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Read the text and in note form write down

a) four things teens usually use social media
I – Reading Comprehension for.
b) the effects of night-time social media use
The digital landscape has put increased pressure on on teens.
teenagers today, and we feel it. There are so many social
media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, 2. Complete the sentences according to the
Tumblr, you name it. I made a conscious decision to avoid text. (24p)
Snapchat and Instagram because of the social pressure I saw a) June kept away from a couple of social
them putting on my 14-year-old little sister. If my mum networks since …
turned off the WiFi at 11pm, my sister would beg me to turn b) June’s sister would ask June for her phone
my phone into a hotspot1. She always needed to load her when …
c) It is very important for her sister to reply to
Snapchat stories one more time, or to reply to a message
every message at night so that …
that had come in two minutes ago because she didn’t want
d) She would accuse June of messing up her
her friend to feel ignored. If I refused, saying she could social life whenever …
respond in the morning, I’d get the “You’re ruining my social e) For teens not being able to reply instantly
life” speech. Even as a teenager as well, I sometimes find this to a message …
craze a little baffling. f) Some teens are so obsessed with social
A new study has found that teenagers who engage with media that …
social media during the night could be damaging their sleep
and increasing their risk of anxiety and depression. 3. True or False? Quote from the text to
Teenagers spoke about the pressure they felt to make justify your answers. (18p)
themselves available 24/7 and the resulting anxiety if they a) June doesn’t understand her sister’s
did not respond immediately to texts or posts. Teens are so obsession with social media at times.
b) Teenagers feel pressured to be constantly
emotionally invested in social media that a fifth of secondary
school pupils will wake up at night and log on just to make
c) June simply hated it when she was unable
sure they don’t miss out. Perhaps the worst thing about this to log on for a week.
is that teenagers need more sleep than adults do, so night-
time social media use could be detrimental to their health. A 4. Identify the phrasal verb in the first
lack of sleep can make teenagers tired, irritable, and paragraph and explain its meaning. (6p)
During the summer holidays, I lost my phone. And for the 5. What do the following mean? (10p)
week that I was phoneless, it felt like a disaster. I love my a) 24/7
phone. It gives me quick access to information and allows b) FOMO
me to be constantly looped in with my friends, to know
6. Find the words in the text which mean the
exactly what is going on in their lives. So when I didn’t have same as (15p)
my phone for a week, I felt a slight sense of FOMO, or if a) greater than before (paragraph 1)
you’re not up to speed with the lingo, fear of missing out. By b) exaggerated enthusiasm (paragraph 1)
the end of the week, I’d got used to not having a phone and c) harmful (paragraph 2)
I’d quite enjoyed the break from social media. But there was d) easily annoyed (paragraph 2)
still a lingering sense of sadness at the back of my mind that e) connected with (paragraph 3)
there would be conversations I had missed, messages that
had been sent, funny videos shared and night-time chats 7. What do the underlined words in the text
that I would probably never get to see. refer to? (15p)
By June Eric Udorie a) we
in b) them
mental-health-teenagers-government-pshe-lessons c) that
d) this
  1 a place where a wireless Internet connection is available
e) their
II – Language Focus: Vocabulary & Grammar

A. Use the words below to complete the text. (16p)

Social networking sites encourage us to be more (a) about our personal lives. Because intimate details of our
lives can be (b) so easily, we often don’t use the (c) we might normally employ when talking about our private
lives. What's more, the things we post remain (d) indefinitely. While at one moment a photo of friends doing
shots at a party may seem (e), the image may appear less (f) in the context of an employer doing a
background check. While most sites allow their users to (g) who sees the things they've posted, such
limitations are often (h).

available ● control ● posted ● public ● forgotten ● harmless ● filters ● attractive

B. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice . Make any necessary changes. (16p)
a) A friend of mine has just sent you a friend’s request.
b) Social websites are causing some potential harm to society.
c) Students often use slang words on social networking sites.
d) Parents should check on their children when they use the Internet.

C. Complete the gaps to give it a future meaning. (10p)

– I’ve made up my mind. I (a. send) you a friend’s request on Facebook. Done!
– Nice. I (b. add) you in a minute. Do you know what? Tomorrow I (c. meet) someone I befriended on
Facebook. Will you come with me?
– I’m afraid I can’t. By this time tomorrow I (d. visit) my grandparents.

D. Rewrite the sentences with “I wish”. Make any necessary changes. (8p)
a) My best friend spends too much time on Facebook.
b) I am so addicted to social networks.

III - Writing

Using about 180 words, write an opinion text on the following. (50p)

Do social networking sites play an important role in your life?

1. a)
● chat (with friends) ● read messages ● reply to messages ● share stories / videos ● get access to information
● be / stay in contact with friends
1. b)
● lack of sleep ● (risk of) anxiety and depression / (health problems)
a) … they put too much (social) pressure on teens /she saw how much (social) pressure they put on her sister.
b) … their mother turned off the WIFI at night.
c) … her friends won’t/don’t feel ignored.
d) …June refused to lend her the phone/ to turn her phone into a hotspot.
e) … makes them feel anxious/nervous.
f) … they will wake up at night and log on.
a) T -(Even as a teenager as well,) I sometimes find this craze a little baffling.
b) T - Teenagers spoke about the pressure they felt to make themselves available 24/7 (and the resulting anxiety
if they did not respond immediately to texts or posts.)
c) F – (By the end of the week,) I’d got used to not having a phone and I’d quite enjoyed the break from social
Turn off – to switch off / to stop something from working
a) 24 hours a day / 7 days a week
b) fear of missing out
a) increased
b) craze
c) detrimental
d) irritable
e) looped in
a) teenagers b) Snapchat and Instagram c) a message d) pupils waking up at night and logging on e) June friends’
(a) public (b) posted (c) filters (d) available (e) harmless (f) attractive (g) control (h) forgotten
a) You have just been sent a friend’s request (by a friend of mine). / A friend’s request has just been sent to you
(by a friend of mine).
b) Some potential harm is being caused to society by social websites.
c) Slang words are often used (by students) on social networking sites.
d) (Their) children should be checked on (by their parents) when they use the Internet.
(a) am going to send (b) will add (c) am going to meet / I am meeting (d) will be visiting
a) I wish my best friend didn’t spend so much time on Facebook.
b) I wish I wasn’t/weren’t so addicted to social networks.

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