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Rubrics for Written Activity/Essay

Task Description:
Criteria Weight Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning T
4 3 2 1 O
YES YES,but NO,but NO T
Organization 15% Good organization; points are Organized; points are Some organization;points Poorly organized; no logical A
logically ordered; sharp sense of some what jumpy; sense jump around;beginning and progression;beginning and L
beginning and end of beginning and ending ending are unclear ending are vague
Quality of 40% Supporting detail specific to Some details are Details are some what Unable to find specific
information subject non-supporting to the not support the details
subject topic
Grammar, 25% No errors Only one or two errors More than two errors Numerous errors distract
Usage, from understanding
Interest level 10% Vocabulary is varied; Vocabulary is varied; Vocabulary is Basic vocabulary; needs
supporting details vivid supporting details is unimaginative; details lack descriptive words
useful “color”
Neatness 10% Legible writing; clean; no Legible writing; well Legible writing,some ill Illegible writing; numerous
erasures formed characters; with formed letters,more than erasures
one erasure two erasures
Total 100%
CdI Form 0011

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