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Strengths Weaknesses

1. Hygienic food made with 1. We’re new to the market.

good quality products. 2. Lack of employees.
2. Accessible prices and 3. Small premises for
offers on our products. customer demand.
3. Products with a unique 4. We don't have any
taste and the purest
experience in the
aroma of coffee.
4. We have home delivery
5. Little use of
5. Customer satisfaction.

Opportunities Threats
1. Suppliers according to 1. Competition with other
our company. companies with the same
2. Use of social networks. idea.
3. Expansion of our 2. The COVID-19 pandemic.
facilities. 3. Changes in people's
4. Innovate with new tastes.
products. 4. Insecurity.
5. Everyone wants to buy 5. Tax increases and vendor
something sweet. rate hikes.

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