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Nama : Doni Setiawan Sinaga Nilai :

NIM : 2191121001
Prodi/ Fakultas : English Education class A Paraf Dosen:
Kelas : Reguler/ Ekstensi
Hari/ Tanggal LANGUAGE STUDIES Waktu : 10’
3 march
Materi: Historical Linguistics

Indikator Capaian: Dapat mendeskripsikan, mengelaborasi, menyusun dan merekayasa ide kajian
linguistics serta mempresentasikan secara mandiri

1. Deskripsikan historical linguistics minimal menurut dua ahli
2. Simpulkan hystorical linguistis berdasarkan jawaban soal no.1
3. Tuliskan contoh data dari hystorical liguistics

1. 1.Monica Crabtree & Joyce Powers (1994), Historical linguistics or Diachronic linguistics, the
study of language change.
2. Menurut Robins (1975),Historical linguistics included in the field of linguistic studies has a
very important role in making a valuable contribution to the understanding of the nature of
language work and the development (change) of languages in the world. In this connection, the
main task of comparative linguistics is to analyze and explain the nature of language change.
3. Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) adalah bapak Linguistik Modern yang mengarang Course
de Linguistics Generale, Historical linguistics is Language can be analyzed synchronically, that is
examined based on the time period of its use in a particular era, and also diachronically that is
research on a language that is examined from the history of its use until the present.
4. Alwasilah (in Suhardi, 2013: 17) explains the notion of comparative linguistics as a study or
study of languages which includes the comparison of cognate languages or the historical
development of a language.
5..According to Keraf (1948: 22) says Historical Comparative Linguistics (Comparative Historical
Linguistics) is a branch of linguistics that questions language in the field of time and changes in
language elements that occur in the field of time.

2. According definition by experts about definition Historical Linguistics, The write can conclude
the definition of historical linguistics with mya opinion historical linguistics is one branch of
linguistics that compares cognate languages and studies language development from one period to
another and observes how languages change and find out the causes of language changes.

3. Sundanese is used throughout West Java, Sundanese also experiences differences between one
region and another, for example Sundanese Bandung is different from Sundanese Banten seen
from its dialect, some of its vocabulary and others. Sundanese is indeed still very widely used by
the people, but it is undeniable that the erosion of language also has a slightly disturbing effect in
Sundanese, as mentioned above, social factors also add to the factors that have been described.
The association of young people who adheres to slank language greatly underestimates the local
language, because for them when they use regional languages, they are said to be tacky, tacky and
not slang. Young souls are still unstable, causing many of these young people to switch from local
languages to slank languages.
Sundanese and Betawi languages have a kinship in their language. Example of the word Tuman.
In the Betawi language: "et dah lo tuman really really become a person, semaunye aje food your
people try it." (You really are a habit, so all of the food that you taste).
In Sundanese: "ah urang mah moal is blaming maneh, maneh mah tuman jelemana and it is
difficult to overcome." (Ah, I don't want to tell you, you're a habitual person who is hard to
In addition there are words such as split: ngabeulah (Sundanese), ngebelah (Betawi language),
smoke: haseup (Sundanese language), asep (Betawi language).
            In the example sentence above, the word Tuman has similarities between Betawi and
Sundanese, the similarity of words and their meanings. In the words Smoke and Belah also have
the same meaning but slightly different phoneme form.
            This confirms that the Betawi and Sundanese languages have kinship or cognate. This is
indeed undeniable because in ancient times Jakarta whose name was Sundanese coconut. Well in
ancient times, maybe a lot of people from Sunda were forced to work in Jakarta in the times of the
Company and they communicated in Sundanese, then for a long time experienced changes with
the Betawi language absorbing many languages from the times of the Company and the amount of
urbanization as time goes by . In addition, the Betawi language with Sundanese in the
Austronesian language scope does not rule out the possibility that there are several languages that
have similarities in their vocabulary, although in different morpheme forms.

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