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Name : Munifah Syamara

NIM : P3.

Class : Ners tk. 2

Scenario About Orogastric Tube Insertion and Feeding Procedure

A nursing student will perfom an orogastric tube insertion and feeding procedure in a NICU
room. The nursing student carries out informed concernt to the baby's mother

N : Good afternoon Mrs Darma

P : Good afternoon Ners Ara

N : How does you feel this afternoon?

P : I worry about my baby ners, how is the condition?

N : Right, curently your baby has weack suction reflex. So we must put an orogastric tube
to help your baby to get feeded. Orogastric tube is a tube that is inserted through the
mouth to the baby's stomach. breastfeeding is done by pouring breast milk through the
tube. Before we do the procedure, there is an informed consent that you must know and
agree with. You could read it first

P : Okay. I understand about this procedure. I signed

N : Thank you Mrs Darma. You could come in to see the procedure

P : Right

In NICU room

N : I have prepared the equipment. First i would measure the length of the tube. measuring
the distance from the bridge of the nose to the earlobe and then onto the infant's
abdomen. Gently through the mouth once the required length is inserted. Then i will
make sure the tube is in the right posisition. After it, we can feed the baby with pouring
the milk into the tube, we will wait until the milk goes down by itself. Last cap the end of
the gastric tube after giving feeds
P : Is it all done?
N : Yes Mrs Darma its done. Two hours latter your baby would be given feed again. Is
there anything you want to ask?
P : I guess nothing Ners Ara
N : Alright then i would come two hours letter by now. If there is anythig i could do, you
can call me
P : Thankyou Ners Ara
N : Your welcome Mrs Darma

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