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José Ignacio Lizama Farías 4ºA

Hello, my name is Jose Ignacio. I’m 17 years old and I’m from San Bernardo.
My favorite activities are play retro videogames and draw comics. Also, I love
wolfs. And on the other hand I hate studying history, practice gymnastics and jellyfishes. 
Since I live in San Bernardo, the life isn’t quiet. There is delinquency, and the
people isn’t friendly. For this behaviors, we can do a lot of good actions. The following
actions will make us a good citizens.
First, we have to be respectful with each other, this is the main good action that I
apply for these situations. For example: Every time that I use the elevator, I give preference
for people with different conditions (wheelchairs, old people, pregnant). The second actions
is help to other people with their problems. The goodwill is very useful for make a nice
coexistence with the people. If someone ask me a favor, I can do it or I can’t do it.
Example: Help to my Grandmother to cross the street. The last action that we can do for be
a good citizen is have to keep clean the city. If we have a dirty city, the city will be ugly.
Example: If he throws a paper to the floor, he will dirtying it.
For this pandemic, our responsibility is comply with quarantine to protect ourselves.
For that, is necessary follow the authority’s instructions. The use of masks is required for
avoid the propagation, wash our hands frequently and comply with the meter of distance.
When I wake up, I always ask myself: Are we complying with the quarantine in San
Bernardo? In my opinion, we aren’t complying with quarantine because generally we are
too irresponsible with our awareness and health. If I was the Health Ministry, I would use
this three main steps for decrease the contagion level. The first step is block the region pass
for avoid the people who is going to different regions for take vacations. The second step is
to give to the citizens big food boxes every month because the food trucks won’t pass the
region block. And finally give economic support for all country. All people need support in
this pandemic process.
In conclusion, if we want to defeat this pandemic, we have to stay at home. This
important action is the basic that we know, but the most part of the people don’t care about
this action, because generally we aren’t obedient people.

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