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In reply to Richard Cline (Instructor)

Re: U1DF: The Art of Getting Things Done

by Nina Robinson - Saturday, 5 September 2020, 12:40 PM
      Putting myself in the shoes of a manager “the art of getting things done through the effort of
other people” would mean working as a team to me. 
      For an  example if you were running a restaurant it would be very hard to keep up with
everything such as prepping food, cooking food, serving, cleaning, and re-stalking if necessary
all by yourself.  As for working with multiple people that have different skills it can make things a
whole lot easier. Things would be done more efficiently, quicker, more precise, and overall give
the customers a better experience. Which is the important part to me so people will keep coming
back, and make up for a more successful business.
       Maybe it’s not a big business at all or it’s not your business your just help managing it.
Getting things done through the effort of other people could also mean just getting other people’s
insight and ideas. Letting other people see through and give their opinion on whatever your doing
can benefit your managing skills in the long run.
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In reply to Nina Robinson

Re: U1DF: The Art of Getting Things Done

by Francis Mloza - Saturday, 5 September 2020, 1:57 PM
I really appreciate your insight Nina on your picture of a manager like " just getting other people's
insight and ideas" as a way of boosting up your managing skills. This helps me as a manager not
just to look at planning,organizing,leading and controlling but also think beyond that.
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In reply to Nina Robinson

Re: U1DF: The Art of Getting Things Done

by Denise Campbell - Sunday, 6 September 2020, 10:44 AM
Very well said Nina, working as a team in a restaurant especially is very crucial because no one
person can run a restaurant especially if it’s a busy one, Now at the same time you have those
managers who believes that because of the title they possess means they’re a slave drivers and
I’ve been through that before, I was once a team member at KFC and this franchise was and still
is a busy one always packed with hungry folks, and most time my manager would just sit in her
office especially when things get overwhelming, she’d just sit and yell what we’re doing wrong,
why the line not moving, why why why? Without even trying to assist us, and I must say I’ve
learned a lot from her by observing her tactics, work ethics, her communication skills you name
it! So I say that to say this being a manager is like being a role model for someone of which it
really is .
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In reply to Nina Robinson

Re: U1DF: The Art of Getting Things Done

by Namusisi Scovia - Sunday, 6 September 2020, 3:51 PM
Yes this is true, with aresturant business the chain of work is big and wide, you need to have a
team to work with so as to achieve the basic goal of a successful restaurant business, I have
worked in one before and I came to witness all the benefits of teamwork.
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In reply to Nina Robinson

Re: U1DF: The Art of Getting Things Done

by Thomas Leke - Tuesday, 8 September 2020, 5:41 AM
Hi Nina,
I love your example on running a restaurant, we as managers, really need others to help with
ideas and man power inorder to successfuly run a business. If you can not manage your man
power, then you will not also be able to manage the busness, because managing a business,
start by managing the man power or employees.
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In reply to Nina Robinson

Re: U1DF: The Art of Getting Things Done

by Divine Falola - Tuesday, 8 September 2020, 6:55 AM
First of all, I want to start by saying, good job. your illustration was on point and your instance
quite matches with the statement which leaves your work with a high rating. But pardon me for
not quite catching up with your point on the part that you said a manager also has to let his/her
subordinate oversee or review his/her plan, I think the work of those subordinate is to follow the
guidelines stated to them by the manager. But through your illustration, my thought changed, and
I'm in support of your explanation. Good stuff
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In reply to Nina Robinson

Re: U1DF: The Art of Getting Things Done

by Antonio Dinkins - Wednesday, 9 September 2020, 8:26 PM
I love the examples that you gave in this post. As some older people used to tell me, "many
hands make light work", and working together, cohesively as a team allows a business to grow
and prosper. A manager should be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of each his/her team
members and be able to manage them so that they can complete the tasks presented to them
and perform at a high level.
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In reply to Nina Robinson

Re: U1DF: The Art of Getting Things Done

by Queenaisia Beamon - Wednesday, 9 September 2020, 9:24 PM
Hello Nina,
Yes, one person cannot do everything. It is necessary to have managers to look over the work in
specific areas. You also right getting input from the team can help things run smoother. to be
honest, can also help retain employees when they feel they can input ideas as well as feel
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