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Design Topic _________Fur Trade____ Subject(s) ____Social Studies_______ Grade(s) 7____ Designer’ Name ______Mr Zimmerman


Unit Title:The Fur Trade
Lesson Title Baymen vs Voyageurs
Outcome: 7.1.4 What was the role of mercantilism before and after the 1763 Treaty of Paris? (ER, TCC)
Essential Question: Who were the Baymen and how were they different from the Voyageurs.

Key Terms:Baymen , Factory, Canoes,Portage

Students will know:

1. Students will know the differences between the Voyageurs and the Baymen. They will learn about their way
of life and how they shaped how the fur trade developed in Canada.

Students will be able to:

1. Know the importance of trade goods on a country and struggles people go through when competing for the
same resources.

Time: Students: Teacher:

5 minutes ● Students will sit at their desks to follow instructions.
They will not talk during instruction. ● Explain what a jigsaw is.(Table group
● Students will draw a line through the centre of the working together to teach the other groups.
large sheet of paper. Each taking turns to teach the other group)
● They will write baymen/voyageur. ● Hand out The large sheets of paper. Instruct
the students to draw a line through the
center, Put Voyageur on the one side.
Baymen on the other side.
15 minutes ● Students will work with their tablegroup on ● Teacher will tell the students to highlight the
highlighting information from their papers. They will important information and write it down on
then discuss what the most important things are and the large sheet.
write them on the large sheet.

15 minutes ● Students will merge with another table to teach each ● Remind the students what they are going to
other to teach. be doing and have them switch tables to
teach the other group.
● Each table gets 7 minutes.


● Large sheet of paper. Printouts on the beyman/voyageurs.

Assessment Tasks: Evidence:
● Students will discuss it as table groups before ● As a table they will understand the content as a
sharing with class. group to aid them in their next assignment.


Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005)

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