5000

Calculate power delivered by the sources:

p3mA = (3 × 10−3 )v1 = (3 × 10−3 )(10.890625) = 32.671875 mW

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Problems 4–79

p10Vmiddle = i2(10) = (66.40625 × 10−6 )(10) = 0.6640625 mW

p10Vtop = i3(10) = (437.5 × 10−6 )(10) = 4.375 mW

pdeliveredtotal = 32.671875 + 0.6640625 + 4.375 = 37.7109375 mW

Calculate power absorbed by the 5 kΩ resistor and the percentage power:

p5k = i23 (5000) = (437.5 × 10−6 )2(5000) = 0.95703125 mW

% delivered to Ro : (100) = 2.54%

P 4.81 [a] Since 0 ≤ Ro ≤ ∞ maximum power will be delivered to the 6 Ω resistor

when Ro = 0.
[b] P = = 150 W
P 4.82 [a] From the solution to Problem 4.68 we have
Ro (Ω) po (W)
10 14.4
15 17.07
22 18.75
33 19.16
47 18.26
68 16.31
The 33 Ω resistor dissipates the most power, because its value is closest to
the Thévenin equivalent resistance of the circuit.

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4–80 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

[c] Ro = 33 Ω, po = 19.16 W. Compare this to Ro = RTh = 30 Ω, which

then gives the maximum power delivered to the load, po (max) = 19.2 W.

P 4.83 We begin by finding the Thévenin equivalent with respect to Ro . After making
a couple of source transformations the circuit simplifies to

160 − 30i∆
i∆ = ; i∆ = 2 A

VTh = 20i∆ + 30i∆ = 50i∆ = 100 V

Using the test-source method to find the Thévenin resistance gives

vT vT − 30(−vT /30)
iT = +
30 20

iT 1 1 4 2
= + = =
vT 30 10 30 15

vT 15
RTh = = = 7.5 Ω
iT 2

Thus our problem is reduced to analyzing the circuit shown below.


p= Ro = 250
7.5 + Ro
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Problems 4–81

Ro = 250
R2o + 15Ro + 56.25

104 Ro
= R2o + 15Ro + 56.25

40Ro = R2o + 15Ro + 56.25

R2o − 25Ro + 56.25 = 0

Ro = 12.5 ± 156.25 − 56.25 = 12.5 ± 10

Ro = 22.5 Ω

Ro = 2.5 Ω

P 4.84 [a] From the solution of Problem 4.73 we have RTh = 20 kΩ and VTh = 280 V.
Ro = RTh = 20 kΩ
[b] p = = 980 mW

The node voltage equations are:

v1 − 40 v1 v1 − v2
+ + = 0
2000 20,000 5000
v2 − v1 v2 v2 − v3
+ + + 30i∆ = 0
5000 50,000 10,000
v3 − v2 v3 v3
+ − 30i∆ + = 0
10,000 40,000 20,000
The dependent source constraint equation is:
i∆ =

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4–82 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

Place these equations in standard

! form:
1 1 1 1 40
v1 + + + v2 − + v3 (0) + i∆ (0) =
2000 20,000 5000 5000 2000
! !
1 1 1 1 1
v1 − + v2 + + + v3 − + i∆ (30) = 0
4000 4000 50,000 10,000 10,000
! !
1 1 1 1
v1 (0) + v2 − + v3 + + + i∆ (−30) = 0
10,000 10,000 40,000 20,000
v1 + v2(0) + v3(0) + i∆ (1) = 0
Solving, v1 = 18.4 V; v2 = −31 V; v3 = 140 V; i∆ = 920 µA
Calculate the power:
40 − 18.4
ig = = 10.8 mA
p40V = −(40)(10.8 × 10−3 ) = −432 mW
pXdep source = (v2 − v3 )(30i∆ ) = −4719.6 mW
pdev = 432 + 4719.6 = 5151.6 mW
980 × 10−3
% delivered = × 100 = 19.02%
5151.6 × 10−3
[d] There are two resistor values in Appendix H that fit the criterion – 18 kΩ
and 22 kΩ. Let’s use the Thévenin equivalent circuit to calculate the
power delivered to each in turn, first by calculating the current through
the load resistor and then using the current to calculate to power
delivered to the load:
i18k = = 7.368 m A
20,000 + 18,000

p18k = (7.368)2 (18,000) = 977.17 m W

i22k = = 6.667 m A
20,000 + 22,000
p22k = (6.667)2 (22,000) = 977.88 m W

We select the 22 kΩ resistor, as the power delivered to it is closer to the

maximum power of 980 mW.

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Problems 4–83

[e] Now substitute the 22 kΩ resistor into the original circuit and calculate
the power developed by the sources in this circuit:

The node voltage equations are:

v1 − 40 v1 v1 − v2
+ + = 0
2000 20,000 5000
v2 − v1 v2 v2 − v3
+ + + 30i∆ = 0
5000 50,000 10,000
v3 − v2 v3 v3
+ − 30i∆ + = 0
10,000 40,000 22,000
The dependent source constraint equation is:
i∆ =
Place these equations in standard
! form:
1 1 1 1 40
v1 + + + v2 − + v3 (0) + i∆ (0) =
2000 20,000 5000 5000 2000
! !
1 1 1 1 1
v1 − + v2 + + + v3 − + i∆ (30) = 0
5000 5000 50,000 10,000 10,000
! !
1 1 1 1
v1 (0) + v2 − + v3 + + + i∆ (−30) = 0
10,000 10,000 40,000 22,000
v1 + v2(0) + v3(0) + i∆ (1) = 0
Solving, v1 = 18.67 V; v2 = −30 V; v3 = 146.67 V; i∆ = 933.3 µA
Calculate the power:
40 − 18.67
ig = = 10.67 mA
p40V = −(40)(10.67 × 10−3 ) = −426.67 mW
pXdep source = (v2 − v3 )(30i∆ ) = −4946.67 mW
pdev = 426.67 + 4946.67 = 5373.33 mW
pL = (146.67)2 /22,000 = 977.78 mW
977.78 × 10−3
% delivered = × 100 = 18.20%
5373.33 × 10−3

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4–84 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

P 4.85 [a] Open circuit voltage

Node voltage equations:

v1 − 24 v1 − 6i∆ v1 − v2
+ + =0
2 4 5
v2 − v1
− 0.85v∆ = 0
Constraint equations:
v1 − v2
i∆ = ; v∆ = 24 − v1
Solving, v2 = 84 V = vTh
Thévenin resistance using a test source:

v1 v1 − 6i∆ v1 − vT
+ + =0
2 4 5
vT − v1
− 0.85v∆ − 1 = 0
v1 − vT
i∆ = ; v∆ = −v1
Solving, vT = 10
RTh = = 10 Ω
.·. Ro = RTh = 10 Ω

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Problems 4–85


pmax = = 176.4 W

v1 − 24 v1 − 6i∆ v1 − 42
+ + =0
2 4 5
v1 − 42
i∆ =
Solving, v1 = 12 V; i∆ = −6 A; v∆ = 24 − v1 = 24 − 12 = 12 V
24 − v1
i24V = =6A
p24V = −24i24V = −24(6) = −144 W
v1 − 6i∆
iCCVS = = 12 A
pCCVS = [6(−6)](12) = −432 W

pVCCS = −[0.85(12)](42) = −428.4 W

pdev = 144 + 432 + 428.4 = 1004.4 W

% delivered = × 100 = 17.56%

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4–86 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

P 4.86 Find the Thévenin equivalent with respect to the terminals of Ro .

Open circuit voltage:

(440 − 220) = 5ia − 2ib − 3ic

0 = −2ia + 10ib − 1ic

ic = 0.5v∆ ; v∆ = 2(ia − ib )

Solving, ib = 26.4 A

.·. vTh = 7ib = 184.8 V

Short circuit current:

440 − 220 = 5ia − 2isc − 3ic

0 = −2ia + 3isc − 1ic

ic = 0.5v∆ ; v∆ = 2(ia − isc)

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Problems 4–87

Solving, isc = 60 A; ia = 80 A; ic = 20 A

RTh = vTh /isc = 184.8/60 = 3.08 Ω

Ro = 3.08 Ω

Therefore, the Thévenin equivalent circuit configured for maximum power to

the load is

From this circuit,

pmax = = 2772 W
With Ro equal to 3.08 Ω the original circuit becomes

440 − 220 = 5ia − 2ib − 3ic

ic = 0.5v∆ ; v∆ = 2(ia − ib )

−92.4 = −2ia + 3ib − 1ic

Solving, ia = 88.4 A; ib = 43.2 A; ic = 45.2 A

v∆ = 2(88.4 − 43.2) = 90.4 V

p440V = −(440)(88.4) = −38,896 W

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4–88 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

p220V = (220)(88.4 − 45.2) = 9504 W

pdep.source = (440 − 92.4)[0.5(90.4)] = 15,711.52 W

Therefore, only the 440 V source supplies power to the circuit, and the power
supplied is 38,896 W.

% delivered = = 7.13%

P 4.87 [a] Find the Thévenin equivalent with respect to the terminals of RL .
Open circuit voltage:

The mesh current equations are:

−240 + 3(i1 − i2) + 20(i1 − i3) + 2i1 = 0
2i2 + 4(i2 − i3) + 3(i2 − i1) = 0
10iβ + 1i3 + 20(i3 − i1) + 4(i3 − i2) = 0
The dependent source constraint equation is:
iβ = i2 − i1
Place these equations in standard form:
i1 (3 + 20 + 2) + i2 (−3) + i3(−20) + iβ (0) = 240
i1 (−3) + i2(2 + 4 + 3) + i3 (−4) + iβ (0) = 0
i1 (−20) + i2(−4) + i3(1 + 20 + 4) + iβ (10) = 0
i1 (−1) + i2(1) + i3 (0) + iβ (−1) = 0
Solving, i1 = 99.6 A; i2 = 78 A; i3 = 100.8 A; iβ = 21.6 A
VTh = 20(i1 − i3 ) = −24 V

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Problems 4–89

Short-circuit current:

The mesh current equations are:

−240 + 3(i1 − i2) + 2i1 = 0
2i2 + 4(i2 − i3) + 3(i2 − i1) = 0
10iβ + 1i3 + 4(i3 − i2) = 0
The dependent source constraint equation is:
iβ = i2 − i1
Place these equations in standard form:
i1 (3 + 2) + i2 (−3) + i3(0) + iβ (0) = 240
i1 (−3) + i2(2 + 4 + 3) + i3 (−4) + iβ (0) = 0
i1 (0) + i2(−4) + i3 (4 + 1) + iβ (10) = 0
i1 (−1) + i2(1) + i3 (0) + iβ (−1) = 0
Solving, i1 = 92 A; i2 = 73.33 A; i3 = 96 A; iβ = 18.67 A
VTh −24
isc = i1 − i3 = −4 A; RTh = = = 6Ω
isc −4

RL = RTh = 6 Ω
[b] pmax = = 24 W

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4–90 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

P 4.88 [a] First find the Thévenin equivalent with respect to Ro .

Open circuit voltage: iφ = 0; 50iφ = 0

v1 v1 − 280 v1 − 280 v1
+ + + + 0.5125v∆ = 0
100 10 25 400
(280 − v1)
v∆ = 5 = 56 − 0.2v1
v1 = 210 V; v∆ = 14 V
VTh = 280 − v∆ = 280 − 14 = 266 V
Short circuit current

v1 v1 − 280 v2 v2
+ + + + 0.5125(280) = 0
100 10 20 400
v∆ = 280 V
v2 + 50iφ = v1
280 v2
iφ = + = 56 + 0.05v2
5 20
v2 = −968 V; v1 = −588 V
iφ = isc = 56 + 0.05(−968) = 7.6 A
RTh = VTh /isc = 266/7.6 = 35 Ω
.·. Ro = 35 Ω
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Problems 4–91


pmax = (133)2 /35 = 505.4 W


v1 v1 − 280 v2 − 133 v2
+ + + + 0.5125(280 − 133) = 0
100 10 20 400
v2 + 50iφ = v1; iφ = 133/35 = 3.8 A

Therefore, v1 = −189 V and v2 = −379 V; thus,

280 − 133 280 + 189
ig = + = 76.30 A
5 10
p280V (dev) = (280)(76.3) = 21,364 W

P 4.89 [a] We begin by finding the Thévenin equivalent with respect to the terminals
of Ro .
Open circuit voltage

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4–92 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

The mesh current equations are:

−100 + 4(i1 − i2) + 80(i1 − i3) + 16i1 = 0
124i∆ + 8(i2 − i3) + 4(i2 − i1) = 0
50 + 12i3 + 80(i3 − i1 ) + 8(i3 − i2 ) = 0
The constraint equation is:
i∆ = i3 − i1
Place these equations in standard form:
i1 (4 + 80 + 16) + i2(−4) + i3(−80) + i∆ (0) = 100
i1 (−4) + i2(8 + 4) + i3(−8) + i∆ (124) = 0
i1 (−80) + i2(−8) + i3(12 + 80 + 8) + i∆ (0) = −50
i1 (1) + i2(0) + i3(−1) + i∆ (1) = 0
Solving, i1 = 4.7 A; i2 = 10.5 A; i3 = 4.1 A; i∆ = −0.6 A
Also, VTh = vab = −80i∆ = 48 V
Now find the short-circuit current.

Note with the short circuit from a to b that i∆ is zero, hence 124i∆ is
also zero.
The mesh currents are:
−100 + 4(i1 − i2) + 16i1 = 0
8(i2 − i3) + 4(i2 − i1) = 0
50 + 12i3 + 8(i3 − i2) = 0
Place these equations in standard form:
i1 (4 + 16) + i2(−4) + i3 (0) = 100
i1 (−4) + i2(8 + 4) + i3(−8) = 0
i1 (0) + i2(−8) + i3 (12 + 8) = −50
Solving, i1 = 5 A; i2 = 0 A; i3 = −2.5 A
Then, isc = i1 − i3 = 7.5 A
RTh = 48/7.5 = 6.4 Ω

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Problems 4–93

For maximum power transfer Ro = RTh = 6.4 Ω

[b] pmax = = 90 W
[c] The resistor from Appendix H that is closest to the Thévenin resistance is
10 Ω. To calculate the power delivered to a 10 Ω load resistor, calculate
the current using the Thévenin circuit and use it to find the power
delivered to the load resistor:
i10 = = 2.927 A
6.4 + 10
p10 = 10(2.927)2 = 85.7 W

Thus, using a 10 Ω resistor selected from Appendix H will cause 85.7 W

of power to be delivered to the load, compared to the maximum power of
90 W that will be delivered if a 6.4 Ω resistor is used.

P 4.90 From the solution of Problem 4.89 we know that when Ro is 6.4 Ω, the voltage
across Ro is 24 V, positive at the upper terminal. Therefore our problem
reduces to the analysis of the following circuit. In constructing the circuit we
have used the fact that i∆ is −0.3 A, and hence 124i∆ is −37.2 V.

Using the node voltage method to find v1 and v2 yields

24 − v1 24 − v2
4.05 + + =0
4 8

2v1 + v2 = 104.4; v1 + 37.2 = v2

Solving, v1 = 22.4 V; v2 = 59.6 V.

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4–94 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

It follows that
22.4 − 100
i g1 = = −4.85 A
59.6 − 50
i g2 = = 0.8 A
59.6 − 24
i2 = = 4.45 A
ids = −4.45 − 0.8 = −5.25 A
p100V = 100ig1 = −485 W
p50V = 50ig2 = 40 W
pds = 37.2ids = −195.3 W

pdev = 485 + 195.3 = 680.3 W

.·. % delivered = (100) = 13.23%
.·. 13.23% of developed power is delivered to load
P 4.91 [a] 110 V source acting alone:

10(14) 35
Re = = Ω
24 6
110 132
i0 = = A
5 + 35/6 13
35 132 770
v0 = = V = 59.231 V
6 13 13
4 A source acting alone:

5 Ωk10 Ω = 50/15 = 10/3 Ω

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Problems 4–95

10/3 + 2 = 16/3 Ω

16/3k12 = 48/13 Ω

Hence our circuit reduces to:

It follows that

va00 = 4(48/13) = (192/13) V

−va00 5
v 00 = (10/3) = − va00 = −(120/13) V = −9.231 V
(16/3) 8
770 120
. ·. v = v 0 + v 00 = − = 50 V
13 13
[b] p = = 250 W
P 4.92 Voltage source acting alone:

10 10
io1 = = = 0.2 A
45 + (5 + 5)k10 45 + 5

vo1 = (−10) = −2.5 V
20 + 60

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4–96 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

Current source acting alone:

v2 v2 − v3
+2+ =0
5 5

v3 v3 − v2 v3
+ + =0
10 5 45

Solving, v2 = −7.25 V = vo2; v3 = −4.5 V

io2 = − = −0.1 A

i20 = (2) = 1.5 A

vo2 = −20i20 = −20(1.5) = −30 V

.·. vo = vo1 + vo2 = −2.5 − 30 = −32.5 V

io = io1 + io2 = 0.2 + 0.1 = 0.3 A

P 4.93 240 V source acting alone:

vo1 = (240) = 60 V
5 + 7 + 20k5

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Problems 4–97

84 V source acting alone:

vo2 = (−84) = −50.4 V
1 + 4 + 20k12

16 A current source acting alone:

v1 − v2 v1
+ − 16 = 0
5 7

v2 − v1 v2 v2 − v3
+ + =0
5 20 4

v3 − v2 v3
+ + 16 = 0
4 1

Solving, v2 = 18.4 V = vo3. Therefore,

vo = vo1 + vo2 + vo3 = 60 − 50.4 + 18.4 = 28 V

P 4.94 6 A source:

30 Ωk5 Ωk60 Ω = 4 Ω

.·. io1 = (6) = 4.8 A
20 + 5
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4–98 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

10 A source:

io2 = (10) = 1.6 A

75 V source:

io3 = − (15) = −2.4 A

io = io1 + io2 + io3 = 4.8 + 1.6 − 2.4 = 4 A

P 4.95 [a] By hypothesis i0o + i00o = 3 mA.

o = −5 = −1.25 mA; .·. io = 3.5 − 1.25 = 2.25 mA
[b] With all three sources in the circuit write a single node voltage equation.
vb vb − 8
+ + 5 − 10 = 0
6 2
.·. vb = 13.5 V
io = = 2.25 mA

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Problems 4–99

P 4.96 70-V source acting alone:

v 0 = 70 − 4i0b

vb0 v0
i0s = + = i0a + i0b
2 10

70 = 20i0a + vb0

70 − vb0
i0a =

vb0 v0 70 − vb0 11 v0
.·. i0b = + − = vb0 + − 3.5
2 10 20 20 10

v 0 = vb0 + 2i0b

.·. vb0 = v 0 − 2i0b

11 v0 13 0 70
.·. i0b = (v 0 − 2i0b ) + − 3.5 or i0b = v −
20 10 42 42

13 0 70 3220 1610
.·. v 0 = 70 − 4 v − or v0 = = V = 34.255 V
42 42 94 47

50-V source acting alone:

v 00 = −4i00b
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4–100 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

v 00 = vb00 + 2i00b

v 00 = −50 + 10i00d

v 00 + 50
.·. i00d =

vb00 v 00 + 50
i00s = +
2 10

vb00 v 00 v 00 v 00 + 50 11 v 00 + 50
i00b = + i00s = b + b + = vb00 +
20 20 2 10 20 10

vb00 = v 00 − 2i00b

11 v 00 + 50 13 00 100
.·. i00b = (v 00 − 2i00b ) + or i00b = v +
20 10 42 42

13 00 100 200
Thus, v = −4 v + or v 00 = − V = −4.255 V
42 42 47

1610 200 1410

Hence, v = v 0 + v 00 = − = = 30 V
47 47 47

P 4.97 Voltage source acting alone:

vo1 − 25 vo1 vo1 − 25

+ − 2.2 =0
4000 20,000 4000

Simplifying 5vo1 − 125 + vo1 − 11vo1 + 275 = 0

.·. vo1 = 30 V

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Problems 4–101

Current source acting alone:

vo2 vo2 vo2

+ + 0.005 − 2.2 =0
4000 20,000 4000

Simplifying 5vo2 + vo2 + 100 − 11vo2 = 0

.·. vo2 = 20 V

vo = vo1 + vo2 = 30 + 20 = 50 V

P 4.98

100 = 6ia − 1ib + 0ic − 2id − 2ie + 0if − 1ig

0 = −1ia + 4ib − 2ic + 0id + 0ie + 0if + 0ig
0 = 0ia − 2ib + 13ic − 3id + 0ie + 0if + 0ig
0 = −2ia + 0ib − 3ic + 9id − 4ie + 0if + 0ig
0 = −2ia + 0ib + 0ic − 4id + 9ie − 3if + 0ig
0 = 0ia + 0ib + 0ic + 0id − 3ie + 13if − 2ig
0 = −1ia + 0ib + 0ic + 0id + 0ie − 2if + 4ig

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4–102 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

A computer solution yields

ia = 30 A; ie = 15 A;
ib = 10 A; if = 5 A;
ic = 5 A; ig = 10 A;
id = 15 A

.·. i = id − ie = 0 A

CHECK: p1T = p1B = (ib )2 = (ig )2 = 100 W

p1L = (ia − ib )2 = (ia − ig )2 = 400 W
p2C = 2(ib − ic )2 = (ig − if )2 = 50 W
p3 = 3(ic − id )2 = 3(ie − if )2 = 300 W
p4 = 4(id − ie )2 = 0 W
p8 = 8(ic )2 = 8(if )2 = 200 W
p2L = 2(ia − id )2 = 2(ia − ie )2 = 450 W
pabs = 100 + 400 + 50 + 200 + 300 + 450 + 0 + 450 + 300+
200 + 50 + 400 + 100 = 3000 W
pgen = 100ia = 100(30) = 3000 W (CHECKS)

P 4.99

The mesh equations are:

−125 + 0.15ia + 18.4(ia − ic) + 0.25(ia − ib ) = 0
−125 + 0.25(ib − ia) + 38.4(ib − id) + 0.15ib = 0
0.15ic + 18.4(ic − ie) + 0.25(ic − id ) + 18.4(ic − ia) = 0
0.15id + 38.4(id − ib) + 0.25(id − ic) + 38.4(id − ie ) = 0
11.6ie + 38.4(ie − id) + 18.4(ie − ic ) = 0

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Problems 4–103

Place these equations in standard form:

ia(18.8) + ib(−0.25) + ic(−18.4) + id(0) + ie (0) = 125
ia(−0.25) + ib(38.8) + ic(0) + id(−38.4) + ie (0) = 125
ia(−18.4) + ib(0) + ic (37.2) + id(−0.25) + ie (−18.4) = 0
ia(0) + ib(−38.4) + ic (−0.25) + id (77.2) + ie (−38.4) = 0
ia(0) + ib(0) + ic (−18.4) + id(−38.4) + ie(68.4) = 0
ia = 32.77 A; ib = 26.46 A; ic = 26.33 A; id = 23.27 A; ie = 20.14 A
Find the requested voltages:
v1 = 18.4(ic − ie) = 113.90 V
v2 = 38.4(id − ie) = 120.19 V
v3 = 11.6ie = 233.62 V

P 4.100

KCL equations at nodes B, D, and E:

vB − vA vB − vE
+ − 0.1 = 0
4 7

vD vD + 13v∆
0.1 + + −5=0
2 3

vE − vB vE − vA vE
+ + +5 =0
7 5 6

Multiply the first equation by 28, the second by 6, and the third by 42 to get

−7vA + 11vB − 4vE = 2.8

5vD + 26v∆ = 29.4

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4–104 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

−8.4vA − 6vB + 21.4vE = −210

Constraint equations:

vA = 3vx ; vx = vE − vC − 0.9; v∆ = vB − vE

vA − vB
vσ = = 0.25vA − 0.25vB ; 5iσ = vB = vC

Use the constraint equations to solve for vA , vB and v∆ in terms of vC and vE :

vA = 3vE − 3vC − 2.7

15 11
vB = vE − vC − 1.5
9 9

6 11
v∆ = vE − vC − 1.5
9 9

Substitute these three expressions into the previous three equations to yield:

68vC + 0vD − 60vE = 3.6

−286vC + 45vD + 156vE = 615.6

292.8vC + 0vD − 124.2vE = −2175.12


vC = −14.3552 V; vD = −20.9474 V; vC = 16.3293 V

From the circuit diagram,

p5A = 5v5A = 5(vE − vD) = 23.09 W

Therefore the 5 A source is absorbing 23.09 W of power.

P 4.101 [a] In studying the circuit in Fig. P4.101 we note it contains six meshes and
six essential nodes. Further study shows that by replacing the parallel
resistors with their equivalent values the circuit reduces to four meshes
and four essential nodes as shown in the following diagram.
The node Voltage approach will require solving three node Voltage
equations along with equations involving v∆ and iβ .
The mesh-current approach will require writing one supermesh equation
plus three constraint equations involving the three current sources. Thus
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Problems 4–105

at the outset we know the supermesh equation can be reduced to a single

unknown current. Since we are interested in the power developed by the
1 V source, we will retain the mesh current ib and eliminate the mesh
currents ia, ic And id.
The supermesh is denoted by the dashed line in the following figure.

[b] Summing the voltages around the supermesh yields

−9iβ + ia + 0.75ib + 1 + 5ib + 7(ic − id ) + 8ic = 0
Note that iβ = ib; make that substitution and multiply the equation by
−108ib + 16ia + 9ib + 12 + 60ib + 84(ic − id) + 96ic = 0
16ia − 39ib + 180ic − 84id = −12
Use the following constraints:
ia − ic = −2; ib − ic = 3ib

. ·. ia = −2 + ic = −2 − 2ib

16(−2 − 2ib ) − 39ib + 180(−2ib ) − 84id = −12
−431ib − 84id = 20
Finally use the following constraint:
id = −6v∆ = −6 − ia = 8ia = −16 − 16ib
−431ib − 84(−16 − 16ib ) = 20
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4–106 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

913ib = −1324 and ib = −1.45 A
p1V = 1ib = −1.45 W
The 1 V source delivers 1.45 W of power.

P 4.102 [a]

v − v1 v v − v2
+ + =0
2xr R 2r(L − x)
" #
1 1 1 v1 v2
v + + = +
2xr R 2r(L − x) 2xr 2r(L − x)

v1RL + xR(v2 − v1)

RL + 2rLx − 2rx2
[b] Let D = RL + 2rLx − 2rx2
dv (RL + 2rLx − 2rx2 )R(v2 − v1) − [v1RL + xR(v2 − v1)]2r(L − 2x)
dx D2
= 0 when numerator is zero.
The numerator simplifies to
2Lv1 RL(v2 − v1) − 2rv1 L2
x2 + x+ =0
(v2 − v1) 2r(v2 − v1)
Solving for the roots of the quadratic yields
 s 
L  R 
x= −v1 ± v1 v2 − (v2 − v1)2
v2 − v1  2rL 
 s 
L  R 
[c] x = −v1 ± v1 v2 − (v1 − v2 )2
v2 − v1  2rL 

v2 = 1200 V, v1 = 1000 V, L = 16 km

r = 5 × 10−5 Ω/m; R = 3.9 Ω

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Problems 4–107

L 16,000
= = 80; v1v2 = 1.2 × 106
v2 − v1 1200 − 1000
R 2 3.9(−200)2
(v1 − v2 ) = 3
= 0.975 × 105
2rL (10 × 10 )(16 × 10 )

x = 80{−1000 ± 1.2 × 106 − 0.0975 × 106 }

= 80{−1000 ± 1050} = 80(50) = 4000 m

v1RL + R(v2 − v1)x
vmin =
RL + 2rLx − 2rx2
(1000)(3.9)(16 × 103 ) + 3.9(200)(4000)
(3.9)(16,000) + 10 × 10−5 (16,000)(4000) − 10 × 10−5 (16 × 106 )
= 975 V

P 4.103 [a]

60 75 − 60 15
voc = VTh = 75 V; iL = = 3 A; iL = =
20 RTh RTh
Therefore RTh = = 5Ω
vo VTh − vo
[b] iL = =
VTh − vo VTh
Therefore RTh = = − 1 RL
vo /RL vo
dv1 −R1 [R2(R3 + R4 ) + R3 R4 ]
P 4.104 =
dIg1 (R1 + R2 )(R3 + R4) + R3R4

dv1 R1 R3 R4
dIg2 (R1 + R2 )(R3 + R4) + R3R4

dv2 −R1 R3 R4
dIg1 (R1 + R2 )(R3 + R4 ) + R3 R4

dv2 R3 R4 (R1 + R2)

dIg2 (R1 + R2 )(R3 + R4) + R3R4
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4–108 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

P 4.105 From the solution to Problem 4.104 we have

dv1 −25[5(125) + 3750] 175

= =− V/A = −14.5833 V/A
dIg1 30(125) + 3750 12


dv2 −(25)(50)(75)
= = −12.5 V/A
dIg1 30(125) + 3750

By hypothesis, ∆Ig1 = 11 − 12 = −1 A

175 175
.·. ∆v1 = (− )(−1) = = 14.583 V
12 12

Thus, v1 = 25 + 14.583 = 39.583 V


∆v2 = (−12.5)(−1) = 12.5 V

Thus, v2 = 90 + 12.5 = 102.5 V

The PSpice solution is

v1 = 39.583 V


v2 = 102.5 V

These values are in agreement with our predicted values.

P 4.106 From the solution to Problem 4.104 we have

dv1 (25)(50)(75)
= = 12.5 V/A
dIg2 30(125) + 3750


dv2 (50)(75)(30)
= = 15 V/A
dIg2 30(125) + 3750

By hypothesis, ∆Ig2 = 17 − 16 = 1 A

.·. ∆v1 = (12.5)(1) = 12.5 V

Thus, v1 = 25 + 12.5 = 37.5 V

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Problems 4–109


∆v2 = (15)(1) = 15 V

Thus, v2 = 90 + 15 = 105 V
The PSpice solution is

v1 = 37.5 V


v2 = 105 V

These values are in agreement with our predicted values.

P 4.107 From the solutions to Problems 4.104 — 4.106 we have
dv1 175 dv1
=− V/A; = 12.5 V/A
dIg1 12 dIg2
dv2 dv2
= −12.5 V/A; = 15 V/A
dIg1 dIg2
By hypothesis,

∆Ig1 = 11 − 12 = −1 A

∆Ig2 = 17 − 16 = 1 A

∆v1 = + 12.5 = 27.0833 V
∆v2 = 12.5 + 15 = 27.5 V


v1 = 25 + 27.0833 = 52.0833 V

v2 = 90 + 27.5 = 117.5 V

The PSpice solution is

v1 = 52.0830 V


v2 = 117.5 V

These values are in agreement with our predicted values.

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4–110 CHAPTER 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis

P 4.108 By hypothesis,

∆R1 = 27.5 − 25 = 2.5 Ω

∆R2 = 4.5 − 5 = −0.5 Ω

∆R3 = 55 − 50 = 5 Ω

∆R4 = 67.5 − 75 = −7.5 Ω


∆v1 = 0.5833(2.5) − 5.417(−0.5) + 0.45(5) + 0.2(−7.5) = 4.9168 V

.·. v1 = 25 + 4.9168 = 29.9168 V

∆v2 = 0.5(2.5) + 6.5(−0.5) + 0.54(5) + 0.24(−7.5) = −1.1 V

.·. v2 = 90 − 1.1 = 88.9 V

The PSpice solution is

v1 = 29.6710 V


v2 = 88.5260 V

Note our predicted values are within a fraction of a volt of the actual values.

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