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System Design Document

For controlling the scarecrow, we will need a Raspberry Pi. It

will be required to control the scarecrow from different
places. The connections must be made such that the user
interface must be as simple as it can be. A motor along with
the Raspberry Pi will be required to move the scarecrow on
instructions by the sensors or user. A couple of leds will also
be required as the system will turn on the led under dark
clouds. In sunlight the scarecrow will move as an action to
the sensors input and under dark the led will burn. This will
protect the crop in both the situations. We will also require a
light monitoring device for this at it will help as in
determining whether it is dark or not. This will be an
important part of the system. Whether to run the motor or
led will depend on this. To check the fertility of soil we will
require a device like SoilCares. It will check the fertility of soil
and keep the updated record of it. The data will be useful in
determining the season, time, when the fertility is maximun.
This will help the farmers on deciding what to grow and also
when to grow, which crop to select according to the fertility
level of the soil.

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