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AP Biology Unit 3: Energy and Metabolism Cheat Sheet

by hlewsey via

Mitoch​ondria Citric Acid/Krebs Cycle ETC/Ox​idative


Glycolysis substr​ate​-level phosphorylation

ATP+pyruvate chemio​smosis= energy​-co​upling mechanism
pyruva​te+​coe​nzyme A  acetyl CoA using potential energy in H+ gradient;
2 ATP + 1 Glucose  2 pyretic acid + 4 products=3 NADH, 1 ATP, 1 FADH, CO₂ phosph​ory​lates ADP  ATP
ATP oxygen​=final hydrogen acceptor

Substrate level phosphorylation ATP Cyclic Photop​hos​pho​ryl​ation

PFK=al​los​teric enzyme inhibited by ATP Fermen​tation

facult​ative tolerate, but do not use, O₂

Chloro​plasts anaerobes

Parts: outer/​inner membranes, interm​embrane obligate cannot live in an enviro​nment

space, thylakoid membra​ne/​space, storm anaerobes w/O₂

Chloro​phyll a/b=absorb red/bl​ue/​violet alcohol converts pyruvate into ethyl

Carote​noi​ds=​absorb blue/g​ree​n/v​iolet fermen​tatio alcoho​l+CO₂ & oxidizes NADH to
Cycles electrons from P680 ETC P700 
n NAD+
primary electron acceptor  cytochrome
Noncyclic Photop​hos​pho​ryl​ation complex (ETC) lactic acid reduces pyruvate into lactic acid
fermen​tatio (lactate) & oxidizes NADH to

Photor​esp​ira​tion, C-4, & CAM n NAD+

Photor​ rubisco binds with O₂ instead of CO₂;

Calvin Cycle
esp​irat‐ produces no ATP or sugar

C-4 use alternate C-fixation (PEP

Photos​ystem II (P680) Photolysis ETC  plants carbox​ylase) that ends in a 4C
Chemiosmosis NADP  Photosystem I compound (occurs in mesophyll &
(P700) bundle sheath cells)

CAM carbon fixation to organic acids at

plants night light reactions release CO₂ in
the day

By hlewsey Published 7th May, 2017. Sponsored by Last updated 28th April, 2017. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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