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ELP Level 5 Study Guide #3

Period: Week 16 -May 11 – 15th (Deadline to upload this evidence document: May: 14th)

NAME: ________________________________________________

Session One: 50 minutes

SLO #1: Identify main ideas, details, purpose, and

audience in written and spoken texts

Activity 1: (Introductory Activity)


1. Watch the video 24 Hours of Reality: Field

Report - India's Barefoot College on the following link:
v=fuqWucWSh-E and answer the following questions:
a) According to Bunker Roy, how is this village different from the others he has visited?
According to Bunker Roy the village is one of the remotest villages he had visited.
b) What is the purpose of Barefoot College?
The purpose of Barefoot college is to help poor rural communities to get over their
difficulties in terms of energy and water and to overcome underdevelopment.
c) How does this project work?
The Barefoot college recruit women from rural villages and for six moth they are trained
to learnt about solar lamps.
d) How often a new group of women are trained?
A new group of women are trained every year.
e) What is the reason the program only train women?
The program only train women because they try to empower her.
f) Which degree do they obtain at the end of their training?
The university doesn’t offer diplomas, that is , there are no degrees.
g) Bunker Roy mentioned the main principles or philosophies of the Barefoot College, which
are these?
1. Trust in the knowledge of those at the bottom of the pyramid
2. Make use of the latest and green innovations to assure sustainable development.
3. Decentralize technology and bring it to very poor people.
h) When was the Barefoot College created?
The Barefoot was created in 1972.
i) What does the model applied by Barefoot College consist on?

Consist of demonstrating that renewables are reducing poverty and expanding energy.

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